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Report a player - Marabunta (Dont know who) - GTA RP

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Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Vincent gambino

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Marabunta (Dont know who)

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 01/08/23

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2315

What best describes this incident ?: RDM / maybe meta gaming

Please (in detail) describe the incident: i had kidnaped a member of marabunta(charlie brown) and i had took him down to the scrap yard. we was there for about 15ish mins and no one knew we was at the location. Then one mara member came on a bike and with no communication or any sort of interaction proceeded to start shooting at me and the other cutlass members. Mind there was no proof we was in cutlass as none of the members at the situation was in colour on any vehicles in colour. so even if he was allowed to shoot if he confirmed cutlass had Charlie in zips we weren't. Witch is why i personally thought it was worth putting up a report so a member off the staff team could decide on the matter of hand. That's for why i believe it to be rdm. With the other part of the report I believe it to be meta gaming on the fact we was there for around 15 mins i ensured no one was following me when i went in to the scrap yard Yet somehow they pulled up and its not exactly a common place. I personally believe theses are 2 violations of rules but imp not exactly sure so i wanted a staffs matter on the perspective

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

Hi @JosephConway, I am the one on the bike who found a fellow marabunta member. 

 I would like to ask for the clip of you kidnapping Charlie Brown and me seeing that you had if you could.

I would like to start off by saying there was not meta involved and that can be proved by clips if needed.


At around About 22:30 me and another marabunta member were going back towards the shop when I saw someone get put in a taxi from turf. This then led to me trying to chase in a blue jester but gave up because I couldn't find the taxi. I then proceeded to radio if Charlie was still around because I knew he was on turf at the time of the taxi being there. No answer ended in 9 man searching the whole city for 25-30 mins.

I myself checked dodgies until I went back towards the city checking every taxi in sight. Once I got to triads I thought why not check a pretty common place used for taking people. So I Said over radio "I'm gonna check scrapyard". Once I got there I checked every corner and then checked the last corner. To my surprise the taxi My mate who got kidnapped and three people there. I was so shocked I was idle for a few seconds before shooting. I only shot because of the knife held to my friend and the fact that he was in zip ties so I don't get why this would be RDM. The reason to it not being RDM is because you lot have initiated by holding a knife at my fellow member + me shooting wasn't random at all.

The link to the video of me saying ill check scrapyard:https://youtu.be/cFjNZcQ3QhE

Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Vincent gambino

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Marabunta (Dont know who)

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 01/08/23

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2315

What best describes this incident ?: RDM / maybe meta gaming

Please (in detail) describe the incident: i had kidnaped a member of marabunta(charlie brown) and i had took him down to the scrap yard. we was there for about 15ish mins and no one knew we was at the location. Then one mara member came on a bike and with no communication or any sort of interaction proceeded to start shooting at me and the other cutlass members. Mind there was no proof we was in cutlass as none of the members at the situation was in colour on any vehicles in colour. so even if he was allowed to shoot if he confirmed cutlass had Charlie in zips we weren't. Witch is why i personally thought it was worth putting up a report so a member off the staff team could decide on the matter of hand. That's for why i believe it to be rdm. With the other part of the report I believe it to be meta gaming on the fact we was there for around 15 mins i ensured no one was following me when i went in to the scrap yard Yet somehow they pulled up and its not exactly a common place. I personally believe theses are 2 violations of rules but imp not exactly sure so i wanted a staffs matter on the perspective

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes
You've sent a minute clip of a 30-minute search from someone else's perspective. I would to see a clip of you checking the city as thoroughly as you claim, in your words "I checked every corner and then checked the last corner" in regards to the scrapyard.

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


Good evening @teijin_  @JosephConway

@teijin_Could you please provide your full clip of the situation as you have stated you can provide clips 🙂

Hi @Siren, Thanks for taking the time to reply.

Clip Of Charlie Brown getting taken:https://youtu.be/kAhRrXWnIBk

Clip Of Me Searching For Charlie Brown And finding:https://youtu.be/Q4_vDR76FyA

In the video Everyone who was searching The whole of the city were coming back from sandy/Paleto. As you can see in the clip I am driving from the dodgy I checked back towards the city checking every taxi in sight.

As I got to the scrapyard I really did not expect anyone to be there but I had a hunch that it was used due to it being a common place where multiple gangs take people to interrogate. This obviously led to me finding my mate who was in zip ties and he had a knife to him so I shot.

My Voice could not be heard in the medal clips because of the fact I got a new headset a few days before this so I didn't have the chance to set my mic up on medal. But from the clip of Isak's POV you can hear me saying I'm going to check scrapyard.

Also Borris a marabunta member was streaming at the time But I'm going to have to wait for him to come back to provide his POV.

Good evening @teijin_  @JosephConway.

After reviewing the footage you have provided @teijin_ I am satisfied that no metagaming has taken place here. Now as for the claims of RDM, I can see both sides here. @JosephConwayyou are completely unidentifiable as cutlass and you have grabbed a marabunta off of their turf and taken him hostage for some roleplay, someone completely unidentifiable as being a part of the situation pulls us up on a bike and starts shooting at you with no roleplay. On @teijin_'s pov, he pulls up, sees you with his gang member and immediately radios in and begins shooting. Now the issue I have here is the fact @teijin_is not identifiable as marabunta, had you had any colours on or made it known who you were to these individuals before shooting then I would say fair game HOWEVER you failed to do this I understand situations like this are high adrenaline and it was probably just your first reaction to shoot. You shooting them certaintly wasnt RANDOM, you had roleplay reason to do what you did, however there was no roleplay with these individuals. What you SHOULD have done was make yourself identifiable as Marabunta in some way, whether that have been by your mask, shirt, colours etc OR rolling up a bit closer and saying something along the lines of "Leave my boy the fuck alone". You could have also approached the situation completely differently by waiting for backup to arrive and ambushing the guys and getting them into zipties and tortured them or taken them somewhere for some roleplay as to figure out exactly who they were and why they were kidnapping one of your members. Remember as a ROLEPLAY community it is important to prioritise ROLEPLAY over GUNPLAY, obviously when the situation warrants shooting it warrants shooting.. I am going to issue you with a warning for RDM today as opposed to a ban however for future roleplay scenarios please take my advice on board, try and make it fun for both sides.


Character ID : 81097

Rules : G1.2

Action : Warning

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Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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