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Report a Player - MakkaPakka Sintians Group - Poor/Low Quality RP

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Your In-game name

Alex R. Jones

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

MakkaPakka Sintians Group

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

As i just finished selling Potatoes at the market, multiple Members of AFM had recieved a alarm message that someone was trying to break the doorlocks to gain access to our Headquarters. Members started mobilzing and allies have been notified about the issue happening. I told them that I was going to investigate the situation, and try and neutralize the problem peacefully. The Police have been also notified about the breakin and were on their way to give assistance. So I head to base using a Hummingbird, finally arriving only to see multiple bandits set up around the base and tower.
As I started to land at the base, I recieved 1 gunshot towards my aircraft. I manage to land and head towards the front base, but noone was in the front but heard voices little further away unknown of exact position. So I unlocked the front door to get into my building to figure out whats going on? then I close the door behind me to make sure noone would surprise me from the rear.
As I started going through the hallway, I noticed and heard someone being very hostile towards me as I was trying to defuse the situation. I had asked him to stop trying to break into my property and he failed to comply.

I then heard the cops who were in the front of the building, and I went straight to the front to let them in to deal with this violent criminal. He started to intiate right away that if anything happens that you will : BE SHOT !!!! I was very shocked to hear this type of RP, and I was disgusted to experience this type of RPing on RPUK servers.

As a ADMIN myself am very strict and have zero tolerance on players/groups stirring to much trouble in the community. To many player complaints from the civilan and police side are verbally being stated, but I have finally experience it myself at my own Property.
About 11 minutes of Video evidence has been added, I have also spoken to sintians via teamspeak messages to notify them on the terrible incident that I and other player had experienced. And I decided to let a neutral ADMIN witness and give feedback on this issue.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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Well as i guess as i was involved (even though im not in sintians and not getting reported) i will reply showing my point of view and my opinion on this incident. I was sitting pretty far away sniping and listening, then everyone starts saying that makka had been tazed and 3 seconds after he had been tazed cops started pushing the DMT. Bear in mind makka had told the cops that if he got tazed his friends would open fire, and simon had already spoken to one of the cops who had been trying to go up the tower earlier, warning him not go go up there. So when the gunfight started and the cops started pushing the tower, obviously knowing that this was a gunfight, as seen in my video. I chose to open fire after 30 seconds.

Now for my opinon on the situation, I honestly dont think it was very well handled by either side. Yeah makka used a scary lethal initiation directly but that was to make sure the cops knew that if THEY did try something we would retaliate. After this the cops could have easily just gotten to roleplaying with makka, negotiating with him or what not as the initiation only was to make sure he wouldnt get tazed instantly so that they could roleplay. But instead the cops started saying childish things like "swinging bait" (which is a way of saying in game that he thought that we were baiting, i guess they didnt see that makka had a pistol in his holster,  which if he would have pulled out he would have been insta shot and we would have gotten the same outcome) and spitting on him (not really high quality RP). In all honestly i kinda feel bad for makka having all these people run up to him swearing at him and spitting on him (which is fine rule wise, just a bit mean).

The roleplay could have easily continued after makka said that if anything happent to him, as that was only meant as a way not to get insta tazed and as a way to protect him. But the cops CHOSE themselfs not to make the roleplay anything more than what happent which is truly a shame. Isnt that was this server is about making opportunities for roleplay? And what in my mind is poor quality roleplay is shuting out any further way of roleplaying, which didnt happen here as roleplay between the cops and makka couldve easily continued, but instead we got cops saying that we were baiting in game and not really TRYING to provide any further roleplay. It was the cops CHOICE to taze him instead of roleplaying with him.

Inbetween the time that makka got tazed and i fired the first shot from our side was 30 SECONDS that i gave them, they couldve said anything to us to try and roleplay, but instead they chose the gunfight.

Disclaimer: The next paragraph is only a theory i dont really know what they were thinking, its just what it looked like in my eyes after 3 years of experience dealing with cops on this server. If im completly wrong then i will gladly accept that.

