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Report a Player - Lewis and Erik van Enk - VDM (Action taken)

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SWAT - Oliver

Active member
Your In-game name

(AMW) Oliver

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

Lewis and Erik van Enk

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

Hi (The video is lagging, I dont know why)
I shot and killed Lewis and stole his truck, 3-5min later, he comes back and steals the truck.
I get in my car and follow the truck, I start shooting the wheels but he starts to VDM me. He keeps driving back and forward while im lying on the ground, also his friend named Erik comes and help him.
When they leave, my character gets stuck on the ground for like 3-4min....
I MSG them multiple of times to go on teamspeak, but no reaction.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


He steals the truck at 6:20

So I've reviewed the video you have provided and I'm unsure how Lewis factors into the VDM on yourself as he at no stage runs you over, other than seemingly being associated with the man who is clearly using the VDM script to keep you down (Erik van Enk), whilst his friend (Lewis) steals your offroad, thus breaking NLR by returning within 1km of his death location within the 15 minute NLR period.

However 'judge not lest ye be judged' biblical quotes aside, your initiation of the entire robbery was poor (The beginning 15 seconds), tantamount to 'hands up or die' giving the man very little time to react to the gentleman springing from the bushes armed with a rifle. That and you had almost 0 energy or effort put into it, like you were bored you even had to engage with another player is rather poor and you would have gotten a warning for this under normal circumstances however you then at 7m28s engaged the truck without initiating any form of quality roleplay because you assumed he was the same person with no verification on your part, as it happens and you even keychained this you still claim in your initial report that it was Lewis who stole the truck, it was infact Erik. 

I shot and killed Lewis and stole his truck, 3-5min later, he comes back and steals the truck.
As this is indeed the case I will be taking action against everyone involved

VDM 2.1

Name: Erik Van Enk

Steam ID: 76561198121887848

GUID: 2c8930aafc1ee1f203f3efc82e7fb24a

Breaking NLR 5.3

Name: Lewis

Steam ID: 76561198173135066

GUID: a513dffd4f7a5449d1cffa13814e338d

RDM 2.2

Name: (AMW) Oliver

Steam ID: 76561197998114835

GUID: 604d233f26a31425cacaacfba718d0bf

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