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Report a player - Jim Daniels - GTA RP

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Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Kip Wilson

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Jim Daniels

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 02/27/23

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2310

What best describes this incident ?: VDM, Fail RP little to no talk

Please (in detail) describe the incident: A week ago Jim daniels was pulled over for a traffic stop. Jim was speaking fine throughout the traffic stop then attacked me and Howard Jarvis Randomly with no RP leading up to it. This was dealt with in Discord at the time and I agreed to let it go cause i felt it was clear rdm.

FIRST INTERACTION : https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/WnMXjjD7WkWqk/d1337UogpnOf?invite=cr-MSxsR2UsNTQwOTM2NzQs

I thought ok this could lead to some interesting roleplay so i decided in-game to write up a warrant for Jim Daniels. The warrant was active for about 5-6 days and was pinging anpr cameras multiple times when I have been on duty.
I was on Duty tonight when I got given this bodycam footage of a hunter being robbed by Jim Daniels and a lady called Olivia.
I noticed it looked exactly like Jim, sounded like Jim and he hung around with the lady which was involved in stabbing me 5 days before.
I saw Jim's car was hitting ANPR cameras whilst I got given this evidence of him robbing people.
I decided to get on a AM-1 and attend to the ANPR hits. They were heading up towards paleto so I decided to go the full way and was going to loop back around if no one was seen. Whilst being at paleto I noticed the lady involved in a robbery of a man that was hunting earlier on. Jim and another person started ramming me with there vehicles. I managed to get away from that. Then whilst chasing after his vehicle I was ran over by him. Jim rarely talks in any of these altercations and I feel the RP provided by Jim in these altercations have been poor. I am here to Roleplay and have fun. I feel this is VDM which I don't know if its a rule or not could be random vehicle deathmatch as I don't believe Jim knows he has a warrant ingame. Both times I have came across Jim I have tried to make it fun e.g. going out my way to paleto to chase him but he decides to kill me with his vehicle with little to no talking.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

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Hi, my character is Jim Daniels A.K.A Whiskey.

I feel it is fair if I defend myself and explain to the best of my ability the reason for all the actions.

Firstly I'd like to state that what Kip has said is mostly true but he hasent forgotten to mention a lot of details that can all be spotted on the videos provided.

I'd like start with the previous encounter which Kip decided not to report. On that day we had been looking for a cop for a couple of hours of which would hold a human sacrifice ritual followed by celebrations, many special invites would of been made to well known gangs to allow us to make a name for our cult and ourselves. One of our members a couple of hours before the incident attempted to kidnap a cop but got caught. We were then not actively searching but by pure coincidence we got stopped by Kip and his partner. One of the followers of the cult gave me a indication to kidnap these cops and use them. As heard in the video I said "Get Kip in the car" there was further roleplay to be had, unfortunately it did not go to plan as Kip did not let me carry him and we panicked when hearing the emergency alarm. This was all discussed in discord with Kip after the event. I explained although the rp you had was short, ours had been going on for a long time and we were thrilled with the idea of following through with our plan. We even had a second opinion from someone (I can't remember his name now) who said if there was rp to it and intention he doesn't see a problem it was just unfortunate it didn't follow through. This was all discussed and settled with Kip without further action.

Regarding Jim Daniels and his knowledge of his warrant. Jim Daniels was pulled over a couple of days ago by a random officer who said to him, "I'm pulling you over today because the license plate of this vehicle pinged the ampr and has a warrant so either you stole the car or have a warrant" Jim Daniels was on his quad bike and managed to flee the scene safely. Therefore Jim knew he had a warrant and would rarely use his own vehicals to reduce the risk of being pulled over.

Now why did Jim Daniels have his vehicle out on this day you might ask? We had set up a inside robbery for a hunting rifle, it was a staged robbery to get the weapon and allow the hunter not to get caught. We used the vehicle to keep the weapon safe, we knew he had to use a body cam and report it stolen. Therefore we knew there might be consequences. 

Later on that day my group radioed me at paleto and told me you're looking for Jim Daniels and his vehicle. I was also told you were approaching Olivia (Crystal) Jim Daniels wanted to avoid that as Olivia had done nothing wrong and didn't want her getting the wrap for it. So he pulled upto the petrol station to lure you over knowing you would be more interested in Jim Daniels himself.

You approaching the vehicle with a taser in your hand which was already a hostile action. You will also notice in the video Jim Daniels did not initiate you first, a car rammed into the hellfire which initially impacted you. Jim further supported his group and tried to remove you from the situation so we could get away safely as the gun was in the boot of the hellfire.

Unfortunately one of the getaway cars broke down outside the petrol station. This is where you apprehended Crystal. Jim was parked at the quarry watching from a safe distance and saw what was happening, he once again tried to save Crystal by knocking you out with his vehicle, we knew using the gun wouldn't be the best option. At this time the City was at its peak in population and so came a few eye problems/ head problems. When Jim got to Crystal she did not appear in cuffs, he was trying to tell her to get in the car, not before long G6 cars rolled up so Jim knew there wasent much more he could do so he decided to flee. 

