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Report a Player - Jinx, Christopher - RDM

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Active member
Under your bed

Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting

Jinx, Christopher

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

Situation started with a new player to the server coming into the bank and asking for money for a rebel licence. I felt generous and gave him this money to help him out. His (Not known to be) friend came into the bank 30 seconds later and asked for money. I said I don't have any spare, sorry. I decided to leave the bank and as I was running towards a wall, Jinx decided to attempt to RDM me as their was no initiation. So I dealt with this with force and killed him. Christopher decided to pickup his weapon and I didn't see him as a threat since I had just given him money. But as I was walking up the stairs to heal myself after been tagged by jinx, he tried to shoot me through the glass that I heard break. I took him out too. 2 minutes later, both of them show up again and I restrain them both with initiation as they completely ignored NLR. I called the police unit and asked them to come and take these two away. I had a few problems with that but that got sorted out very swiftly. I told the two rule breakers what they had done wrong through the out of roleplay // chat. Myself, Tom and Connor had a lenghty chat with them both and we found out that Jinx lied about being new as he had been on the server for 3 months. I knew this already since I have had an issue in the past with him and rules but in that situation, I decided to give Jinx the BOD. Christopher is new to the server and didn't know the rules too well, but we had a long conversation about them and that he had to read them. I believe that Christopher has been dealt with appropriately as we have told him what he did wrong and how to improve in the future. In my opinion, he was influenced by jinx in this situation. But I will let you guys decide. Jinx also tryed to bribe me not to report, say that his initiation was him saying "hello" and also that if I had told him that I would report him before he did it, he wouldn't have done it.
Thanks for your time admins and hope you guys are having a good summer.
- Jockcam

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)



This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


@ConnorTheGreatt@CST TomTheDoge

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