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Report a Player - Jhon Carter, Greasy - Poor/Low Quality RP (Rejected)

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Your In-game name

PC Natan [KV203]

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

Jhon Carter, Greasy

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 2

Please (in detail) describe the incident

[greasy is being reported for poor rp and jhon is being reported for RDM] i went out my police SUV during a PA, i went out to have some rp with people that were shot just to make the PA a bit more fun for the PCSO, then greasy decides to shoot one of the "dead" civs laying on the ground so i tried to intervene i told him to stop running or he'll be tazed, he failed to comply so i continued with my initiation, soon after i tazed and restrained him he said "let me go or else you know what will happen" and we started taking shots right the second his sentence ended [the video is from outlaws pov] [i also didn't try to resolve this situation as the other gang that was sort of involved in it said that they did a similar thing to them ]

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


i messed up with the post yes this is not a revenge report and no i did not try to resolve it as it says in the report 

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firstly, you shot him with rubber bullets which is iniation, so i can shoot back. secondly it was me who iniated not greasy, i said we had friends in the area - alerting you to fact we would take action on the rubber bullet shots. the fact you said 'stop or you'll be tazed' and then rubber bulleted me is very poor rp also. staff have confirmed that rubber bullet is initian so I had every right to shoot back

Back one day and this happens? I was not the one who made a decision to initiate on you lot, in fact I didn't mention anything regarding you being fired upon. Why I am being reported I have no idea. I would like to know why you have your ingame sound turned right down. Anything to hide?

Back one day and this happens? I was not the one who made a decision to initiate on you lot, in fact I didn't mention anything regarding you being fired upon. Why I am being reported I have no idea. I would like to know why you have your ingame sound turned right down. Anything to hide?
You can clearly see that earplugs are in, not sure why you would say I had something to hide? 

Im also not sure why you would message me in teamspeak to see if the report is a troll or legit? Why would we report someone to troll? That doesn't seem smart to me



firstly, you shot him with rubber bullets which is iniation, so i can shoot back. secondly it was me who iniated not greasy, i said we had friends in the area - alerting you to fact we would take action on the rubber bullet shots. the fact you said 'stop or you'll be tazed' and then rubber bulleted me is very poor rp also. staff have confirmed that rubber bullet is initian so I had every right to shoot back
Not sure which staff member told you this, but I have also confirmed with staff that rubber/taze doesn't count as initiation. As a rebel you need to initiative to use lethal's against cops even if your mate was tazed. The rubber/taze initiation is made to encourage RP which we didn't get a chance to do. You can also see that my gun was on my back, RP could have been used in every situation there.

i have had confirmation from a level 2 staff member (Ponty) and level 4 staff member (FADE) that rubber bullets IS infact initiation, and is widely known to be. Tazing is NOT initation, however greasy - as seen in the video - was shot with rubber bullets. I was in every right to shoot you, and I even let you know therre was people in the area

i have had confirmation from a level 2 staff member (Ponty) and level 4 staff member (FADE) that rubber bullets IS infact initiation, and is widely known to be. Tazing is NOT initation, however greasy - as seen in the video - was shot with rubber bullets. I was in every right to shoot you, and I even let you know therre was people in the area
So I just got a message from the staff member who told me differently that you are indeed correct, sorry for the confusion.

I still feel the RP was quickly eliminated. You can see that I was attempting to RP with the dead rebels on the ground but was then unable to due to the gunfight. No RP was attempted for his release but rather bullets. My question is why wasn't RP used and rather a gunfight over RP. I see so many different RP options that could of further enhanced the situation but instead it was ended with a gunfight. I would of happily released any member of your gang who was in handcuffs if RP was used.

So I just got a message from the staff member who told me differently that you are indeed correct, sorry for the confusion.

I still feel the RP was quickly eliminated. You can see that I was attempting to RP with the dead rebels on the ground but was then unable to due to the gunfight. No RP was attempted for his release but rather bullets. My question is why wasn't RP used and rather a gunfight over RP. I see so many different RP options that could of further enhanced the situation but instead it was ended with a gunfight. I would of happily released any member of your gang who was in handcuffs if RP was used.
So this report is up because my gang and TCK were in a gunfight and as you tried to roleplay with the injured I finished them? Seems as if you didn't understand the current conflict between both gangs at the time.

And just to clarify, earplugs are put in to lower effects etc, not voice. In the video it is clear that even the communication between one another is minimal. If you are reporting someone for poor roleplay (bad initiation in this case) at least have the video turned up otherwise it's like watching a video without your headphones on.

im sorry for the poor audio it's not from my pov as my recording didn't save with shadow play as outlaw had some sort of video about the case i used his.

And just to clarify, earplugs are put in to lower effects etc, not voice. In the video it is clear that even the communication between one another is minimal. If you are reporting someone for poor roleplay (bad initiation in this case) at least have the video turned up otherwise it's like watching a video without your headphones on
Let me go get you my settings since its a problem. My effects are more than 75% as well as everything else. Not sure why im being accused with sound? you can clearly hear the initiation and RP.

Anything to hide?

After watching the video and reading through the report i have come to the following conclusion.

Within the video you can see that the police officers did say they were going to taze you however as shown they do use the MK20 also when doing this. Of course your friends would of been unaware if they were lethal bullets or rubber bullets. Just after Greasy was handcuffed and you did make the officers aware that he had people in the area, however the main threat was 'you know what's going to happen'. Within a few seconds there were shots at the police car. 

Now on the other hand of this, when using the MK20 like stated above his friends were unaware at the time the officer shot with it if their friend was dead. The roleplay could of been improved a lot and it didn't need to turn into a gunfight. From the time Greasy was shot to the officer taking shots at him it was about 40 seconds. What i would suggest for the future instead of turning everything into a gun fight, roleplay the situation as it could of been enjoyable for both parties. 

@Greasy, I would like for you to take this as a warning. You don't make any attempts to roleplay with the officers and cut off all avenues of roleplay. In future please attempt to roleplay instead of running for the gunfight. From Jhon's point and how long it was in between shots i cannot see he did anything wrong.

No action will be taken against the two reported in this case.

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