I think it's fair to say Kip and Jim have a sustained hatred for eachother even before the cult was formed. Due to past encounters.

I'd also like to say that the scenario discussed in this report was not taken to discord. 

Please be truthful Kip when making a report as I am here to enjoy the rp as much as you.

Please feel free to ask me any questions.

Kind regards,


Jim Daniels (Whiskey)

Hi, my character is Jim Daniels A.K.A Whiskey.

I feel it is fair if I defend myself and explain to the best of my ability the reason for all the actions.

Firstly I'd like to state that what Kip has said is mostly true but he hasent forgotten to mention a lot of details that can all be spotted on the videos provided.

I'd like start with the previous encounter which Kip decided not to report. On that day we had been looking for a cop for a couple of hours of which would hold a human sacrifice ritual followed by celebrations, many special invites would of been made to well known gangs to allow us to make a name for our cult and ourselves. One of our members a couple of hours before the incident attempted to kidnap a cop but got caught. We were then not actively searching but by pure coincidence we got stopped by Kip and his partner. One of the followers of the cult gave me a indication to kidnap these cops and use them. As heard in the video I said "Get Kip in the car" there was further roleplay to be had, unfortunately it did not go to plan as Kip did not let me carry him and we panicked when hearing the emergency alarm. This was all discussed in discord with Kip after the event. I explained although the rp you had was short, ours had been going on for a long time and we were thrilled with the idea of following through with our plan. We even had a second opinion from someone (I can't remember his name now) who said if there was rp to it and intention he doesn't see a problem it was just unfortunate it didn't follow through. This was all discussed and settled with Kip without further action.

Regarding Jim Daniels and his knowledge of his warrant. Jim Daniels was pulled over a couple of days ago by a random officer who said to him, "I'm pulling you over today because the license plate of this vehicle pinged the ampr and has a warrant so either you stole the car or have a warrant" Jim Daniels was on his quad bike and managed to flee the scene safely. Therefore Jim knew he had a warrant and would rarely use his own vehicals to reduce the risk of being pulled over.

Now why did Jim Daniels have his vehicle out on this day you might ask? We had set up a inside robbery for a hunting rifle, it was a staged robbery to get the weapon and allow the hunter not to get caught. We used the vehicle to keep the weapon safe, we knew he had to use a body cam and report it stolen. Therefore we knew there might be consequences. 

Later on that day my group radioed me at paleto and told me you're looking for Jim Daniels and his vehicle. I was also told you were approaching Olivia (Crystal) Jim Daniels wanted to avoid that as Olivia had done nothing wrong and didn't want her getting the wrap for it. So he pulled upto the petrol station to lure you over knowing you would be more interested in Jim Daniels himself.

You approaching the vehicle with a taser in your hand which was already a hostile action. You will also notice in the video Jim Daniels did not initiate you first, a car rammed into the hellfire which initially impacted you. Jim further supported his group and tried to remove you from the situation so we could get away safely as the gun was in the boot of the hellfire.

Unfortunately one of the getaway cars broke down outside the petrol station. This is where you apprehended Crystal. Jim was parked at the quarry watching from a safe distance and saw what was happening, he once again tried to save Crystal by knocking you out with his vehicle, we knew using the gun wouldn't be the best option. At this time the City was at its peak in population and so came a few eye problems/ head problems. When Jim got to Crystal she did not appear in cuffs, he was trying to tell her to get in the car, not before long G6 cars rolled up so Jim knew there wasent much more he could do so he decided to flee. 

I think it's fair to say Kip and Jim have a sustained hatred for eachother even before the cult was formed. Due to past encounters.

I'd also like to say that the scenario discussed in this report was not taken to discord. 

Please be truthful Kip when making a report as I am here to enjoy the rp as much as you.

Please feel free to ask me any questions.

Kind regards,

wers of the cult gave me a indication to kidnap these cops and use them. As heard in the video I said "Get Kip in the car" there was further roleplay to be had, unfort

Jim Daniels (Whiskey)
I would like to say I was quite annoyed the first time I came across Jim Daniels he decided to just purely RDM with no valid roleplay behind it. I was happy to sort this out on discord and he explained he felt he 'might' be in the wrong. The reason why he purely RDM me on the first occasion was because he wanted to incapacitate me and take me to the dodgey doctor to take my stuff off me. He explained this infront of me and Snuffles a staff member. 

I felt this was all resolved and the next time I come across Jim Daniels he will start to provide better RP. I provided Jim Daniels further roleplay by putting my time in to write a warrant up with clear evidence of him causing gbh. 

When approaching Jim Daniels he claims the taser is hostile which I agree yes but he is in a vehicle with all his windows up. There is no way I can get to Jim Daniels. I am already in a dis-advantage being in paleto and being on a motorcycle. I am trying to make this situation fun but from Jim again their was no voice. He decided to start ramming me at the petrol pump then again used his vehicle as a weapon to incapacitate me. 