The cops clearly knew what they were getting into when they tazed makka as the second they tazed him they started pushing the tower. Almost like they wanted to come in and frag us all using the fact that makka initiated to protect himself to get the gunfight started instead of continuing to roleplay with him, which they easily couldve done. It was a two way choice, continuing to roleplay with makka, or taze him and start the gunfight, they chose the latter.Im not accusing anyone of anything, just stating what my experience made it look like.

I will not get into the fact that you KNOWINGLY opened the door while makka was boltcutting in which canceled the break in. And then someone (dont know if it was you but it was someone in your gang) locked the door afterwards which is exploiting. Im sure someone else will get into that.

EDIT: I just saw in your own video that after the cops tazed makka you locked the door yourself after opening the door to stop makka from boltcutting, which is indeed exploiting. See 4:28 in your own video.

Video of when the gunfight started: https://plays.tv/video/5c6064bb7b2da4e83e/ruthless-gunfight-start

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Putting 1 comment on here as you can see myself interact with the reported party and was just as unhappy with their roleplay. 

After the door is opened and at first contact, every single police officer is being kind and non hostile to the man breaking the door. Before I can finish my sentence asking how he is he threatens me as an unarmed hobo. Gave 0 RP straight to threats. As you can see in the video all of his friends that have gear shot us yet the send the unarmed hobo to break in and initiate. The guy didn't give us an opportunity to begin roleplaying clearly wanted the gunfight. 

In my eyes, the reported party is in the wrong and didn't provide any roleplay.

As simon ross is currently unable to reply for some reason i will reply for him:

Here is the perspective from the DMT tower and the cops being told not to go to the second platform which they did directly after tazing makka and at that point we opened fire, aswell as the following roleplay between simon and the cop below, also a second view of info locking the door to the gang base.

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As for shepards reply, makka was not unarmed, he had a gun in his hoster as you can see but chose not to pull it out because that would've started a gunfight instantly. Please tell me that if he would have pulled his pistol after you forced him away from the door by opening it on him, that wouldnt have escalated the situation and started a gunfight even faster?

EDIT: After looking through your own video again, werent you going to do the same thing that makka did but got interrupted?

From the video: Ruthless: get away from my door i have a lot of people on their way if you fail to comply...
Makka: you have a lot of people? [unintelligable for 6 seconds]
Ruthless: [speaking over Wizz] dont report me, dont repeat after me
Makka: i'll tell you right now that if anything happens to me you're all gonna be shot and im not gonna step away [he continues to speak as you run away]

Seems to me that you were about to initiate on him right away but i could be wrong, i guess we will never know. Just seems a bit hypocritical if that were the case.

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After the door is opened and at first contact, every single police officer is being kind and non hostile to the man breaking the door. Before I can finish my sentence asking how he is he threatens me as an unarmed hobo. Gave 0 RP straight to threats. As you can see in the video all of his friends that have gear shot us yet the send the unarmed hobo to break in and initiate. The guy didn't give us an opportunity to begin roleplaying clearly wanted the gunfight. 
I am going to say different to that. Yes 2 of your guys had weapons holstered, however the third not only had his out, but also directly  pointed at him , from behind the wall, not even lowered, indicating the complete opposite of no hostility. I am not commenting on anything said, it was someone else and thus for them to speak about/responded to as a group

. I will reiterate however we did not break in for the sake of a gunfight, and the reason why the person who had the cheapest gear was breaking in is because exactly that. He had a pistol it is common sense to have those better armed etc to be in more advantageous positions. I will also add to this that shots where never fired until police had pushed up to the second platform, a place which I had made clear at the time was a no go, as we had realised in our channels that he failed to have his weapon out when making these threats and could potentially cause an issue. Video above shows this

Also as for the door, first 10 secs show it being opened whilst being lockpicked, the last second then shows it shut. OPs video proves it is them performing the action.

