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Report a Player - Goatman and Samuel - RDM

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Well-known member

Your In-game name

[LOV] AntonW

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

Goatman and Samuel Ben Williams

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Meta gaming

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

We were outside the drugdealer town just about to leave, i was just chatting with some random hobo when my mates see two guys with pistols sneaking around, 10 seconds later i get randomly shot without any initiation at all by either samuel or goatman, we managed to kill them but they should have initiated before starting to shot at me.

15 min before this event happent we were in a gunfight with these lads were they ended up dying, they later got revived by medics so i guess they were looking to get revange. But as i said the last shot from that firefight was about 15 min before this so the firefight was obviously over which means they have to reinitiate otherwise its RDM.

I asked them to come on team speak to LOV lobby in global chat although they didnt reply or come.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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First off I want to say sorry about not coming to team speak but I didn't see you asking for me in side chat if you still want to talk about this hit me up I'm on quite frequently.

Anyway it was neither me (GoatMan) or Samuel who started shooting you without initiating the video below gives my p.o.v of things it shows me standing next to the person shooting then moving as soon as he started shooting this was not authorized in any way by me or Samuel.

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Well the guy who started shooting without any initiation was part of your gang, your video shows that you nor samuel did it although your gangmate ben williams was the one who started firing without saying anything at all. I guess i'll change the person im reporting from samuel/goatman to ben williams as you guys werent the ones who RDMd.

Sorry for reporting the wrong person but your names were the only ones i had as you two were the only two who died.

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Yeah I know he is part of the gang but the shooting was not in anyway authorized by leadership.

I'll make sure to get Samuel and Moon when they are on and we will talk to Ben about the matter if we are all on at the same time I'm hoping we would be able to also speak to you to try and resolve this report without Ben getting penalized.

I checked though your video again and at about 3:50 in the first video you meta-gamed us by finding we were in LOV and acting upon it, you had no idea we were in LOV. Also saying "we recognized your faces" is irrelevant as the only ones in your range of view was me or daniel and he was wearing a face mask and i was inside of a car. The only way you have have known it was us would have been to scroll wheel on us. Not only did you meta game to find out we were LOV to act upon it but also used scroll wheel to find out it was us.

As proof that they had to scroll wheel to find out it was us: http://prntscr.com/9pctv6

So im changing the ban report AGAIN, sorry admins. Ban report now is for RDM as shown in both mine and their video aswell as Meta-gaming as shown in their video, if you lads decide to take down the video i have i downloaded.

I don't know how you are accusing me of Meta Gaming because I've gave you my P.O.V of the whole situation and the last time I speak is after I get revived by the medic you can see in the video at no point do I scroll wheel to find out what gang you're in never even knew that was a thing really.

The only time LOV are mentioned is when Ben is speaking to police.

At 3:50 in your video your mates meta game us by saying that we are the LOV guys from before (you guys had no idea we were in LOV) which you used as reason to attack us (also no way you could have been certain that it was us as daniel had a facemask and I was in a building across the road when we killed you so you couldnt have "recognized our faces" as we were the only two there because cryant and harry was off getting into position on the mountain. Also its your fault as you decided to act upon your mates meta gaming.

Also at 01:10 your mate metagamed when he told the cops "i belive its the gang LOV", how did he know it was LOV?

[Taken from the rules page]

Here at Altis Life UK we take roleplay seriously, we do not allow metagaming on any of our Altis Life Servers that we host. Below are examples of what we see as metagaming, but as a rule of thumb, metagaming is the act of using information that your character would not know to influence your characters actions/reactions inside the game.
Metagaming will result in a ban ranging to a perm ban in some cases. (This is at the admin’s discretion)
4B) You are not allowed to identify players in game via nametags. Police, NHS and UNMC ranks (only ranks!) are fine to get, as they “wear clothing with the rank on” unless they are undercover. (Not in their uniform or masked.)
4C) Using tilde key for anything other than identifying people who break rules
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I really have no idea whether Ben just recognized you or it was actually meta gaming but as you can see in the video he is the one who mentions LOV two times and I didn't use any kind of information to attack you it was Ben who starting shooting without permission then about 5 seconds later I get shot dead so it isn't my fault as I didn't act upon my member's whatever he did meta gaming or not.

I want to resolve this on team speak but Ben hasn't been on for a while though but we could try to resolve your issue with me and Samuel.

I don't know how you can't say that me and goatman, it was Ben Williams who's the one who actually said hey guys is lov over there me and goatman actually physically fire or should we say we don't actually kill anyone during this process so if you want to speak about the metagaming go to Ben Williams because we're not someone to be blamed for for his mistakes.

I cant really tell your voices from eachother, the only thing im accusing you two of is that you two should not have acted upon his meta game, you shouldnt have acted. Also sure you might not have killed anyone but you were still part of the attack were you not? Also dont you think its a bit poor rp to get killed, then like two min after you get revived to seek up the people who killed you and attack them?

Well if you want to come on ts and talk about it i will be on ts now and untill maybe 5-6 ahead, send me a message.

Resolved with samuel and goatman, ben williams still hasnt appeared after three days..

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