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Report a Player - [LV] BLITZ - Poor/Low Quality RP (Denied)

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ya boy joe

Well-known member
Durham, Durham City
Your In-game name

DI JxM [AC130]

Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

So, we were driving out of Kavala when we initially ANPR scanned the vehicle registered to [LV] Magic. He was wanted for around 5 murders and we entered a pursuit, however, he slipped away from us. Where the video starts, you can see that I found him again and offered a rather passive initiation, met with a response from inside the car "if you shoot the tires I'll shoot you" from an unknown occupant, presumably one of the gang members. When I went to go look for him down towards Kavala, he simply was stood in the middle of the road with a rifle out which seemed a little baity to me, regardless, I went to speak with the man. I was met with an initial response, however, after this all I got was "hands up or you're gonna be shot". I attempted to speak with him, although I was a little annoyed at first I gradually calmed down and tried to reason with the man, but all I got was "hands up or you're gonna be shot." Throughout the situation, all of my comms were hotmiced, however, near the end I do own up to forgetting to press caps when informing Ryan that "he needs to get ready", although, I would of hotmiced if I made any sort of threat, but, I was shot before I could. I spoke to BLITZ, but he seemed to think it was completely fine RP, so, I decided to put it up here for staff to judge.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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I didn't report because I died, I reported you because at the end of the day this is a roleplay server, which people like yourselves seem to forget. I tried to speak with you multiple times, all I got in response was "or you'll be shot". When I come to play, I realise firefights are always an option, but in this scenario the only option was "die or fight", no negotiations or other outcome was possible due to the responses you gave me. Also, if you could look at this post for me as it's pretty relevant:

At the end of the day, all you wanted from that was some form of action, initiation for the sake of a gunfight, literally having no other intentions. I put this up here for staff to judge if this is acceptable RP, as why would they want players who solely look for this form of outcome. Also, I think you'll find I told him to "get ready" because it was obvious what you wanted, hence why I put the report in the first place.

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At first I didn't threaten your life, multiple times I asked you to put your hands up before I moved onto threatening your life because you just kept refusing. Also I could argue that you are limiting roleplay by not putting your hands up which forces me after threatening your life to kill you. However I do admit I maybe could have knocked you out and ziptied you which infact was the main aim and to take you to unmc as we were trying to help someone join them. Also this happend around 2 hours ago and just 20 mins ago you asked me to come to teamspeak not to talk about it and resolve it but to tell me you are going to report me, I don't understand why you would ask me to come to ts just to say you are going to report me. Whats the point? So I believe what you said about tryingto resolve it on ts was untrue.

I came to Teamspeak with you to discuss the situation, asking you several times "why do you feel that was acceptable?" and all I got was "well I did ask you several times", if you owned up to it being bad roleplay and something you wouldn't do again, I would of left it there, but you didn't. This is what you're not understanding, the very core of the roleplay was shit, having no intentions other than either starting a gunfight or taking me hostage. I offered to negotiate, I get given "hands up or be shot", I tell you I also have people in the area, "get your hands up or be shot". It's a roleplay server, yet you had no intentions of roleplaying with me past "hands up or be shot". You're just proving my point right now.

so taking you hostage is ''shit roleplay''? so anything that benifits you in the situation is good roleplay? you are trying to use the argument of '' I want to talk'' to try and get yourself out of the situation of you being held hostage and you kept resisting which led to your death

Taking people hostage isn't, no, but how you handled it was very shit roleplay. You literally provided no response other than "get your hands up or you're gonna be shot", not even flinching when I say I have officers in the area, ignoring everything I said and responding with "hands up or be shot". That's literally the definition of FailRP, at the very least being very poor with what you did. Once more, read this: 

what do you mean ''you didnt even flinch'' I allready knew where your friend was and I asked him to come back and he never. You have to admit it was ridiculous how many chances I gave you in that initaion and you just kep refusing. Just because you died doesnt make it ''shit roleplay'' I think this is a revenge post to be honest.

this is way worse roleplay then what you claim happend to you


right then, looking over this i do understand why he kept asking you to put you hands up,  to prevent you from outflanking him when he looks at the other officer, he may not have talked too varying for that reason. it would have been good to have a little more of it but it happens lightly both ways from cops and rebels alike. @JxM I appreciate you trying to vary it more but if it is quite a few items they ask, just g alone with it as he did have a upper hand in this but thank you for trying. @BLITZ1 i am not going to ban but i would encourage some more RP if they are willing and trying, i understand you position but you had friends in the area as well so you had that chance to make it more interesting as @JxM was trying, all i am going to say it to improve this better if you can as the first reason we should be for is the RP, keep that in mind in future please.

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