I will reiterate I am not commenting on roleplay etc, just the fact that a valid initiation had been made.

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting

As the primary target of this report i was never contacted by ruthless info after the incident, neither in game or on team speak. The only contact made between ruthless info and anyone in sintians was between Simon ross and ruthless regarding the door exploiting which clearly hes not report me for. Hence i have to say that you are lying in your report.

This was the conversation between simon and info proving that no kind of resolving about poor quality RP was made:

<16:33:21> "Simon Ross": My game froze and crashed, forced to shut it with task manager, you guys want me to log back on and get back involved?
<16:33:30> "Simon Ross": I would also like ot speak in liason regarding locking the doors
<16:34:24> "DicTaToR RuTHLeSS[5483]": First of all if people are inside the base they CAN lock themselves in the rooms. The building hasnt been breached nor have the locks been broken into
<16:34:50> "Simon Ross": It was being breached when you opened the door and locked the same one, which is exploiting
<16:37:15> "DicTaToR RuTHLeSS[5483]": I will take further steps, especially with this RP from your group. You can make  false accusations and excuse in text form on the forums. Video Proof will be uploaded to Youtube and made public for all to witness. Procedures will be made and filed against this shameful behavior as a group on RP

I just saw in your own video that after the cops tazed makka you locked the door yourself after opening the door to stop makka from boltcutting, which is indeed exploiting
Thats incorrect Makka got busted after I open the door for the cops to get him, he didnt obviously have a chance since he was overrun by about 4-5 people trying to stop this breach.

He was detained and during that time the doors were unlocked in the front and rear plus the third side entrance was even open. 

Now am not a Developer nor should I be responsible for a server side issue when it comes to closing property doors, after the gunshots and killing started off everyone obviously started bunkering down for there own protection. As for the doors, I think this should be a case and the DEV`S should find a solution to this socalled problem.

Putting 1 comment on here as you can see myself interact with the reported party and was just as unhappy with their roleplay. 

After the door is opened and at first contact, every single police officer is being kind and non hostile to the man breaking the door. Before I can finish my sentence asking how he is he threatens me as an unarmed hobo. Gave 0 RP straight to threats. As you can see in the video all of his friends that have gear shot us yet the send the unarmed hobo to break in and initiate. The guy didn't give us an opportunity to begin roleplaying clearly wanted the gunfight. 

In my eyes, the reported party is in the wrong and didn't provide any roleplay.
After this player intiated with direct hostilities we were indeed digusted and aware the outcome would become….a gunfight. This in my opinion is baiting for a gunfight and shows us that this group intiation had indeed shown poor RP. 

I will also add to this that shots where never fired until police had pushed up to the second platform,
This is incorrect, I was indeed fired upon as I was landing on the helipad to make things clear.

As the primary target of this report i was never contacted by ruthless info after the incident, neither in game or on team speak. The only contact made between ruthless info and anyone in sintians was between Simon ross and ruthless regarding the door exploiting which clearly hes not report me for. Hence i have to say that you are lying in your report.
Listen... I do not know who is who from your group which isnt really my problem. The issue is the Roleplay that had happen leading directly to a gunfight thats what I am disturbed about here. In this situation, I actually thought that I was talking to the playing involved in the RP in teamspeak``Simon Ross`` which I thought was you. 

But anyways, due to pass experiences in this community it is not mandatory that players get in contact with eachother. This is to avoid unneeded friction and baby arguments which will lead to a more agitated reaction from both parties. Then the shit-talking, bringing past events which happen with X-party vs Y-party would be mixed with the current incident that would make everything turn into more of a Drama shit show.

This Roleplay is not the first to happen around here, it happens with all groups on the island and its been happening since I`ve been here late 2014.

This should also be rephrased by a Community Manager in the community meetings that more effort should be made when it come to intiations, that lead directly to a gunfight. Its states that this is a Adult community? but in daily experience on the server, and in my opinion this isnt the truth. The daily whining, liason arguements, smallest issues to get someone ban has become a really big problem around here on a daily basis. One step in my opinion is starting this discussions more often in Community Meetings.

