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Report a Player - Krawly - VDM (Rejected)

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Your In-game name

[BW] DanCustom

Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 2

Please (in detail) describe the incident

My friend was downed so we brought him over to the hospital and once he got revived we flew above the hospital cause my friend wanted to parachute out so he did and once he opens up the parachute a white - red hummingbird flies in and starts swirling left right trying to catch my friend with the blades while parachuting so i go on to give him warning shots , eventually he ends up VDM'ing my friend and killing him after that i stop and write in OOC chat to ask the pilot of the hummingbird to come to the ts and while i was doing that the same hummingbird landed behind the hospital and a guy came out on the road and opened fire at me and around 3-4minutes later they catch me inside a building and execute me with no words.

Videos below are all in order from the incident.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)



This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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I was entirely involved in the situation, I am the Ghillie Suit that is parachuting down, however my disk space was full before the vdm started, I have a video 5 minutes before just in case we need proof that it was none of us doing it. 

I'm sorry but I don't understand why I'm implicated in this.... I killed you because you were in a gunfight with my gang. Can you upload a complete video and not 3 1 minute snippets out of a situation that lasted over 25. 

In relation to you being executed, you were shot and killed in the middle of a gunfight (You can still hear the shots when you're down) and I executed you promptly to avoid you giving my position away to your gang members. I can clearly hear that you did not mute yourself in teamspeak when you were shot but instead decided to ignore that rule and complain in side chat, even though you had just been shooting at me moments earlier and Several of your gang members were killed by myself and my gang in the previous 10 minutes of an active gunfight. 

Situation did not last over 25 minutes, started when I was vdmed, ended when I bled out that takes around 10 mins. So his videos are fine.

The video shows a helicopter flying around you, your buddy's taking shots at a heli's hull. you dying almost 5 seconds after the heli flies away ( i assume to hunger or thirst), a full caps message in side chat, and then me killing him after a long gunfight in which he was shooting directly at me....

Can you help me piece this together please?

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Ok one, that video shows me falling out of the sky. Not dying from thirst. Warning shots are fired at you, then you land and decide to shoot at the people firing the warning shots. 

I never said it was you. But considering that heli landed and started firing at Dan, you being the one killing him. Looks like you were flying it. Unless you had a friend with you who was flying the heli.I never said it was you. But considering that heli landed and started firing at Dan, you being the one killing him. Looks like you were flying it.

Me being the one killing him? the video of me killing him was over 10 minutes later....  You have absolutely no idea what happened evidently which is why you clipped a 25 minute fight into 3 minutes. upload the full video showing the entire events or stop wasting everyone's time. I wasn't flying the heli, and I killed Dan because he was shooting at me...

Unless any more evidence is provided or unless asked to by an admin I won't be commenting further as this situation barely concerns me and you complaining about being killed when shooting directly at me is just ridiculous.

Edit: Your youtube video names show exactly what I've been saying. First video 23:32, Second video 23:45. 

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


"a guy came out on the road and opened fire at me and around 3-4minutes later they catch me inside a building"

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Wasn't you i was talking to your friend "Goomba" on teamspeak last night and he said "Krawly was the only person in the helicopter" and once i asked why did he start swirling into the parachute he said it was a "JOKE" , secondly you opened fire at me when i was typing which you can see yourself so i dont see where youre saying i was "Shooting at you" and why did you just fly away once my friend was killed ? 

"Unless any more evidence is provided or unless asked to by an admin I won't be commenting further as this situation barely concerns me and you complaining about being killed when shooting directly at me is just ridiculous"

"Where in any of your videos does it show me flying a heli.... that wasn't me..."

hi @DanielSk

I am really gonna need to see a full video from the start of the 2nd one till the end of the 3th one. 
As their might be a part cutout. Also do you have any evidence that he is the actual pilot? 
so far i could see, i can not tell 100% Sure that he landed behind the hospital. and he was flying the helicopter. 
Also i can not see when he killed you, he was the actual guy that started shooting at you in the 2nd video at 1 minute. 
So a unedited video from the start of the 2nd one till the end of video 3 that is what i need. 

I've lost the convo with his friend Gooba where he said "Krawly was the only person in the helicopter and he was pretending to hit him as a joke" so i've been asking him to speak with me and get him to confirm that it was Krawly flying the heli for the past two days with no success , ill try uploading the longer lenght of the situation whenever im free , im kind of busy at the moment as i have JC [Junior cert tests].

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