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Report a player - He mumbled and I could not hear what his name was - GTA RP

Daniel White

New member

Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Daniel White
Reported Players: He mumbled and I could not hear what his name was
Date: Jan 1, 1970
Time: 1:45
What best describes this incident: You must not abuse your role as a medic or firefighter to assist your friends in any way. At all times you are to value your life, if you are clearly outnumbered or at an obvious disadvantage you should comply with demands. Forcing a scenario where no matter the roleplay of the other party you will win. Example: Roleplaying superpowers, roleplaying fatal injuries when they were only minor to avoid roleplaying with the emergency services, sealing buildings with cars to prevent entrance of other players, using knowledge of the rules within roleplay. so with this one he abuses the feature of moving someone the second recollection of me carrying him came into existence and didn't let him go
Please (in detail) describe the incident: Where do I begin my first time returning as a new player to this server I have introduced multiple friends two, in a small space of time now and have never seen on any server such fail rp until meeting this guy who wanted to be a police officer, THIS MAN Also used a feature to move him when I attempted to carry him to avoid interaction this is
Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/iHX4gqMgBSm4I3lY9/d13375sqBb3v?invite=cr-MSx5d0wsMTg0MTM5Mjk1LA 1st clip https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/iHX4XzNyceiNfYfXM/d1337aGfEOik?invite=cr-MSxxTEEsMTg0MTM5Mjk1LA 2nd clip
Heya @Daniel White!

I would have preferred to talk to you about this situation in QE as i think it would have already been resolved but ill explain the situation to you here then.
I am not completely sure what this report is about but i will address the points you mentioned.

In clip 1 you attacked a police officer who then tased and cuffed you and your friend. I then gave the police officer a hand by getting you inside.

In clip 2 your friend attacked me which lead to him being hit by a car and i started escorting him to give him medical and bring him to the police officers you punched me in the back of the head and ran away. You then returned and tried to carry your friend and i escorted him at the same time which caused your friend to start floating on accident, which is something that sometimes happens if you 2 people try to pick someone up at the same time. I tried to drop him which didn't work until you stopped carrying him. When he was fixed i escorted him again and brought him to the police officers and gave him medical attention after.

I feel like this is more of a RP issue of what happened but i am more then happy to talk to you about this further in QE aswell.
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Your actions by moving him the second I went too pick him up, was a conflict of your interests in helping the officers which in both clips clearly are showing to be friends of yours, or people you have interests in talking with most days so I don't see how talking this over would settle said matter
I'm gonna be honest with you I have no idea who most of those officers are I've never met them besides 2 that I talked to later in the cells. I have no connection or anything with the officer that arrested your friend.

He attacked me with a hammer and got downed so I brought him towards the police.

I'll let staff deal with this from here.
I'm gonna be honest with you I have no idea who most of those officers are I've never met them besides 2 that I talked to later in the cells. I have no connection or anything with the officer that arrested your friend.

He attacked me with a hammer and got downed so I brought him towards the police.

I'll let staff deal with this from here.
I think their is a thin line between acquaintance and treating people like your friends an I feel like here there is sufficient evidence to state you have engaged in biased roles as a medic/fire