Also the situation with property doors and getting it correctly scripted should be in my opinion a DEV issue that should be resolve to avoid future arguements and unneeded false accusations leading to misery and drama in the community. 

To make things clear again, although am one of the ADMINS who make sure everything runs fine in the server that not everything is known on how scripting works or how things get when interacting with properties especially when other gang members who are present also interact with the building too. 

So dont just point the finger at 1 person who is inside the building, this is a server side issue that should be worked on.

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Thats incorrect Makka got busted after I open the door for the cops to get him, he didnt obviously have a chance since he was overrun by about 4-5 people trying to stop this breach.
I am going to link a screenshot of discord messages with a staff member regarding this exact topic soon, in which you can clearly see it stated that once partially broken into, if opened by the owner you may not shut it again until situation over. This is what you did

Also the situation with property doors and getting it correctly scripted should be in my opinion a DEV issue that should be resolve to avoid future arguements and unneeded false accusations leading to misery and drama in the community. 
Maybe it should be, but currently rules are used to ensure that this isn't exploited etc, because if there were no issues we wouldn't need an exploiting rule tbh, yet it is there and this is covered by it

Now am not a Developer nor should I be responsible for a server side issue when it comes to closing property doors, after the gunshots and killing started off everyone obviously started bunkering down for there own protection. As for the doors, I think this should be a case and the DEV`S should find a solution to this socalled problem.
This is like saying there is a technical exploit and because it is there I can use it because devs haven't gotten around to patching it. I seen no difference between my hypothetical situation and what happened, comes under the same rule too. 

To summarise this maybe you didn't realise it is a break of the rules regarding shutting a door almost immediately after bolt cutting but it is, and doesn't change the fact that it is. Please stop blaming it on lack of scripts to refine then system and mean that this cannot happen, because at the end of the day it happened, it is both your video and my video. I do not see how you can literally copy the example I have of a rulebreak and then try and blame it on a feature not being there. If you reply further regarding this situation I would appreciate it if it doesn't regard this as it is going around in circles. Please read the imgur image which will be linked carefully and try and understand how number 7 will be applied to this situation. (After reading the SS, numbers 6,7,4 & 1 would be potentially used for this situation, especially 6)


This is incorrect, I was indeed fired upon as I was landing on the helipad to make things clear.
Yes, I am unsure as to why, and if you can find out who did then converse/report with them about it, but I am pretty sure it was accidental/intended to be tracers as your landing /approach seemed like you were going to be loitering in the sky. I do not know and unable to watch any of the videos on this current device, and won't be able to properly watch over my POV until friday

After this player intiated with direct hostilities we were indeed digusted and aware the outcome would become….a gunfight. This in my opinion is baiting for a gunfight and shows us that this group intiation had indeed shown poor RP. 
Well then, when you have no weapon out and in the middle of breaking in(weapon not in hands) and 3 armed officers, 2 of which had guns out, 1 of which had one pointed directly at him come around the corner I would be pretty scared for my safety too. You say no hostility, but I am pretty sure 2 large rifles are hostile. 

bringing past events which happen with X-party vs Y-party would be mixed with the current incident that would make everything turn into more of a Drama shit show.
To many player complaints from the civilan and police side are verbally being stated
As for this. The top Quote is what you just said in your reply, and bottom is what was in the original report. I believe that is a great contradictory there, and both comments tbh seem quite unnecessary.

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I am going to link a screenshot of discord messages with a staff member regarding this exact topic soon, in which you can clearly see it stated that once partially broken into, if opened by the owner you may not shut it again until situation over. This is what you did
Doors were still left open during this high stress situation, doors were also shut/locked of course from the front entrance unaware what was actually going on. This in my opinion shouldnt be called exploiting as you state or try to pursue in getting you point across the board but instead a Server side issue that should had been fixed or in the works of fixing and letting the community aware that it is a socalled big issue on RPUK servers. 

