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Report a player - Member of ballas - GTA RP

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Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police

Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Genna Brinks
Reported Players: Member of ballas
Date: Sep 22, 2024
Time: 20:20
What best describes this incident: RDM
Please (in detail) describe the incident: I was in paleto chilling and having a laugh with a few lost members, After realising they were busy i decided to leave and come back later. The clip provided shows my journey back to the city.

When i got back i saw ballas and a car chase started. After disabling my car they wasted no time in gunning down my character.
I believe this to be RDM due to the fact there was no RP whatsoever provided.
I was completely surrounded and would have had no choice but to comply with demands, This could have led to some good roleplay...
Nevertheless my character was thrown in a boot and left there for close to an hour.

I would have understood "the shoot on sight" course of action they chose if there was an ongoing situation that i was unaware of, But there wasn't.

I also took issue with the zentorno cutting off a car travling 100mph as this is just not realistic, I was going to address this with them OOC and I did politely ask ballas if they could come and liase but i was met with a stern No.
Link(s) To Any Evidence:
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I'll respond on behalf of Ballas, there was prior RP that had happened when John W downed a Balla ( JP ) at the car auction.

and Its funny you mention "shoot on sight" because this was your gang on the 18th : https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/iHRAlXEsPFiJ-JDW5/d1337kblnaon?invite=cr-MSxyc3QsMTYyOTgzMDc5LA

Also this happened a couple days ago : https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/iIh8bMtYVzkpvhs2F/d1337wynVxR9?invite=cr-MSx2TTIsNDMzNDk0NzQs

And this happened today, for context we found a cutlass member in the clothing store and this random local car comes speeding down at full speed trying to run us over not wearing anything to tell us he is a cutlass member which I see as unrealistic driving and RVDM but hey ho.
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So I find it funny how you're crying about no RP being provided when cutlass have been doing the exact same. I know two wrongs don't make a right but you should think about improving your standards before coming straight to forums crying about others #DoubleStandards
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I feel as if a lot of these things you're concerened about could easily be solved by liasing, Something that you have shown and obvious disinterest in doing...
But what you're basically telling me is, Rather then dealing with things in an appropriate way you've decided to take matters into your own hands and make RP generally unfun for us by breaking rules?
I feel as if a lot of these things you're concerened about could easily be solved by liasing, Something that you have shown and obvious disinterest in doing...
Since the first day of this "beef" cutlass have non stop been breaking rules, we shouldn't have to call you to liaison over the most basic rules like RDM, NVL etc... when a lot of your members have been on the server for quite a while now.

This is from the first day where cutlass just open fire on Ballas members :
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This is also from the first day which I believe is Brinks and Rico, I'm not the smartest guy in the room but 2 people trying to take on 8. These odds ain't the best but hey ho :
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You like to mention what RP could've come from the situation you've reported when this situation (Above) is the exact same if you actually valued your life and hoped out the car with your hands up.

Would also like to add I think you should pass on this on to your members to have a read through because the simple thing of wearing your gangs clothing or using your gang colour on your cars cant be followed when fighting so this is classed as RDM as seen from this report : https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/report-a-player-hustler-member-gta-rp.421768/ .
But what you're basically telling me is, Rather then dealing with things in an appropriate way you've decided to take matters into your own hands and make RP generally unfun for us by breaking rules?
Fighting people who are not wearing their official gang clothing or using a car colour that represents your gang isn't fun. #DoubleStandards

Adding on to not wearing gang clothes etc, this is you fighting while completely unidentifiable to Ballas members that you're a cutlass member wearing black and red clothes : https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/iH2GoxVP5fSTfaNjg/d1337eBkyHvb?invite=cr-MSxWMzcsMTIyOTIxOTg5LA . And in this case we are trying to check a ORANGE gp1 and then a BLACK and RED Jester open fire on Ballas as you can see here.
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and to follow on from this same fight you can see we are fighting a RED vagner and a BLACK and GOLD vagner and in the same fight someone was driving a GREY gb200 .
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I'd like to point out that since day one of this "beef" cutlass have broken a rule nearly every single day by "shooting on sight" and reporting people to get a win OOC on a server that is in the worse state its been in with player count in the 3+ years since I've been playing isn't something we want to do.
Can we stick to the report? There's no need to be throwing cherry picked clips into the mix. Again, All these things could have easily been explained via liason.

I could sit here and debunk all of your claims if need be, But I'm not going to because thats not why we are here. Lets not turn this into a big shit show and lets keep the points concise so staff don't get a head ache dealing with it.
Good evening everyone!

