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Report a Player - Fat Chao - Poor/Low Quality RP

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Your In-game name

Aiden Chesters

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

Fat Chao

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 2

Please (in detail) describe the incident

Me and my friend spawned in pygros, we go to the garage to get a vehicle so we can go to the rebel zone, as our car is taken out a hatchback sport arrives with 3 players inside as my friend gets in his car they tell him to get out with there guns drawn, they ask what he is doing getting a car out of there garage, he says it's not your garage it's the governemt, they ask him who's garage it is and he responds with the same answer, this is where they kill him, they also ask me who's garage it is and i also responded with the same answer.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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Look, I told him that if he has a problem wth this beeing my garage i will shoo him. they keept repeating that it is the goverments garage. so from my point of view they had it comming. i agree the "rp" might not have been on the top but i dont see this as a rulebreak of any sort.

I was with Fat Chao when this happend (You can see it in the video) and i have something to say. Look, if a man has a gun and is asking you something and you are saying the opposite you are asking to be shot and not valuing your life, So maybe the one doing "Poor RP" were you and your friend. If you had RPed better, instead of saying what he didn't want to hear, you wouldn't be shot.You saw your friend challenging Fat Chao by saying what he obviously didn't want to hear and got killed, but when Fat Chao asked you, you chose to answer the same way as your friend so you obviously got killed aswell.You answered wrongly so he would shoot you, because you thought it would get him banned. This Report is a waste of time because the people who got killed didn't even try to RP better and simply disagreed on Fat Chao's demands, that resulted in getting themselves killed and coming to the Forums.

I don't think i should get 7 day suspension because i'm providing evidence. And i was present during the whole event, and if this stuff isn't said, then the whole event wouldn't be told.

4. Posting

  • Reports are not for commenting on. The only people posting should be the reporter with evidence, and the accused with their defense. If an misunderstanding is made, do not delete your messages, this can lead to more trouble. The only other posters should be those with evidence or directly involved with evidence to hand.
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But why would we agree on it being his garage when we clearly know it isn't? :/
2 Reasons 1- For RP and 2-People change their minds when they have a gun to their heads, you guys obviously didn't, and gave the wrong answer on purpose and the consequences got you killed. You brought this uppon yourselves.

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Maybe a little more RP may have been given here however, he told you he would shoot you, you have a gun to your head, he gives you a chance to say the right answer to save your life you give him the wrong answer and he kills you simple.

However, I may warn Fat Chao, you a capable of more here. Set an example for new players you don't have to kill them much more RP could have occurred.

Report Rejected. 

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