Maybe it should be, but currently rules are used to ensure that this isn't exploited etc, because if there were no issues we wouldn't need an exploiting rule tbh, yet it is there and this is covered by it
Am actually unaware that this was actually documented somewhere on the forums, as we hardly have any issue with this topic. This Report is based on Poor Report and not on a situation involving accusations of exploiting, instead a server side issue. There is a lack of communication when there are exploits on the server known by some and few by others who still are in a position to helping running a clean server.

Yes, I am unsure as to why, and if you can find out who did then converse/report with them about it, but I am pretty sure it was accidental/intended to be tracers as your landing /approach seemed like you were going to be loitering in the sky. I do not know and unable to watch any of the videos on this current device, and won't be able to properly watch over my POV until Friday
It was indeed a dangerous situation around the area, and although I`ve been shot at I continued to pursue some decent Roleplay. Your assumptions ofloiting is indeed baseless as you can see a helicopter attempting to land at the location. Until Friday is quite a time to sort a issue, but thats your issue then.

Well then, when you have no weapon out and in the middle of breaking in(weapon not in hands) and 3 armed officers, 2 of which had guns out, 1 of which had one pointed directly at him come around the corner I would be pretty scared for my safety too. You say no hostility, but I am pretty sure 2 large rifles are hostile
Its the Police responding and not some highly armed rebel thugs, Police are there to descalate the situation and of course they are in the right to have arms out as they enforce the Laws on the island. Police Safety comes first at all times, until the one leading the operation says otherwise. 

As for this. The top Quote is what you just said in your reply, and bottom is what was in the original report. I believe that is a great contradictory there, and both comments tbh seem quite unnecessary.
It seems like you take and understand or view a issue as always as unnecessary.Even our discussion in the staff Channels with a neutral ADMIN King, was unneeded and a waste of time since it didnt sort anything as you still tried not to understand our view point. You continued pursisting in making the issue bigger, to put more stress on all involved and at the end nothing was achieved. 

At the end of this report, I dont want to see a group get banned or kicked. But the player with this type of ROLEPLAY should not let this happen again in future or present this towards other groups on the island. And the issue with Properties should be a issue made a priority by the DEV team.

From the video: Ruthless: get away from my door i have a lot of people on their way if you fail to comply...
Makka: you have a lot of people? [unintelligable for 6 seconds]
Ruthless: [speaking over Wizz] dont report me, dont repeat after me
Makka: i'll tell you right now that if anything happens to me you're all gonna be shot and im not gonna step away [he continues to speak as you run away]
I realised the human error what I said ingame, which I meant to say repeat in the video footage as I corrected myself right away. This all happened under the intense stress situation that was happening of course, and was done  not on purpose obviously.

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Doors were still left open during this high stress situation, doors were also shut/locked of course from the front entrance unaware what was actually going on. This in my opinion shouldnt be called exploiting as you state or try to pursue in getting you point across the board but instead a Server side issue that should had been fixed or in the works of fixing and letting the community aware that it is a socalled big issue on RPUK servers. 
I am not bothered by the front doors, the door which was being broken into is the only thing I have an issue with tbh. I understand how you may be ignorant to this, but as said on many reports, ignorance is not an excuse, and it is also common sense. If it is a server side issue that is contrary to what has been said by staff, and as this is a report player to player, ignoring all other ranks I am going to continue refuring back to what has been said, however please can we not discuss this further as we are literally banging heads and this will end up locked, which is not helpful for either parties.

Am actually unaware that this was actually documented somewhere on the forums, as we hardly have any issue with this topic. This Report is based on Poor Report and not on a situation involving accusations of exploiting, instead a server side issue. There is a lack of communication when there are exploits on the server known by some and few by others who still are in a position to helping running a clean server.
This report however is for everything in your footage, as for the purpose of the "alternate action taken" badge for reports, meaning any rule breaks in said reports can be actioned, so any rulebreak we possibly think we see we will state, just like you will to us, and have done by posting a report.

