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Report a player - Drex - GTA RP

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Active member
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Jack Richards

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Drex

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 11/26/22

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2300

What best describes this incident ?: NVL

Please (in detail) describe the incident: We basicly saw Drex on the gas station , i pulled up to him while he was gassing up his tank , i pulled a knife and told him multiple times to get his hands up basicly . My partner in crime had a heavy pistol and pointed it to his head he was basicly cornered the whole time he decided to make a run for it and use a shotty on us so i stabbed him beacuse he refused to cooperate i dont bealive this happens with a Staff member i said to him i wont be reporting but my mate in crime left my organisation beacuse he lost that night a heavy pistol beacuse aztecas robbed us beacuse of Drex he screamed out of tops of his lungs to azteca guy going on the highway its Drex save me , save me and he was in critical condition stabbed in the stomach so when you get stabbed in the stomach for a minute or two you are okay but after that you start to lose much blood your lungs colapse and oxygen level is lower so basicly you cant scream you cant pretty much talk normal innit so we got kidnapped we got a heavy pistol taken from us and that was about it . So basicly we would avoid the whole scene with us getting kidnapped if he didnt refuse to give us his gun the shotgun this behavior is out of hand . I just dont want to accept that i lost a member beacuse of this petty situation a staff member not value his life is a big red flag for the city . Im sorry Drex but this scene ruined almost my organisation and there should be a compensation for this one major red flag

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): No

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Since this report is against a member of the Staff Team this will be dealt with by Staff Leads.

This occurred more than 24 hours ago, and now because your friend couldn't handle the loss of a gun - despite a successful liaison afterwards, you report it neverthless. 
Is this because your attempts of meta gaming in the liaison failed, where you said "I know this is MG, but can you comp us some money..?" 

You were informed of the procedures for compensation then, and chose not to use it.

This topic goes against our 'Report a Player' guidelines.

In regards to the report, this is extremely poor RP from your side; "Put your hands up, innit" being the first and only this you say and then repeat; I tried to make some form of RP out of it, hoping for some 'back-and-forth' with you, but the only thing I gor back was "hands up", followed by your attempts at rule-playing (Powergaming), by saying "You need to value your life", clearly referencing the rule. 

If you expect every hostile interaction to go smoothly, relying on OOC rules, then you've misunderstood the purpose of the rule entirely - it is not there to lean on in a poorly executed, broad-daylight robbery.

The moment I attempted to escape, your friend stopped aiming a gun, fumbling with a ziptie, and you had walked away from me, no longer facing the immediate danger, I tried fending for my characters life. Did I misjudge the situation at the time? Yeah. It was 3 in the morning my time, I made a mistake and we resolved it in Discord afterwards.

- Allow me to quote yourself:


In your second video, surrounded by Azteca's - You're initially facing a sawn-off shotgun and an UZI whilst being told to put your hands up. You lower your hands and say "It's Jack" and proceed to have a conversation, much like how our encounter went down - Are you also breaking G2.4 in that case, or is it in fact acceptable to attempt to create RP, similarly to how I did after all?

So why are you now continuously referencing rules, again?

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You cant tell me its poor RP when u dont cooperate if you did cooperate we would take a zip on you take you somewhere more private maybe torture you for the gun even and made ur RP a bit more better . On the part why i reported you basicly sided with delilah on last post and told a lie in the reply so thats giving me even more detirmination to file a report so basicly you approve your NVL with poor roleplay but you didnt want to roleplay you wanted to shoot us down both of us so that excuse im pretty sick of it when u learn that when u are cornered with no gun out or knife you need to comply to what i say . If i was a bit more agressive as a character i would done you way sooner so i decided to post this when u lied and told a lie in the reply section that i told to delilah ,, THAT SHES A CUNT BEACUSE SHES REPORTING ME ,, and in other universe more realistic one i said this ,, I dont report always im not a cunt ,, well quite opposite im a cunt beacuse you given me no other chose . Constantly problems around this city as a staff member you need to know basics at least and when its a rule brake offten people go with that non high quality roleplay how can i give u roleplay when u were basicly acting like a jerk u had instructions given to you firstly you grab the victim then you sort out the RP how its gonna go by putting you in a ziptie isnt it logical that we gonna take you somewhere that its not gonna be only a robbery at the same spot and that you gonna get probably tortured for all of the stuff you have so you cant say its low value roleplay when u didnt give me a chance to roleplay you just told me do you know who i am i am the owner of this gas station to wich i replied i dont give a fuck like legit i didnt . So i think as a staff member u should eat this one and learn to value your life end of the story i even said it in that manner so it doesnt be misunderstood you were doing a sharade with us so you deserve to do better roleplay but so do we what was your high quality roleplay jumping in front of a heavy pistol and a knife well played roleplay just fabolous

@KillerCurseThe case was resolved, and past the 24hr mark?

Screenshot from the wiki;

Can you explain  a bit more what is your thought process here? 

My tought process was not to report at first . But then my second in command Will left us beacuse of shit like this that happen (We lost a heavy pistol and a shotgun to him thats rough). Then i decided if people are gonna destroy cammora like this and lie in other reports for other players im gonna report them too like they are doing it to me so i dont see a problem if you think this report should not happen just beacuse 24 hours passed no problem beacuse as i can see on every of my reports there is an excuse to the other party only when its a report about myself there are no excuses all the best .

What i see is that you changed your mind after the fact as you think that people are out to destroy the group you are apart of. I will cut you a break this time, but revenge reporting will be met with a ban.

Matter was resolved, and still is resolved.

Report Rejected.

Thank you for your report, Unfortunately, it has been declined

The staff member will advise shortly why on this occasion they have declined to take action against the reported player.

Please do not let this put you off making further reports in the future, We rely on our player base to help keep our community clean.


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