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Report a player - M.Micky might be misspell - GTA RP

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Nikolaj Nielsen

Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Nikolaj Nielsen

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: M.Micky might be misspell

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 12/16/22

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1418

What best describes this incident ?: RDM

Please (in detail) describe the incident: i was in a car chase where i was getting chased by cutlass we go in the mountains since i tried losing them. After a couple shots this policeman showed up and instantly started popping of shots he kept shooting even tho i screamed at him to stop. Took me down to 25% health so i was 1 shot and cutlass finished me off form him i was then taken pillbox and put in prison.
I wrote in the ooc to try and resolve it but he dident answer, it was a little while before i wrote it.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

Hey, Im the officer in this video, Michal Mick.

Firstly, in the report you claim that I RDM'd yet in the video title you claim I NVL'd. If you could claify which of these you are actually reporting me for it would be great.

Now onto the situation, as police officers with a firearm, we are trained that we should use it defensively to protect life or limb. The fact that upon my arrival, you were actively shooting at an individual gives me all the grounds to fire at you, to protect said person. This and the fact that I was there alone, in a remote location made me a target to you, especially after you just shot and killed an individual and hence I believe that me shooting you was completely fair. You did say multiple times that you were not going to shoot me, at first I didn't hear this but after I did hear this and saw you stopped pointing the gun and began running I stopped firing. At this point I was unaware that there were more individuals with guns, and so my priority was to stop you. As soon as I heard you mention that there were other people there, I spotted them as they began shooting and returned fire. 

If you did try to contact me in ooc, then I apologise as I didn't see it.

Finally I would like to add that I believe you only put this report up as you are upset you lost and was arrested. I done what I am meant to do as a police officer, and if you have a problem with my conduct as such, it should be an RP issue, as it is my job to respond to dispatches and protect the public. The simple fact that you got caught shouldn't make this an OOC issue, especially considering all my actions were justified. Dont expect to go around shooting people without a response.

Now onto the situation, as police officers with a firearm, we are trained that we should use it defensively to protect life or limb. The fact that upon my arrival, you were actively shooting at an individual gives me all the grounds to fire at you, to protect said person. This and the fact that I was there alone, in a remote location made me a target to you, especially after you just shot and killed an individual and hence I believe that me shooting you was completely fair. You did say multiple times that you were not going to shoot me, at first I didn't hear this but after I did hear this and saw you stopped pointing the gun and began running I stopped firing. At this point I was unaware that there were more individuals with guns, and so my priority was to stop you. As soon as I heard you mention that there were other people there, I spotted them as they began shooting and returned fire. 
the RDM rule states this. I belive this also counts for police
Attacking another player without engaging in any form of quality roleplay is considered RDM. (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order.

you did not give me any orders or even announce yourself before you startet popping off. 
also ill say its really odd for a police man goes up to 2 rivaling gangs and starts shooting as a solo anyways, but this is off topic

Finally I would like to add that I believe you only put this report up as you are upset you lost and was arrested. I done what I am meant to do as a police officer, and if you have a problem with my conduct as such, it should be an RP issue, as it is my job to respond to dispatches and protect the public. The simple fact that you got caught shouldn't make this an OOC issue, especially considering all my actions were justified. Dont expect to go around shooting people without a response.
for this comment you have made here i think thats a very steep accusiation and I dont know where this is comming from since we have not spoken after the incident at all. Im reporting you because i feel like a rule was broken in RP and we dident resolve the problem in OOC


Firstly, in the report you claim that I RDM'd yet in the video title you claim I NVL'd. If you could claify which of these you are actually reporting me for it would be great.
in terms of the video title thats just a brain fart on my behalf i apolagize for that. its the RDM that im reporting for not any NVL.

you did not give me any orders or even announce yourself before you startet popping off. 
Hello again,

I think we can both agree that it would have not been smart to go up to you and as you just shot someone. I believe that it is pretty obvious that if you have been firing shots for a while in the same area, that it is expected that officers will eventually arrive on scene. Upon my arrival, I only saw you shooting another person, which showed you were an immediate threat, and there wasn't any other way for me to react, other than letting you run off, which would not have been very smart due to the fact that you could potentially pose a further risk to myself and anyone else on scene. I reacted in the only way I saw was reasonable, and as I stated, you cannot go around shooting at people without expecting a strong response. I do agree that the situation would have gone around better if there was room for more RP and dialogue, but I do simply believe that it was not possible to do so.

also ill say its really odd for a police man goes up to 2 rivaling gangs and starts shooting as a solo anyways
As I was enroute and when I arrived on scene, I had no possible way of knowing who was involved. If all the facts were known, then my approach to the situation would have been alot different, especially if I knew these were 2 OCG's.

