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Report a Player - Kian Parker - Other (Report Rejected)

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Your In-game name

[WS] Detox

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

Kian Parker

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

So i was going to rob Kian and i wanted to steal his chopper i started a roleplay and said Hello sir, Can you please put you hands up,you are surrounded,and he just ran to store his vehicle.Video speaks for it self. This is combat storing.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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I didnt even see you till i stored and turned around, thats when i said ''what'' and i heard you tell me to put my hands up so I did. By the time you actually pulled out your gun I was almost at the sign then you said ''hello sir'' which took an extra .4 seconds and i was already scrolling to click the store vehicle button. Like BOI, why not aim the gun at me while im in the heli? probably smarter.

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@matbreeze101 Do you have a video from your perspective showing that you didn't see the 2 armed men with weapons telling you to put your hands up? From what I can see, you just ignored them and stored the helicopter. 

@matbreeze101 Do you have a video from your perspective showing that you didn't see the 2 armed men with weapons telling you to put your hands up? From what I can see, you just ignored them and stored the helicopter. 
I record a lot I can check. I thought all garages were safe zones so I never really pay attention when I'm storing. I was going off for the day and if you rewind the video I was in front of him when he initiated at 0:13. Should've been direct when I was in the heli not when I passed him and was at the sign

when I was walking up to it I thought I did hear something so you can see me look to the right before I store and I saw the one with the rifle but I thought he was just getting his car out :/

The one with the pistol behind me I didn't even see till I turned. He must ive been talking very low, and the helicopter is loud af. When i turned and asked what he had then said "you are surrounded" so I assumed it was a robbery and put my hands up

Most servers I play have like something to turn down the volume down so the helicopters aren't as loud.

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I started speaking when you turned off your chopper,there is no way that you didnt hear me. Shift+P are earplugs by the way.

I started speaking when you turned off your chopper,there is no way that you didnt hear me. Shift+P are earplugs by the way.
I didn't. I can see how I messed up though, if you want I can give you enough money to buy a heli

oh and thanks for the ear plug thing, that's gonna be useful 

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Its ok dude,im not an A hole. Just dont do it again. I dont want money,or anything. Staff can delete this thread.

Moving to Rejected on Request. 

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