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Report a Player - James Moat - Poor/Low Quality RP Report Closed 8/3/17

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Active member
Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting

James Moat

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

Well i was at the Copper processor when i suddenly see a car driving up to me i had a bad feeling so i had my gun out. which i almost always have... They moved up on me then the guy who was trying to initiate on me but totally failed through my opinion said "What are you doing" few seconds after he took his gun out and said "put your handsss..." Then started shooting at me imidiately giving me no other choice than to shoot back. Tried contacting him and find out of a solution but its not gonna happen

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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Holmes good evening, first off I thought we decided yesterday on Teamspeak i would resolve this issue when you were back online, I have the footage of this and screenshots as I was still in the RP situation with the cops after this happened and you were going offline so I don't know why you are saying I haven't tried to resolve it on TS. Secondly please dont cut the video! we drove up in an Suv 3 man deep and my friend asked you to put your hands up, instead you decided to go through your inventory as seen in the video (also showing ur lockpick broke and you did not have access to the vehicle you were stealing), I then ask what your doing and you turn round to me. Obviously I was going to shoot I felt threatened, I thought you had heard the instructions hands up. The problem we agreed on in the TS while i was still trying to Rp was that you may not have heardmy friends initiation well which looking at your cut video is plausible. Can this not be sorted on TS as agreed before you rushed offline within about ten mins. Also i would like a longer video from your POV where we roll up in the car with the actual initation previous to us surrounding you, there was 3 of us in the area around you and from my evidence which ill upload soon (going to a staff party tonight) you can see from my side i can hear his initation and i see you going through your inventory then turn to me. Don't really fancy getting banned over something I think was a good RP robbery, rememr you had just robbed a guy when it might have been the fact you didnt hear hands up from my friend, this footage makes me seem as if I turned up and just said "what you doing and shot you". Thanks. Stay safe xx 


Screenshots proving i was in RP situation with cops straight after the shooting and medic revive, also showing you bombarding me with messages to come on TS within a matter of minutes and I said I will sort out when im free. Message below is the TS chat before you left and have now posted this report

<22:00:49> "James Moat": IM IN A CAR WITH POLICE
<22:00:52> "James Moat": sorry caps
<22:00:55> "James Moat": we can sort this
<22:01:02> "James Moat": but cant review ecidence right now
<22:01:04> "James Moat": either caps
<22:01:11> "James Moat": or ill talk with the others but we all in a police car
<22:02:15> "Holmes": James watch the video  type me on the forums https://www.roleplay.co.uk/profile/31970-holmes/
<22:02:25> "James Moat": alright sound man
<22:02:27> "Holmes": Good
<22:02:31> "James Moat": im sure we can resolve this
<22:02:34> "Holmes": we can
<22:02:34> "James Moat": either comp or whatever
<22:02:42> "James Moat": sorry just in fight with police
<22:02:42> "Holmes": i am decent guy <22:02:46> "Holmes": bye
<22:02:48> "James Moat": cheers man me too :)

I will upload the Video tomorrow of my POV in the mean time I am happy to talk on TS with all our evidences but not tonight I am afraid. Please upload the video from when the SUV comes to copper trader and we surround you and my FRIEND intitatied not me :D

Just wrote you on the forums... I am dropping the charges for now donnu how to delete this lel xD

Just to actually keep this going I have just seen this thread, "you tried to pull out ur mx but failed" in the video you go to inventory was before i even stated i was there but after my friend initiated so did you hear him? Also you stole that copper truck off a guy you left lying in the ground hence the lockpick break and also the medics came within a minute of killing you to revive the guy which then led to the police finding out it wasnt our truck so the copper wasn't yours in the first place, when the police stated the owners you were not one on my recordings the guy you killed before we arrived was. I will still comp you for 100k for whatever reason but  keep your story straight next time, I have more reason to believe you did hear him if u were about to pull out an mx before i said a thing. If your looking for a gang ur more than welcome to join us for a ride along for a few hours too but please don't be lying.


@Holmes- Do you mean you wish to close this report when you say 'you are dropping the charges'?

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