Im happy to go into a call on discord when you are avaliable


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I think we can both agree that it would have not been smart to go up to you and as you just shot someone.
This is the reason why you never go alone up to an active shootout as a police officer youre setting yourself up to fail no matter what. (unless all the gunmen decides to put their hands up because they feel nice) youre making it so that the only option you have is to shoot emidiatlly or you wont win the situation and in my opinion thats your fault.
now im not 100% sure about this but i believe its an actual code of conduct in the police that you do not patrol alone when you have a gun and is on a bike.  however this is an roleplay issue but i just mentioned it to underline that it should have never happend that you showed up alone.

as a crim i have to go up to a guy and tell him to put his hand off and brandish some kind of power to him before going for violence, even tho he is doing something i dont like. I am sure this rule counts for the police aswell.

Im happy to go into a call on discord when you are avaliable

I wont mind jumping in a discord call with you this evening but i do not think we will come to a resulution taking the nature of theese replys we bough have in here. (we clearly do not agree on the matter)

as a crim i have to go up to a guy and tell him to put his hand off and brandish some kind of power to him before going for violence, even tho he is doing something i dont like
I do understand this as I do have a crim character myself, yet if I were to shoot or stab someone in front of an officer, I'd expect a similar response from the officers. As I stated, the situation I was put in didn't allow for much dialoge to occur between us, and the fact that the shooting occured as soon as I arrived and with me only seeing your self and that individual, I responded in that way as I believed I could stop the threat.

This is truly all that there is and to call this RDM is a bit silly. I responded to an active threat to life, fully marked in police equipment, and when I saw that you stopped shooting and began running, I stopped shooting and attempted to take out the new threat.

yet if I were to shoot or stab someone in front of an officer, I'd expect a similar response from the officers.
That is true if you go directly up and stab or shoot someone Infront of police, they will stop you... However you came to an active shootout on your own and decided to join in on the shootout with no words said or any introduction.

I have never tried before that the police starts shooting at me before with no interaction.

After all you are not a part of that situation before you actually involve yourself with some sort of RP 

Just to put this in another way you should not even try to stop a conflict like that as an one man army youre a police officer that wants to survive after all.. you would've been able to take me if you had backup so you could actually overpower me in RP instead of just rdming me.

I do understand that the situation would have been alot better if more dialogue and RP came from both sides, but upon my arrival I was placed in a position which made this impossible. I do believe that all my actions were justified, as it is my job to respond to crimes, and I done what I could to eliminate the threat I saw. This can be clearly seen as when you began running, I realised this and tried to communicate with you, and when a new threat arose, this became my priority. 

Theres not much more I can really say, as I believe no rules were broken and I've explained my side of the situation clearly.

Im happy to respond to any questions from staff but I see no point in going back and forth as its getting us nowhere.

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


Good Evening @Nikolaj Nielsen@jban.

Let's dig into this report shall we, it seems as if @Nikolaj Nielsen has been in some sort of altercation with members of cutlass as shots have been fired. You then arrive on scene @jbanand begin shooting at @Nikolaj Nielsenwithout any words said or any form of roleplay beforehand. Now as far as I can see and understand @Nikolaj Nielsenhad not shot at yourself or any other police so you rolling up and shooting him with no roleplay is indeed RDM. Yes you are taught to protect life and limb in police HOWEVER this does not give you the pass to break server rules by shooting someone with no roleplay behind it. Now if you would have pulled up and said "armed police drop the gun" and he turned around and began to shoot at you or didn't follow your orders things could have been quite different. However you turned up alone to a dangerous situation between 2 OCG's and just began shooting at them. This is RDM.

Since you were banned less than 6 months ago for the same rule break you will be going to a 7 day ban following the fbs.


Character ID - 69400

Rules - G1.2

Action - 7 day ban following the fbs

Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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