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Report a player - Mazza - GTA RP


Well-known member

Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Genna Brinks
Reported Players: Mazza
Date: Sep 10, 2024
Time: 21:00
What best describes this incident: C2.2
Please (in detail) describe the incident: I was waiting around Paleto Bay hospital whilst CutLost had a meeting. Out of no where I heard several vehicles circling my location so i hid in a bush, they come running straight towards me whilst asking each other "where has he gone".
Shortly after this mazza can be seen running near me tapping his /carry bind.
I spoke to him in QE about this and he did explain his side - so fair play to him for that. however i cant help but think it seemed dodgy.
comparatively speaking this reminds me of exploiting the sessionheads feature.

I did ask him for a clip and he did provide one, However it didn't capture the part that i had an issue with.
Link(s) To Any Evidence:
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As you said we had a chat in QE and I explained pretty simply my side of things which Isak was present for and to make it clear again we KNEW you was in the bush, which we shouldn't of known assessing it after the fact. The means of knowing you was in the bush was obviously not our fault which is also shown in my clip (the bushes are not rendered in our POV which means we see you standing next to wall in the open.) Someone from our side said you was no longer there, and while trying to work out if someone had seen you go into the bush or if you was standing there the whole time was extremely important because if someone had seen you go in then we could continue to roleplay however while this conversation is going on I run to the bush to /carry as I said before in the liaison I done it as to see if the person in the bush would communicate (still not knowing if you was seen running into it) and also part of me didn't know if you logged out which I should have used /sessionheads for and I admit that. You didn't communicate and so we left it at that. The question was then answered that you wasn't seen going into the bush meaning we shouldn't of known you was there and we left you alone to continue our hunt for Cutlass members we believed to be in Paleto.

My question I would like to put forward is why the report? We spoke in QE, I explained everything clearly and simply that we knew you was there which you see in the clip that I sent you, I didn't use the /carry feature to know if you was there or not, or gain an advantage, and then you was left alone and you continued your roleplay as normal? This situation didn't affect roleplay at all or the quality of roleplay that was given (no RP came from this), which is why I think this report seems very petty and like your clutching at straws if I'm honest. I would completely understand if I didn't provide you with a clip or you was actually in the bush in my clip but after seeing the clip and still choosing to report it makes me wonder if you use the forums for honest reports where you believe someone has broken a rule or you're using it just to chuck everything up and hope something sticks.

In QE you also only seemed to be interested if I had a clip to provide and no issues with how the roleplay actually went or how it was affected and you've said above that you was only interested in the one bit where I /carry which I didn't have but I'm not understanding how this would of made a difference as you clearly have it in your clip. More interested in getting your "solid" evidence from the source to put in your report rather than the outcome and the effect it had on your roleplay situation I guess.

Also would like to point out one last thing and that's if this was such a big issue how comes it's taken 24 hours to post the report even after me showing you footage of us clearly seeing you, which would make it impossible for me to use /carry as an advantage as I saw you standing there whether I should of been able to see you or not. As said before I see this as a chuck it up and hope it sticks in my humble opinion. My clip is provided below.

Hello @Mazza ,

I think I might be blind or something, Can you point out where you see him in your clip?

Do you have a longer clip?
Hello @OneShot hope you are well,

I will attach a screenshot below to show where I see him and also a timestamp for you to look at on the clip. As I said to Brinks in QE the reason the clip ends there is because that's the moment I realised the bush didn't originally render in so I just hit my clip button knowing at least 1 of us had a POV of us seeing him if anything come from it. The clip I had was only 2 minutes and it ended where the one I posted ended. The 1 minute 25 secs before was just us floating around the hospital area until 1 of the others spotted Brinks and called it in on radio which is where my clip starts.

The person in the Zentorno is the one who originally spotted him and was saying something like "there's someone behind the house" which is why when we pull up I look right to try and spot him and then the Zentorno says "directly behind my car" which is where I turn my camera left and see him standing at the wall. You can see this @ 00:10 - 00:18 in the clip.

Screenshot is below.
