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Report a player - ID 894 - GTA RP

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Well-known member
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Nema Johnson

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: ID 894

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 08/14/21

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 530

What best describes this incident ?: RMD

Please (in detail) describe the incident: I was driving around the area, trying to sell some weed that a player had provided to me and my friend. I began selling near the church, since NPC where spawning there, where most places where bugged and did´n render for me. I then met Player 894, and he asked me, if i had payed my taxes. I assumed he was trying to roleplay a good Samaritan, who was checking if i was evading tax or something. He sounded moody, like it wasn´t his day, and last time i met a player like that, i got rmded, so i started recording after our first meetup. He then said if i sold more drugs to a specific lady, i was getting shot, so i did´n sell anything to her. This was his only threat to life, that he made, and i complied, so i continued selling to other npc´s, as you can see in the recording. 6 minutes later, he and his gang wanted to talk to me, and asked if i had payed my taxed. I thought that they where trolling me, and i played along and said yes. Out of nowhere, Player 894 shot me in the head and drove off, and got his friends to camp my body, until i was going to bleed out.

I wrote to him on OOC chat, why he shot me, he said, it was because i was selling on his turf or something and the tax thing, was about paying him to do that. This was incredibly unclear instructions that he gave me, since what he said, was "have you payed your tax" That can mean a lot of things and since they never specified, what they meant, it got very confusing and impossible to tell, if it was Normal RP or Hostile RP. His only threat to my life, was when he threatened to shoot me, if i sold drugs to a specific lady, so i did´n do that. I passed by that area many times in the video, without any hostility, so i kept selling. When they asked me again after 6 minutes of non hostility about the taxes, i still had no idea, what they really meant. I guess Player 894 thought i was fooling around and his anger took over, and he just shot me. He could easily extended his RP and given me a reason to why he was about to shoot me, but he didn't and i was never told, that i was getting shot, if i came back there, so therefor i believe this to be RMD.

(G1.2) Random Death Match (RDM) - Attacking another player without engaging in any form of quality roleplay is considered RDM. (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order. “Put your hands up or I will shoot” and countdowns are not considered quality roleplay, please at least attempt to create an interesting roleplay story before considering violence.)

I did tell him, that what he did, was rdm in OOC, but he believed his action, to he right and he already sounded furious, so i did´n see a point talking to him on Teamspeak/Discord.

My Mic did´n record my voice in game, so you won´t be able to hear me in the recording.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: No

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

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That was me, I asked you multiple times to pay your taxes like everyone else on a daily basis and you tell me everyone pays taxes in there life ect ect and i simply told you if i see you again im gonna shoot you cause thats how gang turf's work its our rules on our grounds dont like it dont sell there or your liable of been shot, nobody camped you and them other people are not apostles and did not camp you at all, so thats also misguided information, and also sounding furious in OOC? through a message? you clearly dont know me and anyone that does and had any interaction with me knows im always down for a talk about a situation in TS, as for my Criminal Keith as i said you took the biscuit driving away twice and dealing on a turf that you didnt pay to deal on is in your own hands 

Jonny Barnes said:
That was me, I asked you multiple times to pay your taxes like everyone else on a daily basis and you tell me everyone pays taxes in there life ect ect and i simply told you if i see you again im gonna shoot you cause thats how gang turf's work its our rules on our grounds dont like it dont sell there or your liable of been shot. 
oh and previous to this you drove away twice from me when i asked so video doesnt show full sequence of RP 

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nobody camped you and them other people are not apostles and did not camp you at all, so thats also misguided information
I got recordings of me sitting injured in the backseat one of your cars that the shirtless guy locked. and one of your gang member sat on top of the car, camping it, while i was slowly bleeding out, so its not misguided information, its facts. 

and also sounding furious in OOC? through a message?
I was talking about your negative attitude ingame. 

as i said you took the biscuit driving away twice and dealing on a turf that you didnt pay to deal on is in your own hands 
I´m coming from the Arma 3 RP community, so i´m not familiar with the turf dealing and "Tax" that you where talking about.  Just because the meta is, that if you deal on gang territory, without paying tax, you get shot, doesn't give you the right to just shoot me there, without providing threat to life and demand. A threat of life was given, but the demands where to not sell more drugs to a specific lady, which i complied, but got shot anyways, because i did´n follow a hidden demand. Stuff like this would´n fly on the Arma Community, so i don´t see why it would here. 

so video doesnt show full sequence of RP 
That is true. I started to record, after our first meetup, since i thought you where trolling and was about to RMD at that second. But the recordings shows me driving past your shirtless friend multiple times and selling on the turf, without him interfering with hostile RP. I´m also within the Report guidelines, since the video is 6 minutes long and shows how it went from normal RP to Hostile RP randomly.

FiveM requiremens:

  • At least one form of physical proof (i.e a video or screenshot) so we can make the best judgement possible.
  • 3-5 minutes of footage before the initial rule break occurs. The only exception to this is blatant rulebreaks.
  • Session ID of player's being reported. (more information about obtaining a session id can be found here)

shirtless man is a member of the padrino's, you can go ask him again if you would and you could clearly see me driving away so nothing to do with me what he does in his spare time. was having normal RP till you refused to pay tax What would you like a gang member to do ? "oh no worries pal you fire away sorry for the disturbance and i wish you all the best selling drugs on my turf" regardless rock up to any turf without consent selling drugs your getting the same outcome 9/10 times, and also selling to lady if you pull up that map you have of the ingame map you will see a big lump of White surrounding the chapel thats ours, its tax not a hostage situation, demands ? you were told pay tax or go away and next time you will be shot ? you didnt listen hence why what happened. i cant speak on ARMA or what Fly's on about there but theres rules inside of city and letting someone off with a warning for a first time is enough when your driving around there turf for 30 minutes selling after been told to leave or pay 

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@NemaIn order to continue please provide a video with audio in which we can hear you as well, and if possible a video showing the roleplay that happened beforehand.

Hey @Ram I started recording after our first meetup, so i don´t have recordings of our previous interactions and my recording program, did´n record my voice. Only other video i have of the incident, is when they chose to camp me, while i was bleeding out.  

 Unfortunately, without being able to hear your side of the roleplay I will not be able to take any actions on this report.

[  Stuff you  said could of being a justification for the actions that was taken against you and without the audio, we cannot confirm/deny that]

as for @Jonny Barnes every situation must be carried out by high-quality roleplay, the fact that you already interacted with the guy in the past does not mean you provided these qualities, keep this in mind.

Declined - Lack of evidence

Thank you for your report, Unfortunately, it has been declined

The staff member will advise shortly why on this occasion they have declined to take action against the reported player.

Please do not let this put you off making further reports in the future, We rely on our player base to help keep our community clean.


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