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Report a player - ID 638 - GTA RP

Ant Toe

Active member

Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Ant Toe
Reported Players: ID 638
Date: Jul 16, 2024
Time: 11:30
What best describes this incident: C1.2
Please (in detail) describe the incident: After a fight with changaloas, we had one of their members downed inside the arcade. Whilst he was down he had an outburst of language which i don't think belongs here.
Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://streamable.com/j1rqx2
I would like to start by saying that I fully admit that I said it, but not meaning to, it slipped out, and at first, your lot said it was alright and told me you understood it happens sometimes, and this was 2-3 days ago. Why is it only being brought up now after having a fight with some of my people and a fight I wasn't involved in? and I said I apologized in LOOC, and you guys said not to sweat it, and then I went quiet because I knew I fucked up. I just feel like you are trying to pick at any dirt you guys have on the changaloas because you lost a fight.
Hello. Thanks for the report.

Now @gareth kelly , I’m not filled with great confidence in the range of your vocabulary if a word like that just “slips out”. I don’t understand how that just rolls of your tongue accidentally, slightly concerning.

Whilst I’m glad you admit to it, you were also caught dead to rights anyways, there was no other option but to admit to this. What could’ve been good of you, if you were sincere and actually apologetic of this so called mistake, would be to actually apologise. Apart from “My bad” in OOC Chat, you hadn’t apologised, and you haven’t apologised on this report either and decided to actually try accuse the reporter of revenge reporting. Don’t make this about anyone else, this is about you and your evident breach of C1.2. Report Approved.

Action Taken
CharId: 110535
Rule: C1.2

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