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Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Frank Mcnibbles
Reported Players: Mara
Date: Feb 8, 2025
Time: 17:00
What best describes this incident: RDM G2.4
Please (in detail) describe the incident: I was bopping about with my fellow cutlass members, when my car was struck by a local so i hopped out to repair. I was pulled up on by a Marabunta in a blue issi sport (the offender). When pulled up on, i was told to put my hands up, which i did so, and without hesitation the marabunta member proceeded to pepper me with bullets, which was confusing when i complied with demands. Attached are links to my POV (only a minute) and another POV showing the lead-up of 3+ minutes to prove the RDM. Personally, i would hope for much better RP from a whitelisted gang, and this behaviour seems very common when fighting with Mara. As per agreed war rules, this fight was also initiated in the agreed 'no fight zone', another war rule that has been broken. Just boring and repetitive and decided to take this to forums.
I understand the POV leading up is not mine, but we are together for majority and as you can hear on radio and from my clip too, there is nothing said/done/seen prior to this interaction.
Link(s) To Any Evidence:
Your Character Name: Frank Mcnibbles
Reported Players: Mara
Date: Feb 8, 2025
Time: 17:00
What best describes this incident: RDM G2.4
Please (in detail) describe the incident: I was bopping about with my fellow cutlass members, when my car was struck by a local so i hopped out to repair. I was pulled up on by a Marabunta in a blue issi sport (the offender). When pulled up on, i was told to put my hands up, which i did so, and without hesitation the marabunta member proceeded to pepper me with bullets, which was confusing when i complied with demands. Attached are links to my POV (only a minute) and another POV showing the lead-up of 3+ minutes to prove the RDM. Personally, i would hope for much better RP from a whitelisted gang, and this behaviour seems very common when fighting with Mara. As per agreed war rules, this fight was also initiated in the agreed 'no fight zone', another war rule that has been broken. Just boring and repetitive and decided to take this to forums.
I understand the POV leading up is not mine, but we are together for majority and as you can hear on radio and from my clip too, there is nothing said/done/seen prior to this interaction.
Link(s) To Any Evidence: