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Report a player - ID = 75 - GTA RP

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Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Devon Hendrix

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: ID = 75

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 11/02/22

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1737

What best describes this incident ?: RDM , Poor RP

Please (in detail) describe the incident: After walking out of the local car and walking a few meters this guy decides to swing a machete from his bike twice incapacitating me, there was no rp involved no words were said throughout this situation he then decides to drive off again saying nothing. We had a little chat about this in ooc apparently its revenge for us chasing him yesterday after he stabbed me in the same way but i dont have that clipped but i believe this was very poor RP and thats why i'll be reporting them

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot): 

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: No

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

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You guys literally shot me up and left me to die, blamed me for logging out which I didn't I glitched through the world and teleported but was saved by EMS... What do you expect.. You started a gang war and now complaining because I cut you up? 

How was no RP involved? What do you expect a rival gang to do come and say hello? I shanked you and got out and will continue to go at war with ya'll as you started it..

I am new to the server yes and obviously have a lot to learn, but knowing what you all did to me and I survived means I can come back and kill you right? Lucky I didn't finish you/leave you to die.

Next time should I stop and let you get a chance of doing me over? This server is supposed to simulate real life as close as it can and in real life that would happen... Should I /me stabs him... Don't Think So

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I glitched through the world and teleported but was saved by EMS
I remember asking you in OOC if you were glitched or not, but you didn't respond. In addition, you tried to do the exact same thing 3 times now where you don't say anything but stab someone without saying anything then running away, again without saying anything.


How was no RP involved? What do you expect a rival gang to do come and say hello? I shanked you and got out and will continue to go at war with ya'll as you started it..
Its as easy as explaining why you wanted to stab me, and I dont know what you mean by "continue to go to war" when did anyone say we were going to war with a single person 

You started beef, were I come from in the UK we dont meet up and organise war hahahaha its beef on you get stabbed/shot on your estate for doing what u done lad... End of?

Shouldn't of shot me up and left me to die 

We did not start it why would we chase someone down with no reason for it? you stabbed me from your bike and it was radio'ed in which caused you to get chased and killed luckily  glitch saved you 

Last night I was on Vargos territory selling, you must of thought I was one of them and chased my bike down and proceeded to shoot me...? I glitched through the map which is how I was saved by EMS. Today I am still living and remember fully it was you and your gang who did it so of course I'm coming back for revenge don't be daft.

no we had someone looking for you around different turfs, you were spotted at vagos turf so he chased you and radio'ed where you were going so we could pin you down in the end you were killed, and is it really necessary to come for revenge three different times? in doing so you stabbed people who werent even involved.

Shouldn't of shot me up and left me to die 
You do know that you should of not remember that right...? I clearly remember coming back up the mountain to make sure you die.

Also, we are not officially at war with Vagos at the moment, only verbal beef, meaning that you shouldn't even speak to us. Furthermore, when trying to kill or attack someone, you must always provide roleplay or at least make some sort of quick chatter before striking.

From what I can see is that you are breaking a couple of rules ;

(G1.2) Random Death Match (RDM) - Attacking another player without engaging in any form of quality roleplay is considered RDM. (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order. “Put your hands up or I will shoot” and countdowns are not considered quality roleplay, please at least attempt to create an interesting roleplay story before considering violence.) - Mass RDM is a permanent ban.

(G4.3) When you respawn and NLR applies: 

  • Your character does not remember any of the previous roleplay situation. 
  • Any feud your character had with their killer(s) is ended.  IMPORTANT *
  • If your character respawns as an exit strategy from a relationship then the relationship dies with them. 
  • Your character must not return to the location where you died/bled-out for at least 15 minutes. 

Your character must not re-enter the situation that caused you to respawn and must excuse themselves from the situation if they accidentally enter it. 

Quick question, are you in the F6 menu as a Vagos member?

This is where I was the one about to me RDMed by you and I immediately try to get in contact with you, but again you don't respond.

AKA first time I try and message you: 

What are you talking about? I didn't die fully.. Up the mountain? This is a different situation I am talking about mate.. YESTERDAY you killed me under a bridge and left me to die... I was revived by NHS and came back for you....

I didn't respawn as I didn't die... You are thinking of a different guy here bud..

I'm the guy you all chased from Vargos hood in to the city and you shot me and I glitched through the map and was revived.. I was never taken to a mountain?


You are literally posting images from a different person, this isn't  me?

1 > It's not NLR as I was revived?

2> It's not RDM as its Revenge from the shots you hit me with yesterday?

It's not whether I stab the exact guy, I remember you were there you may not of been the shooter but I am in a gang too.. It's now classed as gang war?

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Im just going to let this be handled by staff cause im going to repeat the same points i've already made.

Indeed, you have pointed out the fact that you chased me down and shot me up, I survived, came back and stabbed you up... This is how it would happen IRL so.

1 > It's not NLR as I was revived?

2> It's not RDM as its Revenge from the shots you hit me with yesterday?
1 - The only reason why you are doing this is because we killed you on the and left you to die on the mountain... I'm sure you died and are not supposed to remember the fact that we killed you.

2 - Ask any staff, every single one of them will say that * YOU MUST PROVIDE ROLEPLAY OR TALK BEFORE STRIKING *.

If possible can we speak on discord, because I would love to teach you some rules.


Matter of fact, I've been looking through your medal clips and it seems like it common for you not to speak before killing someone, here is one clip :


1 - The only reason why you are doing this is because we killed you on the and left you to die on the mountain... I'm sure you died and are not supposed to remember the fact that we killed you.

2 - Ask any staff, every single one of them will say that * YOU MUST PROVIDE ROLEPLAY OR TALK BEFORE STRIKING *.

If possible can we speak on discord, because I would love to teach you some rules.


Matter of fact, I've been looking through your medal clips and it seems like it common for you not to speak before killing someone, here is one clip :

I don't know when your talking about? I am talking about a different situation mate? If your the guys who pretended to be cops and left us on the mountain like last week we survived lol? My friend who you left a little minute away sent a NHS report literally seconds before you took his phone as did I...? NHS Came and saved us check the logs you idiot. 

Also this is a DIFFERENT SITUATION, You chased me off Vargas hood for nothing and shot me down yet I STILL SURVIVED and came back to stab you so NO NLR WAS BROKEN!!!!

& That clip is in a whole other situation with the Hustlers and I HAD REASONS Mate as he literally shot me with a shotgun 10 mins prior, YET I DIDNT DIE AS NHS SAVED ME!!!!  I had a reason to come and kill him this is why he has not reported it?

You are just making things up, every time I have been shot/stabbed I have ended up surviving due to NHS responding, which means no NLR was broken.. It's not for you to say the staff can check the logs and prove I have only died EVER once fully and it was in a situation with the Red Gang not you, hence why I haven't been and killed any of them, they ocean dumped me which is basically un-survivable. Every time you shot or stabbed me I have been revived idiots xD

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I was going to leave this to staff but you’ve just made a false statement 

& That clip HAD REASONS Mate as he literally shot me with a shotgun 10 mins prior, YET I DIDNT DIE AS NHS SAVED ME!!!!  I had a reason to come and kill him this is why he has not reported it?
I have never owned a type of shotgun on this server so i don’t understand how i could’ve shotgunned you tbh, i had been in the server close to 15 mins also so doesn’t add up 

I was going to leave this to staff but you’ve just made a false statement 

I have never owned a type of shotgun on this server so i don’t understand how i could’ve shotgunned you tbh, i had been in the server close to 15 mins also so doesn’t add up 
Who said I was talking about you? I'm talking about the other clip that guy posted...... Can you read?

"& That clip is in a whole other situation with the Hustlers and I HAD REASONS Mate as he literally shot me with a shotgun 10 mins prior, YET I DIDNT DIE AS NHS SAVED ME!!!!  I had a reason to come and kill him this is why he has not reported it?" 

Is that you on the clip I kill, don't think so...

Your gang SHOT ME with a PISTOL and I survived, I came back and stabbed you.. That's what happened in our situation can I make that CLEAR?

I never broke NLR as I survived and its not RDM as it was revenge.

You 2 are stupid

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yeah thats my bad didnt see that clip thought you were on about mine, but still that clip shows how you randomly stabbed that man without initating anything

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