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Report a player - ID 153 - GTA RP

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Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Noah Voight

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: ID 153

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 03/25/22

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1700

What best describes this incident ?: RDM

Please (in detail) describe the incident: The Video Shows what happened really however:
I was standing on triad turf talking to Ju Long and selling drugs for the past 10 mins, we had no interactions with any Ballas for the last few hours and then out of nowhere myself and Ju start getting shot with no words being said to us at all from what we can only assume is from the multi-storey roof.
We are currently at war with the Ballas with agreed rules one being KOS on turf with FULL Colours for us being or wearing anything fully red or out F6 clothes and same with the Ballas (I am clearly only wearing the Mask therefore not full colours).
Here is the Clip to show his ID https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/fthqhudTC0wP8/d13378SfUeJ8?invite=cr-MSxuQTIsMTU2Nzk3NTAs

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: No

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

Hi Noah I would firstly like to ask why you didn't try to contact me via OOC or resolve this in TS first? I would also like to add the timing of this report seemed to me as it coming across of more a revenge report for the one that was up against Ju Long more than anything due to the fact you didn't attempt to contact me or resolve the issue or even let me try to give an explanation first. Also could you please provide the full 5 mins footage that is required for reports as stated by members of Staff, Thanks.

You go on to explain how there has been no interactions with Ballas in the past few hours. You do understand there is currently an ongoing war between Ballas & Triads that is KOS on turf? Triads had been to our turf a few hours prior if I remember correctly and shot a couple bullets from cars. There was no interaction hours before this then either? But as you should know and as explained there is a war and its KOS on turf which is why we accepted the drive by as a possibility. In the footage even you own members mention the fact you are wearing the Triad mask.

You go on to mention FULL F6 colours if this is the case then why do Triads continue to wear red clothing that is not in the F6 clothing?? And also continue to wear just the red mask with either no shirt at all or clothes that aren't even remotely close to the colour red?? This to me shows that you are setting the "Triads F6 clothing" as being primarily the Official Triad face bandana that only Triad members can wear through being in the F6. I have had multiple interactions and situations with Triads doing this please see the evidence below:


The second video is this person up close: https://imgur.com/AAC4P2W

In addition to the above I would like to add that you yourself are breaking server rules in the video you have uploaded. You failed to act injured whilst downed. You are also indulging in tactical information & gathering/providing information to your fellow gang members. See below reminder of that rule:


If you would you like to discuss this any further I am happy to go to TS.

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Hi Noah I would firstly like to ask why you didn't try to contact me via OOC or resolve this in TS first?
I personally didn't think taking this to TS would resolve anything as the Ballas have been shooting us out of colours now for a couple of days. 

I would also like to add the timing of this report seemed to me as it coming across of more a revenge report for the one that was up against Ju Long more than anything due to the fact you didn't attempt to contact me or resolve the issue or even let me try to give an explanation first.
The Report that was up on Ju Long has nothing to do with the situation I am reporting you for. The matter of the fact is that you broke a rule therefore I am reporting you for it. 

You go on to explain how there has been no interactions with Ballas in the past few hours. You do understand there is currently an ongoing war between Ballas & Triads that is KOS on turf? Triads had been to our turf a few hours prior if I remember correctly and shot a couple bullets from cars. There was no interaction hours before this then either? But as you should know and as explained there is a war and its KOS on turf which is why we accepted the drive by as a possibility. In the footage even you own members mention the fact you are wearing the Triad mask.

You go on to mention FULL F6 colours if this is the case then why do Triads continue to wear red clothing that is not in the F6 clothing?? And also continue to wear just the red mask with either no shirt at all or clothes that aren't even remotely close to the colour red?? This to me shows that you are setting the "Triads F6 clothing" as being primarily the Official Triad face bandana that only Triad members can wear through being in the F6.

The fact that there has been an on going war does not justify you shooting me out of FULL colours. Let me quote the war rule for you: 

1. Kos on turf ( Full Coloured Car + Full Coloured Clothing )

The reason I am mentioning this war rule about being in FULL colours being/wearing FULL RED or PURPLE as you can clearly see I am wearing Black Jeans and a White Vest. Server Rules go over War Rules and here you clearly broke a Server Rule being: 

(G1.2) Random Death Match (RDM) - Attacking another player without engaging in any form of quality roleplay is considered RDM. 

As for the other Triads this has nothing to do with my report and if you feel that has ruined your RP or ruined your experience you can open a separate report on them. 


Thank you for your report.

This is something that constantly keeps coming up and needs to be set straight. War rules, are NOT server rules. They are an agreement between the gang leads in order for the roleplay to pan out the best way possible.

From this report, its made very clear that if you had of been in colours, you wouldn't have reported anyone for RDM. So therefore this is NOT RDM. There is backstory set by the two gangs that has lead to KOS in certain zones which again is NOT a server rule, simply an agreement as there is quality roleplay backing the reasoning for KOS each other.

Being in "gang colours" has 0 effect on the roleplay governed by the server rules. If it had of been the case that Ballas not in any "gang colours" drove past the turf, identified Ju Long being on triad turf, and you were at war (KOS), it would make complete sense to kill him regardless of what clothing he's wearing.

Among the gang leads, you have agreed to an "opt-in opt-out" option for the wars. In this particular case, one party of the war broke that war rule that allows you to have the option. Ideally that option shouldn't exist as it causes so many issues but its there and needs to be understood that ANY of the war rules set by gangs are NOT server rules as the server rules trump any war rule. If both sides agree that this option is to stand and you are not to kill anyone out of colours by any means or any other terms of war, then they answer to the gang leads if they break these war rules. Nothing to do with staff. 

This is an attempt to ruleplay not roleplay this situation. You know full well that there was roleplay behind the reasoning of the shooting.

To summarize:

1) The Rules of Engagement set out by gangs are not server rules and are entirely roleplay.

2) If a gang member breaks the terms of war i.e Rules of Engagement, they answer to the gang leads.

3) If a gang member who is at war with a rival gang, dies out of colours, its not considered RDM.

4) Ruleplaying situations rather than using common sense is not something that is entertained.

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Thank you for your report, Unfortunately, it has been declined

The staff member will advise shortly why on this occasion they have declined to take action against the reported player.

Please do not let this put you off making further reports in the future, We rely on our player base to help keep our community clean.


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