Give me a few to look over all the information in this report but there's a few questions that need answerings.

Are you able to give us your side of the story as to what happened during the events of the 22nd?

There has been a prior event on the 18th where Cutlass had engaged Ballas, would you be able to provide us a rundown from Cutlass's POV about this?
On the 18th one of our members misclicked, Hence why only a single shot can be heard.
Here is a clip showing this: https://streamable.com/zd3z9w

Like i said previously, A lot of their concern could be solved by hatching things about like adults. Not by taking actions into their own hands.
@Brinks Is there a longer version? 10 seconds shows nothing of value to give context for the above Jesse has asked for.
Are you able to give us your side of the story as to what happened during the events of the 22nd?
As I said in my first reply John W downed a Ballas member prior to us killing brinks which logs will show, so we went out looking to find them. Not sure how much time passed to when we spotted brinks in his car and also the same car he has been using since this "Beef" started, so we took chase. In an effort to disable the car we shot tyres.
@Brinks Is there a longer version? 10 seconds shows nothing of value to give context for the above Jesse has asked for.
@Stuart Unfortunatly no, However the clip provided shows the misclick. There isn't really any more context that can be added.

In regards to MrBullbags concern with "shoot on sight".
we saw them, someone misclicked and hit the railing. that was the end of it... There was 3 of us on the roof and there was ample time to continue an attack, However it was an accident. There has been no shoot on sight.

Futhermore... If we were to have broken a rule on the 18th would that excuse them to break a rule in retaliation?

I believe around 30 minutes or so had past since the balla and john wittenberry's altercation. A significant amount of time in not only my opinion but also Scott's as shown in this report: https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/report-a-player-cutlass-gta-rp.423954/#post-2478116
In regards to MrBullbags concern with "shoot on sight".
we saw them, someone misclicked and hit the railing. that was the end of it... There was 3 of us on the roof and there was ample time to continue an attack, However it was an accident. There has been no shoot on sight.

"There has been no shoot on sight"

Can you give context to these two times because to me its seems very clear that cutlass have been "Shooting on sight" against Ballas members: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/iIh8bMtYVzkpvhs2F?invite=cr-MSxsMXIsLEZPUl9ZT1U

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"There has been no shoot on sight"

Can you give context to these two times because to me its seems very clear that cutlass have been "Shooting on sight" against Ballas members: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/iIh8bMtYVzkpvhs2F?invite=cr-MSxsMXIsLEZPUl9ZT1U

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You should be more spacially aware if that attack suprised you, You never know who you're slappin it on ;).
But yeah, That brings me back to what i've said multiple times now. All of this could have been explained by liasing.
Good day @Brinks & @Mrbullbag,

Before we proceed further, there is still a chance to liaise if you wish to.
Would you be interrested in having a liaison with staff present?
@Jesse not really sure if there is anything worth talking about tbh. I'm not going to waste my time talking to a hypocrite. #DoubleStandards
I'm not going to waste my time talking to a hypocrite. #DoubleStandards

Commentary like this is not needed, nor wanted. Please avoid this in future, or you'll be forum restricted.
Hello @Mrbullbag & @Brinks ,

Let's dig into this report then shall we!

On the 22nd of September at 19:49 a member of Cutlass decided to whack a member of Ballas into the hospital by means of a baseball bat. Here after Ballas went to look for members of Cutlass for vengeance which was exacted when Ballas found Genna Brinks around 20:12.
Provided there has been some sort of beef between Cutlass and Ballas that has played out for a fair bit already according to our logs and replies on this report, it may have been a good idea for said Cutlass member to make Cutlass aware that he was going to attack Ballas at the car auction but it seems he didn't and that got Cutlass in trouble because of this.

However, because there is a significant time-gap in-between the downing of the party at the car auction vs the shooting of Genna Brinks there should have been quality roleplay between Ballas and Cutlass before turning their car + Genna into a swiss cheese.

Now moving on with the 10 second clips and video's that either side is claiming other parties have broken rules in, you know better.
Either you report/liaise with the relevant people when these rulebreaks happen or leave you it.

As Stuart already mentioned, 10 second clips are not sufficient enough to provide any context to roleplay stories on reports which ultimately means we will not include them in the outcome of a report.
In addition @Bonzi already replied to this however i still want to highlight that we do not want to see people making toxic remarks on reports.
This is an OOC environment and thus we ask you to remain civil & constructive on reports.

Action taken:
Char ID 103481 - G1.2 - 1 Day ban in accordance with the fair ban system
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