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Report a Player - iTzTeabags - Poor/Low Quality RP

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CSI Daniel Snow

Well-known member
south west uk bath

Your In-game name

SGT daniel snow

Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

me pc sergei and spc angellfall was involved in a VDM witch killed us (unrelated) we spawned at kavala HQ got are gear as normal and headed to get a car to respond to the bank OP that was going on we went to drive off in a hurry and iTzTeabags shouted your shit at role play hop u die the hop u die part im not worryed about we hear it a lot as cops it the part about your shit at role play is the part im reporting i tryed to talk to the make i asked him to come to TS in witch he said whats the IP

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


to be fair yh i did break rp there but only because i was sat at that police station for like 40mins trying to sort my bounty and stuff out because there was a prison glitch that spawned me in the town i was sorting it out with one cop for a 15k ticket but then the server got random restarted then you made it private to fix it i guess but then the other cop that was sorting it didnt come back then for the past 40mins i asked every cop if they could help me but all they did was just ran past me got in a car and drive off so thats the reason i was so pissed and he said he tryed to reslove it before reporting thats a lie i got the ts i was saying to him im getting the identity of this server has changed and it wouldnt let me join i must have told him about 10 times but i get no reply and i was talking to him in game chat saying if he would have aleast said im busy i help you later i would have said ok and waited but the fact that no cop was helping me and not responding to me it made me mad 

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Ok some points here;

@iTzTeabagsYou can try to talk to them in chat all you want but cops can not read side/ooc chat. next time, send a phone message. Also, use some punctuation, your story is damn hard to read with no fullstops or comma's anywhere.

@daniel snowDon't you think that if someone asks for the IP that means they want to resolve it? You could and should have given him a fair chance to get online. The security check takes a while and people should not be reported just because they haven't been to TS before.

My decision:

I want both of you to still go and have that chat. And I want @iTzTeabagsto go and re-read all of the rules to make sure you fully understand them. No matter how long you have waited at the cop station or how frustrated you are, it is never an excuse to break roleplay in voice.

Report denied, issue has not been properly attempted to sort out.

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