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Report a Player - Khalifatty - RDM (Rejected)

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Carlo McIntosh

Well-known member
Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

I go to the airport to put my plane back in the garage. When I arrive my friend is shot out of his vehicle immediately. I then hop out of my plane and pull out my gun as my gang member was just RDM'ed. I see the guy who rdmed my friend and start trying to wallbang him as I thought he didn't get in the car. Suddenly I start taking shots from a guy in a sports hatchback. I return fire and try to get out of the situation as I had no idea how many there were. I start running away and get shot at multiple times. Eventually I get shot down and get executed almost immediately without any form of quality roleplay. I ask the guys to join TS. So I joined and asked him why he was shooting at me . He argued that he didn't realize I was not the guy RDMing. I then said u still RDMed me and asked for comp .He denied and said he wouldn't comp me as it wasn't his fault. I cant understand him shooting me as it was evident I just arrived in my plane but the execution was not needed and very poor in my eyes.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


Hello my in-game name was Po Tato. I was involved with this gunfight and here is my side of the story why I do not believe this to be RDM. 

At the start of the situation one of my friends were getting robbed by them men you see down at the scene and one of them was my friend. As you can see in your video there was an armed man jumping into an orange hatchback with another civilian. That man was involved within the gunfight and me and Khalifatty were taking shots from him beforehand. When you jump out of your plane you instantly pull your weapon out when in an active gunfight. However, as we were shooting the armed man in the hanger you must've have thought we were shooting at you which in your shoes is fine. Then in the video I see you get hit by a bullet, I believe that the guy who shot you was the man in the orange hatchback that must have stopped up ahead of the airport. You then proceed to take shots at khalifatty when he runs towards the back of the hangers with his gun on his back. Khalifa then proceeds to kill you since you have already shot him once which he believed to be that you were trying to kill him. 

I believe someone called Barry came to speak to us on TeamSpeak after. He says to us that it is okay to have a gun out in an active gunfight, but we explain to him that it is not the smartest of ideas since you have a high chance of being shot at. After that Carlo joins the channel and we explain to him and we had thought that we settled the situation...apparently not. This is all I will be saying in this report since the report is not at me but when gunfight is still going on and I am not apart of it, I usually leave or hide my weapon.

 My friend Callum got robbed and then he counter initated which led to an gunfight. Callum then got Rdmd which started the gunfight. And in an active gunfight you and you'r friends (if initated with friends) are allowed to shoot everyone with a gun and who are within the area. You did not look innocent at all, you responded with bullets and so did I.  

And I though we sorted this in Teamspeak.

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As i was getting robbed at air garage i was then rdmed which left me confused and i didnt know what to do.You decamped the plane while getting shot at by someone else and you pulled out your gun which is a bit risky in a gunfight with multiple friends in the area i believe you knew it was a active fight due to your mate dieing. If you had got out the plane with no firearm i don't think you would be shot. my friend khalifa was confused as he didnt know who to shoot and he thought you where active as you where fireing he then kept on shooting you thinking you where involved.We resolved it in ts and yous left with it being fine? Barry understood from our part what happened  it was a pretty weird situation and hopefully where in a better situation in the future :)

My friend was RDMed which is why I pulled my gun. I would be happy to see some video evidence from your perspective as I was shot at before it was possible for the guys in the orange hatchback to have decamped on me. Tell me why u think its a bad idea for me to pull a gun out when my friend has been rdmed and no other shots have been fired.How am I supposed to know its an active gunfight. My question is  why did you guys shoot at me before I shot at all close to you. What bugs me the most about the situation  is the very poor execution that was unnecessary. Regardless or not if you were rdmed u can tell I was not the person who RDMed u so why instantly shoot me when im on the ground without even speaking to me?????? You failed to roleplay with me when I was on the ground and I am fairly certain you shot at me as it came from that direction. When I joined TS I was talked over by about 10 guys and was not given a chance to speak. 

@CallumSaunderson12 my friend was Rdmed and how do I know its an active gunfight. It is evident in the recording neither of us knew so please dont through out false accusations.

@K H A L I F A We both arrived in planes and helicopters I think its quite evident we were not involved especially after my friend getting shot dead without even having his gun drawn.

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We were in a middle of the gunfight with the person that RDM your friend. Like I said we took shots from that direction where there was you and him and we saw you both with guns out when a gunfight was still active. You were both wearing very similar clothes so how are we supposed to be able to tell who is shooting at who. From my view on this I agree with you that you should not have been executed, it wasn't the best execution. The person who had shot your friend also RDM'd me after the situation had ended but that is irrelevant now and we spoke to him about it. The reason we didn't get a chance to properly speak was because you joined our lobby quickly after that situation knowing there was someone still alive running around with a firearm.

Also, you can hear in your video your mate saying "Khalifa doesn't break rules, he must have thought you were the RDM'er" but you chose to ignore him. I'm sure Khalifa would of been happy to compensate you if you just waited until we had finished with the situation so we could speak properly. 

P.S. Apologies in advance for saying I would not say anymore but looking at your reply I had to. 

To be fair the whole situation was utter chaos and it happens sometimes and it happens to anyone. And I am implying that you can go around shooting anyone with a gun out in a gunfight but when we are taking shots from your position whether it wasn't you or not but you are aiming at us, it is most likely going to be you.

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Report rejected.

There is no proff of who shoot at you when you where in the airplane.  You roll up to dead people and jump out in the middle of af gunfight with your gun out and start to shoot on people.   Next time you role up to dead people and people are shoting left and right try not to jump out with a big rifle.  

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