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Report a player - Cutlass - GTA RP

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Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Matthew Munday

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Cutlass

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 08/29/23

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1

What best describes this incident ?: RDM/ Baiting

Please (in detail) describe the incident: Cutlass and coalition have been involved in a altercation for the past 5/6 months now which has recently ended due to mutual decision. Coalition have noticed there has been an influx in cutlass members going onto the hill and as per we have been trying to tax these individuals as we would anyone else that we do not have a deal with are a general member of the player base. These attempts have been met with hostility and slander such as We are not paying tax and Cutlass don't pay tax and continuing to sell this in my eyes would be baiting.

Cutlass have continued to do this for a couple of weeks post war and to open an avenue of roleplay I have decided to have a meeting to stop this and present them with a business opportunity to build the trust and relationship up again between the two gangs. I have presented them with fixed time to sell to build trust and so it does not result in war. During the meeting I was met with the attitude, we are a war gang and we will go to war over the hill.

Today a Cutless member was asked to pay tax on the hill in which he refused so we have asked him to leave, Kash has later arrived on the hill and continued to talk about a deal regarding the hill in which there has still been no further progress with negotiations. After the talk took place we have been stood on the hill and then randomly shot when we were not expecting it deeming this in my eyes as RDM.

Further to this cutlass invited an unknown paramedic into the arcade to treat my wounds in which they were all stood round with guns out, in a normal situation the paramedic would have pressed his panic button and I believe corruption for emergency workers is not allowed anymore. They have then taken me to sandy hospital and waited for me to get better again I didn't think you could do this. Later they have told me they will be taking the hill and have now claimed the hill as there own. I don't think this is acceptable RP and brings a frag like mentality to the server, I am here to roleplay and not just shoot people.

I am following guidance from ticket 434526653041999884 in regards to this issue which I have previously brought to staffs attention.

A discussion has taken place in liaison and nothing was solved therefor I have made this. I will be leaving this to staff to deal with, if you require any further information please staff get in contact.



Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

It makes me feel that you are not interested in roleplaying but rather rule play when you completely disregard my character and the roleplay leading up to this incident. This scenario takes place over almost a year, and the moment you singled out was the decisive moment in which you rejected the offer I repeatedly made to you. Not only do I play my typical passive-aggressive role, of which you are well aware, in the video, but you also explicitly state what my intentions were. I've put a lot of work into portraying my gangster persona, and I've developed a reputation as someone who shouldn't be messed with.

We never intended to kill you off; rather, we wanted to send a message. I wish you had invested the same amount of time and effort in your roleplay as you did in your report. After bringing you to the Arcade in an effort to help you so that the roleplay could continue, we got the typical Coalition "no pulse" response. I believe you are trying to escape the RP you have been given by using the forums rather than acting out your role and the gangs position. I repeatedly tried to check you for injuries but had no response, so I left the scene. Only later did I learn that you had decided to roleplay after the liaison.

I made sure to give you the choice to have a conversation or to go about your business freely once I learned that a member had taken you to the Sandy Hospital. In this scenario, you were not forced to take any decision, and you had numerous opportunities to alter the course of events. When I tried to set up a second meeting later, you gave us ownership of the hill over the phone, allowing us to grow our turf. It is disrespectful to dismiss something as random and low quality when my aims have always been evident.

I've included a clip of the roleplay yous were doing, the typical "no pulse" reply from Coalition that we receive. Even "Watson" maintained during the liasion that this kind of RP is fine, but I would have to disagree and say it's a form of powergaming.

[COA-NO-PULSE] - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwJfNqwgxjo

Just to reiterate, using force would be the only logical course of action if making demands in gangster fashion through meetings, phone calls, and in person talks fails to make our point.

Do you know why, despite having a gun and ammunition in your clip, you didn't have one with you when you left the hospital? I don't want to presume that you left those things in the hospital box on purpose.

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Rules are in place to keep the stability and balance on the server this being said it is not rule play as you say but simply keeping to the guidance set by staff to keep the functionality of the server at a hight quality level.  

From what I am gathering from your response is you have built your character up over the years to be able to shoot people with very little to no prier roleplay thus being able to break the rule of RDM. I am still yet to understand why there could not have been another conclusion i.e kidnapping, torturing and so on but instead you decide to shoot three defenceless Coalition members stood there trying to figure out what the whole purpose of the conversation was as there was no compromise from yourself therefore shutting down any attempt of roleplay from our party involved. Like I have stated previously I am here to roleplay not unexpectedly get shot with no words given to me, And I'm still trying to comprehend why does everything have to lead to violence.

Regarding the no pulse we were all shot in the head, and if staff would like to look into my /me commands they will clearly see that that was not conducted by myself. I was wearing a helmet at the time so I was able to seek medical help and thus did so when this mysterious paramedic arrived on scene which after reviewing footage I believe this could be a member of cutlass on a alternate character, but I could be wrong maybe this is something staff could look into.

Knowing you have members waiting for me inside and outside the hospital I had no choice to go with you as I believe the outcome would have ended up with me being shot again due to previous encounters therefor I was left in a difficult position to abide by this and go with you. But it does not deter the fact the rule has been broken in the first place. From my knowledge there is no rule break in keeping things in the hospital storage, but if this could be clarified by staff for future reference it would be greatly appreciated.

To describe yourselves as "three defenceless Coalition members" when, to the best of my knowledge, you were all armed, including with a "SIG," shows me that you are trying to give me a false impression. It's unfortunate because most of the issues I'm having to describe here are RP-related. When you continued to reject Kash's repeated demands and ultimately refused to comply, I gave the order to have you killed and the hill's businesses shut as threatened. I then attempted to continue the roleplay, but I was met with the response "/me no pulse," which, as you mention, staff can confirm. Once again, your choice of words is misleading because "Cutlass" and "Coalition" have created a story about our failure to pay taxes on The Hill over a long period, which has been the main source of our conflicts. I think it makes sense in roleplay for us to want to take over this lucrative gang turf, which is why I think you were all armed and fighting to defend it.

