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Report a player - John Adair - GTA RP

Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Frank Goldie
Reported Players: John Adair
Date: Jul 4, 2024
Time: 02:30
What best describes this incident: NVL, NLR, Breaking Character and exploiting.
Please (in detail) describe the incident: Earlier in the night we had an incident the player known as "John Adair", he was taken away from Chapel grounds for being very rude to people there and also in-directly threatened my character that I wouldn't be able to do anything if he decided to prey on any of the people there so he was taken away in zipties. At Chumash Pier (I wasn't present but there is a clip) he then walked over to the ladder and climbed down it, swimming away so the hunt began.

About an hour or so later we found him in city driving a local pickup, pulled him over and he then typed in /me "I don't have voicebox" (lying). When we took him to his final destination to dump him, he didn't value his life what so ever (NVL), he didn't role-play any of his injuries, broke character quite a few times and also said he would be back for revenge multiple times.

We sat with him until he bled out and when we got back to the Chapel about 5/10 minutes later, he was there in his black sultan with a gun and without a word being spoke opened fire, somehow remembering the whole situation he died from moments before to get revenge. He failed in killing anyone and sped off, I followed him to the entrance of the sewers/underground. He then stopped at began shooting backwards through the back window while driving. This is a clear NLR rule break and also exploiting.

I don't like the idea of reporting someone as we all come here to escape reality and play the RP video game at the end of the day but this player is someone I truly believe is terrible for our server and won't provide anything positive. I also don't want to drag anyone else into this but he's been "remember things" after death on other occasions before when being dumped by other gangs previously than tonight.

Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/ichVpDeLo8RzgR5FW/d1337mgYMeSs?invite=cr-MSw4SFUsMTc0NDQyMjcxLA

As per our report guidelines, please see below:

  • Any clips must include 3-5 minutes of unedited footage before the alleged rule break occurs so staff can gain some idea of context and lead-up.
  • The only exception to clip-length requirement above is in cases of indisputable evidence of a blatant rule break.
It may state blatant rule breaks may be excepted however, 10 second medal clips are pushing it. This is not great evidence at all.

As these clips are 10 seconds, each in different scenarios (bar a couple), it’s impossible to judge the true extent of this players character breaking, and if he actually breached NLR.

Moving on, i’ll start with the claim of NVL.
You asked a player who’s already downed if he wanted saved. He said no. This isn’t NVL. Your group are the ones who downed him, why would he believe that you were then going to save him? There is no NVL breach here.

However, it is pretty clear on atleast a couple of occasions the player did break character which is not what we like to see on the server.

Exploiting - Shooting backwards from a vehicle is not exploiting if the mechanics whilst in the vehicle allow you to do so, this is advise I received from other members within the Staff/Development team so there will be no punishment for this.

I have no idea what the context is regarding his use of ‘/me no voicebox’ because again, the footage is only a number of seconds long. There’s no leading up to him doing that and there’s no after he done that. I do raise an eye brow at his choice of /me and if he was being genuine, but with the lack of decent evidence, I won’t be actioning this.

As mentioned above, again, with the lack of decent evidence of the alleged NLR incident, I won’t be taking any action on this either.

I’m not saying I don’t believe he did some of what you claim, but there are report requirements for a reason. These need to be met for reports to be investigated properly and approved if there is wrongdoing.

Action Taken
CharId: 112555
Rule: G2.3

Warning Per FBS