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Report a Player - GreeN - VDM (Rejected)

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Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

I had been lying on the ground bleeding out for a good period of time after a firefight (initiated with poor rp) resulting in 3 casualties (including me), suddenly GreeN decides to hop into a vehicle and run me over while i was on the ground. Which is VDM, according to staff members.

The video explains it all, if i hadnt died from bleeding out he'd probably have another go at me judging from how he was backing up getting ready to run me over again.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


@Chiminim, do you have any proof that they guy in the car was GreeN ? 

~ Jefke V.
The guys in the video are apart of the ''LithuanianMafia'' gang which consists of 3 players: Fog, GreeN and pipilioza.

I killed Fog. So that wasnt him. 

pipilioza killed me, i recognize him by the clothing: Caps and CSAT armour.

Only one left is GreeN which came later in a helicopter and had different clothing from pipilioza.

I have a screenshot of him asking in OOC how to ''finish someone off'' which was what he was trying with the vehicle.


Anyways you can get both pipilioza and GreeN for fail rp in the execution part. They said nothing, completetly quiet and were desperately trying to execute me in order to get the money of my dead body. (01:18 when he first starts trying to execute me with 0 rp)


(7.1.3) Killing and executing someone must be carried out with high roleplay, “put your hands up or I will shoot” etc is considered low RP and may lead to a ban for RDM/Fail RP.

@Chiminim, Sorry but you saying i know it was him bacause i killed his friend and recognize his other friend his clothing so it must be him. is not enough evidence. 
Also you got killed by pipilioza. Therefore he does NOT need to provide to execute you. it is a bit silly when he in a active gunfight. manage to flank you. 
that he needs to rp the execution. And so might get his life in danger. Do you have any evidence to add before i make a final call on this one? 

~ Jefke V.

@Chiminim, Sorry but you saying i know it was him bacause i killed his friend and recognize his other friend his clothing so it must be him. is not enough evidence. 
Also you got killed by pipilioza. Therefore he does NOT need to provide to execute you. it is a bit silly when he in a active gunfight. manage to flank you. 
that he needs to rp the execution. And so might get his life in danger. Do you have any evidence to add before i make a final call on this one? 

~ Jefke V.
I have no other evidence whatsoever, however GreeN did try to execute me aswell and he wasnt apart of the gunfight but i have no evidence of his name only that he tried to shoot me. 

I know its kind of silly, thats what i thought aswell but i was encouraged by a staff member to fill in the report so i just went ahead with it. Always trying to keep the community at highest quality.

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@Chiminim, i understand that. but however, We need clear evidence before we can action. 
Therefore today this report will be denied due lack of evidence. 
Thank you for your time and responses.

DENIED, Lack of evidence. 

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