It's clear to me that you care more about winning than roleplaying since in addition to your team members forcing death, you also hid your gun in Sandy Hospital, which I believe is another example of power gaming. Even when we dropped you back off on your turf and told you to stop, you ignored an Uzi to the face and our orders to remain still, choosing instead to jump around like a new player who isn't familiar with the server.
This attack was not random and involved a lot of roleplay. I had stopped the attacks before this point to give you time to accept the offer, but as the phrase goes, "If you cannot hear, you must feel."  

Since I've never encountered a positive scenario from the Coalition, I'll be completely honest and say that I don't think they are here to roleplay. Any conflict they have with me results in a forum or ticket post, and it's starting to feel like they're upset with me outside of roleplay, which is tedious.  

Just to be clear, as shown in the screenshot of my message to the group, you were free to avoid chatting with us after the hospital and we had no plans to harm you again.


I feel like the issue you are raising is trying to over shadow the original rule beak/ baiting and trying to deflect the report from RDM to poor role play, which is quite concerning as you are now a recognised leader in the community with your recent white listing. I have also noticed there has been no acknowledgement how someone could have seen this as a rule break from my side and have a its my way or no way mentality, which is quite upsetting. 

There was a discussion in liaison where a member of the coalition said we had guns on us at the time and this has evidently been manipulated and brought into game as seen in your picture you have provided, but I could be wrong.

Do you not think as a newly appointed official community leader you should be able to conduct yourself a little different? If you truly think my role play is not consistent or up to the standard that should be provided you would raise this with staff. Looking back at my track record I have had one previous ban when I was fairly new to the server therefor my roleplay must be to a satisfactory standard or I would have a lot more bans on my record, do you not think. 

As a community leader you are here to guide and educate with your experience and I’m not seeing this prevail with the encounters I have had. 

As far as a personal attack against yourself. I do not think this is the case and if you do I think you are being consumed with the immersion of your roleplay character, this it neither healthy for yourself or the community if you are responding as the Kash persona you portray within roleplay. 

I will be leaving this to staff to answer from now on, thank you in advance staff for taking the time to deal with this issue. 

First off, let me commend you for being a member of a white-listed organisation and for contributing 12 posts to this forum, most of which were about reports and unbans. It has been noted that you put forth the effort, both through "/me's no pulse" and by hiding your possessions, excellent roleplay! Your gangs' promotion of roleplay is fantastic for the server. Sincerely, I can tell that you work hard to support this community and make it a better place. I've witnessed Matt's character evolve significantly. You claim that I am immersed in my character but do not give enough RP, although your words are not in any way inconsistent. Thank you for mentioning the events and circumstances that preceded this "Random" event.

You've said things that are so absurd that I have to question what you're trying to accomplish when you say "manipulated and brought into game" - exactly what has been "manipulated and brought into game"? I think you're just grabbing at anything at this point.

Sorry for my tardiness I was in meetings all yesterday and didn't have the time to reply. 

I commend you taking the time to look into my forum history and find it quite flattering you have taken such an interest in me, I wish I could precipitate this to you, but I think making a general assumption about a persons roleplay from forum activity is quite presumptuous.

In regards to your last sentence this strikes me as quite a shock to say I am "grabbing at anything" as the general consensus throughout this report has felt, on my behalf that you have been clutching at straws and bringing up prior interactions regarding mine and coalitions roleplay but yet still fail to acknowledge there may have been a potential rule break and still yet to see my perspective of this event and the lack of reasoning for the random attack.

I think this report has run its course and we should await final verdict from staff as this back and forth is not a good look for the process, and there seems to be no common ground or understanding of each others views.

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G8.7 - Police Corruption, does not apply to paramedics.

Further to this cutlass invited an unknown paramedic into the arcade to treat my wounds in which they were all stood round with guns out, in a normal situation the paramedic would have pressed his panic button and I believe corruption for emergency workers is not allowed anymore.

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1
Can you please provide the time of the incident in 24hr format please @MattH8

Alrighty, no need to reply to the above as i'll be wrapping this up now.

To be honest, once reviewing the footage I was honestly quite confused as to how this meeting on the hill has been labelled poor quality RP. This looks like a good example of two criminal gangs with a conflict, meeting to discuss the matter and clearly attempting to reach an agreement on the matter to avoid conflict. It was actually quite enjoyable to watch those discussions take place.

It's clear that the Cutlass member wasn't willing to settle for what he thought was an offer not rewarding enough for them, you can't force him to accept an offer, there's no requirement for a rival gang to accept a proposal you make because it "might" turn into a war if they don't.

As for the baiting accusation, I have no idea where this comes into the equation and I will simply move on from this, there is no baiting in this video.

This was not a random attack. It was simply an attempted proposal between two rival gangs that went sour. There was evidently, as shown in the footage you have provided, plenty RP in the build-up of this shooting.

In future, please wait until the RP situation is over before making comments in OOC chat. I feel as if your comment in OOC chat could've possibly influenced in game decisions as you accused the player of "baiting" for not accepting your proposal. Who knows, if this was any other player, they might have felt required to accept that proposal after an OOC comment like that, whilst the situation is ongoing.

TL;DR - Declined

Thank you for your report, Unfortunately, it has been declined

The staff member will advise shortly why on this occasion they have declined to take action against the reported player.

Please do not let this put you off making further reports in the future, We rely on our player base to help keep our community clean.


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