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Report a player - Kieffer and other chippionies - GTA RP


Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
Mirror Park Motors
Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Peter Wright
Reported Players: Kieffer and other chippionies
Date: Jul 11, 2024
Time: 16:00
What best describes this incident: NLR (G4.1, G4.3) and Metagaming (G3.1)
Please (in detail) describe the incident: We have had an incident with the Chippionies where they took a situation that happened at our dealership too far. 2 people got shot and died, 2 people got shot and got taken to pillbox. After the disrespect this situation showed we were going out for revenge. We succesfully grabbed a few chippionie members that have died. Being a car dealership and a legal entity we need to make sure we stay under the radar and sort situations out like this swiftly but effectively. The 2 people that got taken to hospital were Buck and Vito. We caught Vito 2 days after where he told us Buck got banned so it wasn't possible for them both to apologise. Vito refused to and got shot because of this. There were no witnesses when they got taken.
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- Vito getting shot and dumped

A day later Kieffer comes up to our dealership looking for me. https://outplayed.tv/media/7lakOJ

He asked about me taking 2 of his members. There was no way that he knew this happened, especially because he was not even on the server when these men got taken. Because other Chippionies have talked about OOC means ingame in the past, I highly suspect this information was metagamed by Kieffer. We were blacked out and the only people that knew about who grabbed them were the people that got killed, because we gave them RP and told them what it was about. The fact that you straight up came to me saying you grabbed 2 of my members further proves that you learned of this by OOC information.

After this talk we grabbed a few cars and went after him. Not too long after 3 chippionies got taken and we took them to humane labs. One of them was Kieffer. Kieffer bled out shortly after arriving there and we thought that was the end of it, since everyone involved died.
According to G4.3: (G4.3) When you respawn and NLR applies:
Your character does not remember any of the previous roleplay situation.
Any feud your character had with their killer(s) is ended.

However today Kieffer showed up to AE again to try and kidnap one of our members, resulting in him getting shot by others. https://outplayed.tv/media/XG6lja
Because of NLR I think Kieffer should have never came back because our sit was fully over. I do not understand how he remembered that we were the ones that grabbed him. As far as I have been told, you can not be informed about your previous death and you can not investigate your own death. So by coming back and doing this Kieffer broke the G4.3 NLR rule.

Since kieffer posted an excerpt of his chat with Bobby, here is another part of it where Kieffer basically admits to metagaming. https://gyazo.com/2148d290ea801c81ab831cfcb6010188

Bobby said, your information is metagamed, your leg to stand on is none. To which Kieffer replies; Yes I know

Further evidence will be supplied to staff in a ticket due to sensitive information. Because this is a report on metagaming I do not trust them to not use information from this report ingame.
Link(s) To Any Evidence: #forums-2446
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Hello pal, long this one ah, but in the words of fab here we go!

Mirror park motors have had a feud for a few days with ourselves causing the disappearance of a few of our members something built up over time, I knew about it but didn't see it as an issue until it became more frequent so I went to Pete to try put an end to it without any violence the first chain of action from yourselves then being to shoot me. Resulting in me and Matty dyeing would you believe not the only 2 members of chippieones as I was radioing in while being chased my members were aware of the situation and could put 2 and 2 together. So today we came to grab use which ended up in well a shit show as about 20 people deemed it acceptable to join in.

NLR correlates to the situation I don't remember that/ lead up to my death, I feel like I've said it so many times it doesn't kill you off from the beef I've had beefs/wars where I've died multiple times doesn't mean I cant back the rest of it, you 1 by 1 were taking members and leaving a trail if you simultaneously killed our f6 then fair doos but you never.

I'm not really sure at the "metagaming" shouts just seems an accusation for the sake of it. Ill link a few things as well relating to this which I believe have some relevance.

I fired a cutla images below one that someone not really sure who has messaged seemingly threating a report.

Second image is from a very recent report of metagaming and its right you never know who what or where your being watched from and cant just go about having your guesses.

Wish we could all just get on and enjoy the server no need for books of writing to try get someone of just have some fun pal.


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NLR correlates to the situation I don't remember that/ lead up to my death
(G4.3) When you respawn and NLR applies:
Your character does not remember any of the previous roleplay situation.
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I didn't but I still remember with the beef as its been going on days thatll be my last response, also cold exploit to get me in that car btw. Also in the messages where I reply "yes I know" im replying to a message above and one was sent while typing (y)
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I'm not really sure at the "metagaming" shouts just seems an accusation for the sake of it. I’ll link a few things as well relating to this which I believe have some relevance.
@Kieffer What do you mean seems an accusation for the sake of it? In the screenshot you seem to agree with qaws that you were metagaming. Quote: “Yeah I know but just because you’ve been killed doesn’t remove you from RP”
That message was meant to go after are you listening he sent those message while I was mid typing so I was saying yes I know to this not being a war 👍🏻 tried to explain above may not have been clear, I’ve been reported twice for this very similar scenarios and to my knowledge the beefs been going on days I can’t just be killed of from it, it must come to a natural conclusion within rp at this point.
Who told you that being killed doesn’t remove you from the RP?

