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Report a player - Drex - 235 - GTA RP

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Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Aria Nair
Reported Players: Drex - 235
Date: 18/07/2024
Time: 17:00
What best describes this incident: C6.5 - Ban Threat?
Please (in detail) describe the incident: After an RP scenario which I wont go into much detail about as I feel it is irrelevant at this moment. I hold my hands up I did do my bit of bitching and moaning in OOC chat. Which to be honest I do tend to do quite alot which I do need to work on which I've been trying to do. After my first message in OOC saying 'Nice Vending machine RP' or whatever it was. I got a warning from Sammy in OOC. We Liased in QE afterwards which is all well and good, problem solved I've got no problem with any of the RP after hearing everyone involved POV of the situation. Fair enough. But I did notice Drex did put in OOC chat. You'll be banned in a minute, stop. Which personally I find odd as it does seem like a ban threat in my opinion. Especially when there was not ANY warnings for kicks for ooc abuse etc. And the fact Drex was directly involved in the situation that I was pissy about.Just to Clarify. I've got no problem with anything RP wise after the Liason we all had.
Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://i.gyazo.com/c3f0b7b3a72b752cae32c1af4e7ce464.jpg
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As this report is regarding a member of staff it will be handled by the staff leads.
You had been warned by @Sammy previously, as you stated (Not shown in the screenshot), you then did it again and you were further warned by myself to stop, as shown in the screenshot.
You carried on, after being warned more than once, and you were informed once more, that you will receive a ban, should you not stop breaking the rule that you continuously broke.
I have not abused my position as a staff member by advising you to stop breaking a rule, and in the process inform you of the consequence should you not stop - You had been warned twice already.
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Hello Drex. Ive got no problem with any of that, its the fact that you, YOURSELF, said 'You'll be banned in a minute, stop' Whenever you were directly involved in the situation. if it was any other staff member etc, fair dues. But it's the fact that you said it whenever you were part of the situation. And obviously because you were part of the situation, there could always be the potential of bias since you're a member of staff saying something like that which to me sounds like a ban threat. I own up to the fact I was misusing OOC. I even stated it in my report that its something I'm working on
You were continuously breaking a server rule, what exactly would you expect at that point?
What I'm trying to say is, it's common sense that you'll receive a punishment for breaking a server rule. It is also normal for that punishment to be harsher (e.g a ban), when a player has been given multiple warnings to stop, and fails to listen.

To avoid or reduce the risk of bias, it is also normal procedure within the staff team, not to deal with situations that we are directly involved in, with the exception for certain rule-breaks of a more sensitive nature, of course - hence why I requested an uninvolved staff member to attend, through our internal channels, and why I did not issue any kick/warning or ban.

As a staff member, we tell people to stop breaking rules, or they'll be kicked / banned - This is our daily function, and most certainly not an abuse of our position.
In the history of RPUK, I don't think a Staff member have ever been reported, for telling someone to stop breaking a rule or there'll be consequences. This seems like an utter waste of mine and our Staff Leads time.

Now, I do not wish for any unnecessary back-and-forth, so I'll leave this topic at this reply, for Leads to ultimately deal with.
Well if this seems like a utter waste of staff Leads time then I'm sure they'll get this closed off. The fact is you basically threatened me with a ban because I was I complaining in OOC about a situation you were Directly involved in.
Please do not claim to know the reasoning behind my actions and try to pass it off as facts - I speak for myself, not you.

I did not comment because you complained about a situation I was involved in, I commented because you were relentlessly misusing OOC chat; which is against the rules.
Good Morning @BenIsBanned

I've had time to have a look over the messages on the server at the time this happened. Now this started with you saying in OOC chat "nice vending machine rp!". You we're told by Sammy to stop it as was another member. You then decided to go into LOOC complaining again with the following; how about any RP instead of just looting? - classic, just dump to end any scencarious & classic looting rp!.

After the second LOOC message you we're told by Drex, Enough complaining in OOC and telling you it does apply to LOOC too. By your own screenshot you complained again and was told you would be banned.

Now looking at this report you state the following "We Liased in QE afterwards which is all well and good, problem solved I've got no problem with any of the RP after hearing everyone involved POV of the situation." You then make a report because Drex told you that you would get banned for breaking a simple rule that I'd say you know about.

To avoid or reduce the risk of bias, it is also normal procedure within the staff team, not to deal with situations that we are directly involved in, with the exception for certain rule-breaks of a more sensitive nature, of course - hence why I requested an uninvolved staff member to attend, through our internal channels, and why I did not issue any kick/warning or ban.

As Drex mentioned this is often the case however here you we're throwing your toys out of the pram and was told the outcome should you continue. Did Drex threaten you with a ban? No.

Looking at this you wasn't even punished for this. Need to keep in mind that staff members do play the server as well and if the rules are broken we are here to deal with that.

You we're told to stop, Didn't listen and informed what would happen should you continue. After being informed you'd receive a ban you did then stop so it had the desired effect. OOC is there for help not to complain because things don't go your way within RP.

Did Drex abuse his position? No. He did reach out to another staff member to look over the chat.

I highly suggest moving forth you don't misuse OOC chat as you do risk being warned and or receive a ban according to the FBS system moving forth. I'll leave it there for you misusing OOC and hope I don't see it continue.

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