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Report a Player - (loa) AggeN - RDM

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Active member

Your In-game name

Jango Fett

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

(loa) AggeN

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

I was selling copper from my tempest and this guy (LOA) Aggen claims to have shouted "hands up" or something along those lines, i heard nothing but i saw someone running with a big gun, so i go to look and all of a sudden they shoot and kill me, after watching the video a couple more times with my very large speakers set on highest, i could feintly hear a mouse in the backround saying something, but its unintelligible, (and i certainly dont play highest volume while playing arma, so while playing i heard nothing), after reviewing the video the person was standing behind me who was shouting something, and i was not facing him and had no idea he was even there, proof he was too far away to be heard, i have carefully examined this video and he shoots 2½ seconds after his pathetic attempt at initiation, (rules state ""please at least attempt to create an interesting roleplay story before considering shooting.) is considered RDM"") this was extremely poor RP and clearly RDM ((I also made a comp report about this please review it :D)

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


Well, let me tell you this first, you really need to fix your sounds.

1. At 4:50 in the really good quality video, you can hear one of the other LoA members telling you to get ''Hello sir this a robbery, please take your hands up or you will be shot. You then choose to go to combat position and actually, trying to cornor peak him?

2. I find it invalid that we can not hear what you are saying. You are now telling us that you didnt hear anything, but you hear a armed man running? The only time you see the armed man, is because you hear him negotiate. So basically the only reason you run behind the truck is because you hear something, which you denied. 

3. You say the time to react is 2½ sec. In the video you hear the negotiate at 4.50 i take the first shot at 4.56 when you go for combat position. In your video there is so much framedrop, so you can really count of the time. 
The reason why i decided to shot, was because you did not do as told, the only thing i see is matt running to cover and you running to better combat position with your weapon pointing in the direction matt is. From my perspectiv and as far as I knew you heard my friend talking to you. There was no other reason for you to get behind your truck where you spot the man with a gun

4. After the situation you send me a text on my phone. In the text you claimed that you would get me banned if I did not pay you 550k. I felt that was blackmailing and It made my angry, however I still decided to come onto teamspeak with you. On teamspeak we discussed the situation. You said the only problem you had was the fact you could not hear the incitation at all. We found that very hard to believe since it would not make sense that out of nowhere you decide to run around your truck and aim a gun at my friend. During our resolving on teamspeak we agreed to get a third party to review the recording to see if you could indeed hear the initiation. The third party stated he could hear the initiation fine and that he saw nothing wrong with the situation. He said the same as us. It seemed very strange he would run around the truck just after being spoken to without having heard anything at all.
This is a picture of the text I got:
In addition to this. Texting on the phone ingame is within roleplay unless you use “//”. You did not use that. That means you metagamed my name from the killfeed to message me and you also break NLR for remembering the situation.
You blackmailed and metagamed me. I understand that you are frustrated about your loss. I am still willing to resolve it on teamspeak if you wish to. Last time we spoke I felt like you left in a rush. It appeared like you just wanted to report me.

5. This is away over the limit of 24 hours before you post a report,,,

And this is [Loa] AggeN.


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