When you have respawned, after being downed, you must not remember anything leading up to your death. The beef that lead up to it, the locations, how you died, THAT you died. You’ve been executed and that beef is to be forgotten of. This creates a bit of reality to the RP server, and stops people from just constantly respawning and going back to the same people and creating a never ending loop of fighting. Therefore, being killed does remove you from the RP/beef that resulted in your death.

If something new happens, a new bit of beefs for whatever reason, a new incident, then sure. Have a fight again, do whatever you must. But you cannot simply respawn, get together with your mates, and plan an attack again. I don’t think you are understanding this rule very well, you’re certainly not explaining your perception of it very well anyways.
The way I’m meaning it is like my gang knew I’d been taking right, I knew my gang members had been taken and we knew who was doing it. So are you saying that my gang know I’ve been taken most likely killed the next day they go after the people the suspect have done it, am a not allowed to go I tried in the situation to stay in the background to make it more realistic then what happened happend,, but that’s honestly news to me for example I just had a beef with ballas not a war I died countless times but I didn’t just evaporate my gangs build up of beef over a few days this is not different except a mechanic shop and not ballas. This started over a week ago and has been buolding up it’s not just a 1 of thing
Need to add one here I think I know what may be causing confusion this isnt a kieffer x mirror park thing this is chippieones x mirror park it’s a beef between 2 groups after buck and Vito 2 of my members were hospitalised by mirror park motors memebers was has ensued from then has led to here
At the end of the day in my eyes it's simple. You shouldn't even have known about everything but you metagamed the situation to know 2 of your people got grabbed. You then broke NLR by coming back after you got killed and handsing people at AE.
You literally took buck and Vito to hospital we operate as a gang the idea you had from us was a deceiving one. I’ll take my guesses at why the report because under your admission it targets me when for what your saying to be true every chippys is involved right, I think there’s some people not very happy at the AE shooting as you’ve been happy to grab my memebers for about a week then keep coming but when I get involved it’s the forums something doesn’t quite add up either that or looking for an a easy way of dealing with it without rp. If you think you can grab gang members day by day and not leave a trail then your delusional
At the end of the day in my eyes it's simple. You shouldn't even have known about everything but you metagamed the situation to know 2 of your people got grabbed. You then broke NLR by coming back after you got killed and handsing people at AE.
Hi. Let’s not spiral this report like we’ve seen some others recently. I only need your original report, if you have anything. further to add please refrain unless it’s further evidence.
@Kieffer What’s your explanation for the shooting at Motor Park Mirrors, not too long after you were previously executed and dumped by them in which you respawned?

Not looking for “got beef” as an answer. What made you want to shoot them? The context?
When I was taken by mirror park it was a fairly long chase the whole time I was communicating with my members leaving them with location etc and who was chasing me so when radio silence hit they knew whatd happend and wanted revenge. So Tray and matty went down and grabbed Ivan as I am apart of chippys I agreed I’d go but maybe take a back seat and let them deal with the robbery while I sat incase it went wrong. When vehicle placing the individual it bugged and he fell out meaning members of AE took the individual inside, which then led to loads of people ‘teaming’ against us and various shots until I was downed. If all had went right I’d have stayed away in the shadows but others got involved and I backed my gang.
As you can see in the clip I was running from the tennis courts across when I seen it going south and weren’t involved in the original grabbing I was just watching them until all hell broke loose.
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They knew what had happened and wanted revenge? Why wait until the next day? How does it make any sense for your gang and you to go shoot up another ‘gang’ for killing you, whilst you are there in the flesh? This shouldn’t have taken place. The NVL rule stops this from taking place.

On to this metagaming allegation. How did you know Mirror Park took your 2 gang members? You clearly speak about it in the evidence provided. Im interested to know how your character became aware they had taken your members when they have supposedly cleared the area for witnesses.
I’ve been about for 3+ years and been in many beefs if this is the case I’ve broke NLR countless times it’s been back and forward for ages and your not making much sense to me I’m not going to lie, my grove characters died loads against cutlass doesn’t mean am not on the next day fighting cutlass it’s no different and tbh I’m confused.

As for knowing they put the 2 in hospital they came out of hospital and told me. You can’t just individually kill all a gangs members and expect it to be done or the cutlass grove beef would’ve ended time ago as I’m sure there’s not been a sole who’s survived the entire time.

Just tryna give different examples as I feel it’s been scewed cause it’s not gang on gang.

Are my gang meant to just be like ‘aye mint that kieffers been taking we know who by let’s do fuck all about it’ no they’re not and it would make no sense in rp for when they go up me to just go aw wait guys I can’t they killed me. Your point works both ways I’m there in the flesh cause I logged in I don’t die when I die itd be more bizzare imo to avoid it and rp like they’ve killed me, no?
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I logged in I don’t die when I die itd be more bizzare imo to avoid it and rp like they’ve killed me, no?
Yes, actually, you do die when you die. You RP as if what happened when you were getting killed and dumped didn’t happen. You shouldn’t have been there in the flesh or fought with them over it because they executed you.

Not a big fan of your attitude in this report, unwilling to accept you may be in the wrong and making up your own mind on what the NLR is and what counts and what doesn’t. You don’t decide this, the staff team did when the rules first came about and you have breached them. Therefore, this report will be accepted.

Action Taken
Character ID: 79001
Rules Broken: G4.3
7 Day Ban Per FBS