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Report a player - jake samuels - GTA RP

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tommy scalleta

Active member
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: tommy scalleta

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: jake samuels

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 10/04/23

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2230

What best describes this incident ?: NLR

Please (in detail) describe the incident: Ballas and hustlers had a shootout at around 9:30 where Jake Samuels was killed by Sean Glasgow, I think proceed to take some ballas to hospital where I get shot by arc and john I believe(this is just for context https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/1x4djQ9W9H72Zy/d13371PNrWpo?invite=cr-MSxKTUgsMTY0MDU4MjQ1LA) we then take the downed hustlers to a dodgy where Jake dies https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1145824796131741726/1159244133987258538/jake.mp4?ex=6530513b&is=651ddc3b&hm=51ff426d07b8b21aed1ca772ddd0a49941e977109ce976b9cbf2077f0bc3c91f& . as ballas return to turf we get shot at by arc and john who I presume have set up after killing me at pillbox instead of trying to fight ballas who were up collecting hustler bodies, so I believe its NLR as Jake dies during the fight with ballas and for arc and john this is still the same ongoing situation that we are fighting Jake then returns to the same situation that downs him https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/1x4Eagm_AW47ZK/d13373Y52q0c?invite=cr-MSxGcG0sMTY2NDI3MzQ0LA. I get that its been a while and everyone has moved away from the situation but john and arc are still in the active situation, they could have waited at their turf and waited for the rest of hustlers to turn up and did a push at a later date but as they just came down by themselves as the only alive hustlers says to me that its still the same active situation that Jake has returned to.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: No

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

 we then take the downed hustlers to a dodgy where Jake dies
I dont get where you get this from... If you'd ask Sean i didn't die at dodgy me and Sean had some more roleplay where he chucked me off a bridge WHICH I SURVIVED...

i then got found by a random guy as i was walking in zips, He then drove me to sandy shop where the police cut me from my zip ties.

After this i then go lay in sandy hospital for a while as i was bleeding.

After this i then meet with Fin to buy a heavy pistol and 500 pistol bullets.

Once i am back at turf putting my bullets away i get asked on radio for help as a new fight has started with the ballas on balla turf so thats when i then make my way to balla turf


This is not me that shoots you 🙂

Link to the clip of me and Sean after being dodyed


A simple talk in Discord call would of cleared this up, Yet you just straight to report? WHY?

Im sure staff can prove i didn't die and and the fight at balla turf was a total different situation some time later.

You say arc and john set up on your turf to collect bodies by the time they got to your turf the original fight was over and they set up on your turf as you was all busy dodgy doctoring me

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regardless of if u survived you still went down to the situation.

Once i am back at turf putting my bullets away i get asked on radio for help as a new fight has started with the ballas on balla turf so thats when i then make my way to balla turf
do you not find it a bit strange how arc and john are the only ones fighting and they were the only ones not at the dodgy with you.

A simple talk in Discord call would of cleared this up, Yet you just straight to report? WHY?
I see no point to a discord liaison on NLR its a point off view on the rule as i can see where you are coming from but I also have my opinion of the rule and how you have used it this time.

You say arc and john set up on your turf to collect bodies by the time they got to your turf the original fight was over and they set up on your turf as you was all busy dodgy doctoring me
aye you say they are there whilst we were busy at the dodgy but they got themselves involved in the situation by shooting me at pillbox during the situation then driving off waiting for us to leave and setting up.

regardless of if u survived you still went down to the situation.

Yes i did go down in a fight and later on another fight started and yes i returned to the new fight 🙂

do you not find it a bit strange how arc and john are the only ones fighting and they were the only ones not at the dodgy with you.

No not at all as we had no more  than 6 people log on tonight so i knew we wouldnt have many if we started fighting 🙂

I see no point to a discord liaison on NLR its a point off view on the rule as i can see where you are coming from but I also have my opinion of the rule and how you have used it this time.

so even if your wrong you would report? thats what a liaison call is for to get both sides of the story 🙂

aye you say they are there whilst we were busy at the dodgy but they got themselves involved in the situation by shooting me at pillbox during the situation then driving off waiting for us to leave and setting up.

They got involved in shooting you at pillbox and the original fight was at balla turf? Just because someone shot you at pillbox and was later spotted on your turf doesn't automatically make that the same situation?

Iv said what i need to say there were no rules broken on my behalf. We will wait for staff now 🙂

You was shot at pillbox? Did you not return to the fight.

We downed alot of ballas in the first fight.... They returned and was fighting long before i even got out of zipties and back to the city 🙂

This is Tom Deck the second fight


He goes down here

This is tom the first fight.


He goes down in the first fight too...

I dont see what you are getting at... The fight were two different fights 🙂

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so even if your wrong you would report? thats what a liaison call is for to get both sides of the story
Hi Jake thanks for twisting my words to suit your argument here but as I was trying to say we are both entitled to our opinion and obviously yours is going to be one bias on the fact that you have not broke a rule but untimely staffs opinon is one of final as a middle ground between both sides which is why reports are able to happen in the first place.

Just because someone shot you at pillbox and was later spotted on your turf doesn't automatically make that the same situation?
I’m not saying that it does but this time in this situation I believe that it is because John and arc obiously came down with the intention of fighting but couldn’t because they were frightened for their life due to ballas having downed all of their fellow gang members which they try to sit on the outskirts and take picks at ballas which still involves them in the situation, even if they drive away and hide till we return.

and try catch you off guard as you come back to your turf
Now don’t you find it a bit strange that you see all your boys go to dodgy which with the fact of seeing them not come back with ballas I’m sure you could infer that they are in critical condition but then Jake just appears fighting beside you

Thank you for your report, Unfortunately, it has been declined

The staff member will advise shortly why on this occasion they have declined to take action against the reported player.

Please do not let this put you off making further reports in the future, We rely on our player base to help keep our community clean.


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