It was indeed a dangerous situation around the area, and although I`ve been shot at I continued to pursue some decent Roleplay. Your assumptions ofloiting is indeed baseless as you can see a helicopter attempting to land at the location. Until Friday is quite a time to sort a issue, but thats your issue then.
I am not bothered by the fact I have to wait till friday because it isn't affecting the report. Didn't hit you, probably a tracer but can't be seen in the day easily

Its the Police responding and not some highly armed rebel thugs, Police are there to descalate the situation and of course they are in the right to have arms out as they enforce the Laws on the island. Police Safety comes first at all times, until the one leading the operation says otherwise. 

42 minutes ago, Simon Ross said:
Yes and my guy who was extremely vulnerable in that situation was doing the same thing by stating he has friends in the area, his equivalent of having a weapon out you could say. 

It seems like you take and understand or view a issue as always as unnecessary.Even our discussion in the staff Channels with a neutral ADMIN King, was unneeded and a waste of time since it didnt sort anything as you still tried not to understand our view point. You continued pursisting in making the issue bigger, to put more stress on all involved and at the end nothing was achieved. 
As for this, a report is where all cards are placed out on the table, meaning anything I notice will be made clear, and you can do the same to us... thus I have stated about doors etc.

I am not bothered by the front doors, the door which was being broken into is the only thing I have an issue with tbh. I understand how you may be ignorant to this, but as said on many reports, ignorance is not an excuse, and it is also common sense. If it is a server side issue that is contrary to what has been said by staff, and as this is a report player to player, ignoring all other ranks I am going to continue refuring back to what has been said, however please can we not discuss this further as we are literally banging heads and this will end up locked, which is not helpful for either parties.
Ignorance is not a word that I accept, but thats your opinion and its not a call of common sense for you to state. I rather have this locked up as you stated as it is only presenting unwanted attention and causing unneeded drama in the community for all to see.

This report however is for everything in your footage, as for the purpose of the "alternate action taken" badge for reports, meaning any rule breaks in said reports can be actioned, so any rulebreak we possibly think we see we will state, just like you will to us, and have done by posting a report.
The report is based on the terrible Roleplay given, and thats my case that I wanted to bring up.

I am not bothered by the fact I have to wait till friday because it isn't affecting the report. Didn't hit you, probably a tracer but can't be seen in the day easily
 This statement can just be avoided and something more constructive placed in.

Yes and my guy who was extremely vulnerable in that situation was doing the same thing by stating he has friends in the area, his equivalent of having a weapon out you could say. 
Why wasnt more effort put in instead of immediate intiation, how you think players will respond in that situation? 

As for this, a report is where all cards are placed out on the table, meaning anything I notice will be made clear, and you can do the same to us... thus I have stated about doors etc.
Sure thats fine, that only shows how your group looks for the smallest mistakes to happen and make a huge deal out of it to get a player in trouble.

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Sure thats fine, that only shows how your group looks for the smallest mistakes to happen and make a huge deal out of it to get a player in trouble.
Incorrect, you were unwilling to speak about this before putting a player report up, I would reverse that statement. It fails to be a small mistake due to the fact when the gunfight broke out we were unable to use that tower, nor break in further using an inside door to gain access, this affected later actions greatly(I don't have footage due to crashing)

The report is based on the terrible Roleplay given, and thats my case that I wanted to bring up.
Although based on that, reports action all rules broken in the video, thus we will point things out. In your video just before you get shot you can also here me expressing my shock at that door being lock, showing how it did affect it, baring in mind you had another mate in there who caused issues further on too, and due to getting nowhere in the liason I would like this to be bought up and delt with in this report too.

