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Report a Player - Jango Fett - RDM<br>Poor/Low Quality RP

David S

New member

Your In-game name

David S.

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

Jango Fett

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 2

Please (in detail) describe the incident

Straight after an incident where someone RDMed a lot of people after server restart, my buddy PrettyPotato came back from the gun store. He had bought three guns, one for me, one himself and one for another friend. What he did not know was that I already had a gun, so when he dropped the gun Jango Fett picked it up and started accusing us for stealing his rook-40 after he was RDMed. When PrettyPotato asked nicely if he could get the gun back, Jango Fett decided to shoot him without any form of roleplay. We tried to talk to him on TeamSpeak, but all he told us was to report him as he refused to accept that he had broken any rules.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


Jango fett did not shoot on sight or RDM. Your friend asked him to drop the weapon, and he didn't want to, so Jango Fett shot (Self defense of a robbery). He then asked you to drop your gun and you didn't comply, so he killed you.

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Jango fett did not shoot on sight or RDM. Your friend asked him to drop the weapon, and he didn't want to, so Jango Fett shot (Self defense of a robbery). He then asked you to drop your gun and you didn't comply, so he killed you.
Jango Fett did not kill me. I did as he said and dropped my gun. A random guy stole it straight after.

He tried not to rob , see video . He ask only if he could drop the gun , then he shoot without warning , or rp . so it was rdm . ?️ 

1st: you didnt go buy any pistols we all saw you picking them up from the dead people including me RDM'ed by "Ching Chong" 

2nd: its no coincidence you had 3 rooks and thats exactly what i lost (as stated in my comp report)

3rd: you were robbing me they were my rooks i had every right to fight back, don't ever point a gun unless your ready to deal with the potential consequences 

"We tried to talk to him on TeamSpeak, but all he told us was to report him as he refused to accept that he had broken any rules."

You make it sound as if i was being rude on TS saying "REPORT ME THEN" I would never do that i have great respect for the community and do everything possible to right any wrongs i have done by sorting it out on ts, as my spotless record proves.

 I said if you feel i have broken a rule it is your right to file a complaint, but you wont be recieving any comp from me as i did not break any rules

Again, those were my guns and you were taking them from me with a gun pointed at me.

1st: you didnt go buy any pistols we all saw you picking them up from the dead people including me RDM'ed by "Ching Chong" 

2nd: its no coincidence you had 3 rooks and thats exactly what i lost (as stated in my comp report)

3rd: you were robbing me they were my rooks i had every right to fight back, don't ever point a gun unless your ready to deal with the potential consequences 

"We tried to talk to him on TeamSpeak, but all he told us was to report him as he refused to accept that he had broken any rules."

You make it sound as if i was being rude on TS saying "REPORT ME THEN" I would never do that i have great respect for the community and do everything possible to right any wrongs i have done by sorting it out on ts, as my spotless record proves.

 I said if you feel i have broken a rule it is your right to file a complaint, but you wont be recieving any comp from me as i did not break any rules

Again, those were my guns and you were taking them from me with a gun pointed at me.
I'm sorry, but we did not pick up any pistol from the dead people. The reason we had three guns is because we were three guys online, me, Brus and PrettyPotato. If thats not enough, here is the video of me after I was revived and when PrettyPotato arrived till you robbed me and lost my gun to a random guy. I cut the audio as I feel like you dont really need to hear what we talk about as some of it is private. If you can see us picking up any gun from anyone, please tell me. https://youtu.be/HEifCttiWas

I'm sorry if the teamspeak stuff sounded rude, but I was trying to make it short.

EDIT: As veopes kept blaming me for stealing some guns, here is another clip of me getting RDMed showing that I did not loot any guns. I hope he can give me some proof that I did pick up the guns and stop accusing me without proof. https://youtu.be/7pT6V07AmdQ

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you cut the audio because you broke RP left and right

This was long after you had taken the guns, everything was over and everyone revived, you were the last to die picking up fallen guns and the last to be revived, 

I'm sorry, but we did not pick up any pistol from the dead people. The reason we had three guns is because we were three guys online, me, Brus and PrettyPotato. If thats not enough, here is the video of me after I was revived and when PrettyPotato arrived till you robbed me and lost my gun to a random guy. I cut the audio as I feel like you dont really need to hear what we talk about as some of it is private. If you can see us picking up any gun from anyone, please tell me. https://youtu.be/HEifCttiWas

I'm sorry if the teamspeak stuff sounded rude, but I was trying to make it short.

EDIT: As veopes kept blaming me for stealing some guns, here is another clip of me getting RDMed showing that I did not loot any guns. I hope he can give me some proof that I did pick up the guns and stop accusing me without proof. https://youtu.be/7pT6V07AmdQ
To be honest, it doesn't matter if the guns were yours or not, it was a robbery. Jango Fett asked your friend to drop his weapon and he didn't so Jango fett defended himself. Your friend had a gun aiming at his head, what Jango Fett did was self defence. Your friend was about to shoot Jango Fett, I watched, I was standing right next to you guys.


Player already banned for RDM, however warning points issued to everyone else for violation of forum rules.