"I'd also like to say that the scenario discussed in this report was not taken to discord. "

I actually did ask you to come to discord which you said 'after rp' which I was going to do anyway. I asked multiple times after RP and you didn't respond to your @ in the ooc.

I wanted to talk to you about it to ask what RP you think you have provided me here? @JordanDMK

but I was still going to be reporting this because both times I have came across you their has been little to no Roleplay from you. You always come up with a back story of something I don't know about.

'Gun in the back of your car' Why even bring your car down to the garage if you have a gun in it and see the police are there? I do not know this at the time, maybe you could of used your gun to hold me up which would of provided some RP to myself. 

'I think it's fair to say Kip and Jim have a sustained hatred for eachother even before the cult was formed. Due to past encounters."

I don't hate Jim at all. I don't know your hatred for Kip either with the conversations we have had in game its very little. 

Anyways I am going to leave staff deal with this one.


You keep accusing me of "RDM" & "VDM" and even after explaining to you and talking to you will not accept there was reason. I'd also like to share that I stated the reason for wanting to kidnap you, your gear was not of importance to us.

You're also dead set on I started ramming you even though the body cam footage proves I did not start it, I may have been the one to finish it, but I did not start it. The impression this gives me is that you're being extremely biased to pinpoint me even though there was another vehicle and 3 other players involved of which you have not even mentioned! 

Regarding not getting to discord, due to the time it was (Past midnight), I waited for RP to settle and I had to go to sleep. I do apologise I couldn't make it to the discord to chat, unfortunately I had a early morning.

"maybe you could of used your gun to hold me up which would of provided some RP to myself. " You expect me to get out the car, while you're holding a taser and just casually go in the trunk? That scenario would not have worked out.

" I don't know your hatred for Kip either with the conversations we have had in game its very little." We have had many encounters when Jim was part of FE-13 also resulting in you being knocked out a couple of times. You may not have known my name but we have had many encounters.

"You always come up with a back story of something I don't know about." I'm also sorry you do not know all our plans and scheme, what our future goals are. I think if the cult and myself were to share them we would most likely be in prison all the time.

You keep accusing me of "RDM" & "VDM" and even after explaining to you and talking to you will not accept there was reason. I'd also like to share that I stated the reason for wanting to kidnap you, your gear was not of importance to us.

You're also dead set on I started ramming you even though the body cam footage proves I did not start it, I may have been the one to finish it, but I did not start it. The impression this gives me is that you're being extremely biased to pinpoint me even though there was another vehicle and 3 other players involved of which you have not even mentioned! 

Regarding not getting to discord, due to the time it was (Past midnight), I waited for RP to settle and I had to go to sleep. I do apologise I couldn't make it to the discord to chat, unfortunately I had a early morning.

"maybe you could of used your gun to hold me up which would of provided some RP to myself. " You expect me to get out the car, while you're holding a taser and just casually go in the trunk? That scenario would not have worked out.

" I don't know your hatred for Kip either with the conversations we have had in game its very little." We have had many encounters when Jim was part of FE-13 also resulting in you being knocked out a couple of times. You may not have known my name but we have had many encounters.

"You always come up with a back story of something I don't know about." I'm also sorry you do not know all our plans and scheme, what our future goals are. I think if the cult and myself were to share them we would most likely be in prison all the time.
The first clip looks like pure RDM. I took you to discord about this and you admitted you could of been wrong. I don't get how you don't understand you never initiated with me. First clip looks like pure RDM in my eyes. Even if you have a backstory to it I did not know your backstory at the time which you said happened 1 and a half hours before I wasn't even on the city. 

It doesn't matter if you started ramming me or not you are still involved and still continued with no VOICE. Do you not understand how boring it is for me in the two situations I have come across and how bad your RP is in MY EYES. 

Discord or not you will start telling me some story which I do not know IC, IC You a citizen that has a warrant out for them. You tell me all these things OOC which I don't know IC and IC you have little to no RP with myself. 

'You expect me to get out the car, while you're holding a taser and just casually go in the trunk? That scenario would not have worked out.'

You should of thought that when you approached me. I feel you failed RP in both times approaching me. I try my best to make my side of the RP fun using ANPR Hits to track your vehicle etc. I do not know any of your plans or schemes you show little to no RP on every time you approach me which is poor and very very boring. 

Hello all!

I actually spectated partial of this incident, and have reviewed the footage.

From what I see in the footage provided by @RichieRichUK-

This looks as clear cut RVDM by the vehicle that rams first. Albeit that 'Jim Daniels' wasn't the first one to ram, but he did join in almost instantly.

The other person who was involved in this RVDM, will be let go due to the fact that there is no ID given for him nor did he down @RichieRichUKso we are unable to identify whom it was.

Action: 1 Day Ban

CharID: 88030

Rule(s): G1.1

Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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