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Report a Player - Chris8 - Glitcher

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Duisburg, Germany

Your In-game name

[GLC] Traex

Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 2

Please (in detail) describe the incident

I died due to a glitch caused in the garage. The truck blew off and me and my friend died, then this lad called Chris8 just came and looted our bodies (our clothes, bags and everything in them) and then shot people. He also broke the NLR and came again, looted my friends' bodies too but unfortunately I don't have any evidence of that moment. Although I have a few other people that can also confirm it. Me and my friends lost about 300k£ of items because of this. My friends' names are: [GLC] Mouse, [GLC] Justin Credible and [GLC] Tatar that also lost their items. My friend Morten also died during all this chaos but luckily he was able to get his items back. My other friends, not so lucky.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)



This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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The medic on scene came to the help channel and tryed to resolve it with chris8. 

Ram, and Emil were in presence of the conversation in which i joined half way through. Chris8 had a very bad attitude towards the medic, and all of the people helping resolve the situation, so bad infact i issued a 1D within teamspeak. I believe he is here just to cause trouble! 

1. I'm the medic from the scene and I would like to say that in TS his attitude was appalling, constantly cutting both me and the mentor off as well as ignoring what we we're saying and claiming that we we're being biased by not talking about the other people in the situation. Which me (and i'm sure Ram and Giles) found quite childish.

2. I'd like to point out that his gang name is racist.

3. As always, I like to detective around on people's accounts, he has two accounts, I'm just going to post them here for future reference (or if he gets banned so both accounts can be banned) http://steamcommunity.com/id/pingp ( 76561198204758000 ) http://steamcommunity.com/id/WillFN8 ( 76561198180744749 ) he has arma 3 on both accounts 1.3 hours on the one he was on this time, he doesn't appear to have played on this server on the other account but has 120 hours on arma 3 so if he was to get banned I wouldn't put it past him to rejoin and troll or seek some kind of revenge. This account seems to only be here to go around and troll on servers and such, seems to be a cheap throwaway account from (no offense) but a rich kid who seems to have a luxury pc setup with only the most expensive equipment and having throwaway accounts with expensive games. (At the time of writing) he doesn't have any licences, cars or anything on the server, but is happy to go about and lecture people outside of RP about how they're gonna be banned for breaking the rules, when him, himself is bodyglitching whilst doing so. 


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