Why wasnt more effort put in instead of immediate intiation, how you think players will respond in that situation? 
You aren't greatly experienced with this situation, you are highly threatened by their presents. It is fine for serious threats to be physically there but verbal ones not to be? Maybe it was quite fast/soon to them appearing but like I said, what else can you do with 2 guns out pointed at you. Honestly props to Shepard for having his weapon holstered but the other 2 did have weapons out and thus, against the cops I do not see a huge issue with the initiation(except maybe the not having rook in hands). Although the police never initiated it was clearly very hostile, shown by tone of voice etc.

Incorrect, you were unwilling to speak about this before putting a player report up, I would reverse that statement. It fails to be a small mistake due to the fact when the gunfight broke out we were unable to use that tower, nor break in further using an inside door to gain access, this affected later actions greatly(I don't have footage due to crashing)
That is completly untrue as I told you to wait until I sort out other tasks ingame etc., The DMT has been known not to have the scripted door locks what I been told, which means the Doors cant be locked and is known i guess by the DEVS who created it.

Although based on that, reports action all rules broken in the video, thus we will point things out. In your video just before you get shot you can also here me expressing my shock at that door being lock, showing how it did affect it, baring in mind you had another mate in there who caused issues further on too, and due to getting nowhere in the liason I would like this to be bought up and delt with in this report too.
There were other individuals in the building as the cops came, but I cant recall which players where inside the building itself.

You aren't greatly experienced with this situation, you are highly threatened by their presents. It is fine for serious threats to be physically there but verbal ones not to be? Maybe it was quite fast/soon to them appearing but like I said, what else can you do with 2 guns out pointed at you. Honestly props to Shepard for having his weapon holstered but the other 2 did have weapons out and thus, against the cops I do not see a huge issue with the initiation(except maybe the not having rook in hands). Although the police never initiated it was clearly very hostile, shown by tone of voice etc.
All I would like to see is more effort put into the Roleplay, and avoid seeing this happening again at later times and especially with other groups. 

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All I would like to see is more effort put into the Roleplay, and avoid seeing this happening again at later times and especially with other groups. 
I understand but like I have said before he was pressured into that situation and i think he continued to talk after making the initiation, not just showing demands. yes it happened fast but it could have been left to kindle on the sidelines(the initiation), it was police who pushed the DMT and started the actual gunfight as well as tased him, potentially putting them into the limelight too of the RP? There is no doubt he was highly threatened by the 2 cops and in a way acted accordingly.

If I was a cop with friends in other places in the area and had 2 guys with guns out speaking at me in a hostile manner, and clearly soon to be potentially trying to take me away in zipties  there are few moves which can be made, except completely hand yourself in, or start up with an initiation, and in this situation you would also be handing in around 5 other guys(who outnumber the cops making this a stupid move),. The cops in a way restricted the move making here.  // Simon Ross

Seeing as this report is just going in big circles and nothing much of value is being added.  As per normal, I'll be locking this report for the time being until its reviewed.

Due to the allegations made from both parties I'll also be referring this report to the staff leads ( @Aiden, @Matt MSc, @Stavik and @Drew) for them to decide how best to handle it.

If anyone has any further information to add, please message me on the forums or TS.

I understand but like I have said before he was pressured into that situation and i think he continued to talk after making the initiation, not just showing demands. yes it happened fast but it could have been left to kindle on the sidelines(the initiation), it was police who pushed the DMT and started the actual gunfight as well as tased him, potentially putting them into the limelight too of the RP? There is no doubt he was highly threatened by the 2 cops and in a way acted accordingly.

If I was a cop with friends in other places in the area and had 2 guys with guns out speaking at me in a hostile manner, and clearly soon to be potentially trying to take me away in zipties  there are few moves which can be made, except completely hand yourself in, or start up with an initiation, and in this situation you would also be handing in around 5 other guys(who outnumber the cops making this a stupid move),. The cops in a way restricted the move making here.  // Simon Ross
Pressure I can understand and that I had alot myself during this situation, but on the Police part thats a different story and should involve cops in this thread also.Not only us here in this thread, there were many cops on the property during intiation especially with the guy detained.

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