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Report a player - Changolas - GTA RP

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Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Kane Kash
Reported Players: Changolas
Date: Jul 16, 2024
Time: 23:05
What best describes this incident: RDM
Please (in detail) describe the incident: As we arrive to drop off a bulk order of SMG ammunition for Changolas, we strike up a brief conversation with Az. It was then cut short when we were fired upon without warning (RDM). More roleplay was, in my opinion, required for this to be fair for all parties.
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It was a miscommunication from my part which lead to the shoot out I take full responsibility I misheard what our plans were and ended up shooting so its a me issue and not my gang issue. If you need report someone it would be me Chirs Jones and not changaloas as a whole because it was my mistake not the gangs. They just follow up after I began shooting again I apologise about what happened as I stated before it was a miscommunication on my part and if punishment need to be allocated then ill accept it as it.
What was the miscommunication? I’m confused at what went wrong here and why shots were fired?
So apparently the plan was to ambush them and for use to hands them together, but with my being on a roof what I interpreted was that the two people who were with them on the ground were going to hands them up then that would of lead to a shoot out as in that scenario we would of been outnumber so my thought process was they would retaliate as they would see it as a offensive action.

What I had in my head was that we was doing a setup to kill them but instead we was going to hands them and that's where the miscommunication comes in causing this issue to occur, again I apologise for this I wasnt actively aiming to RDM anyone I just had a different thought process from the gang leading to what happened if I have broken a rule ill deal with the consequences but just wanted to explain my point of view on why I shoot.
Yo to add to this from (CHANGALOAS) side..

First off I would like to apologise for the poor roleplay experience and explain our point of view.. Changaloas set up a plan in advance the night before this situtation to set up cutlass, our plan was to make it seem to cutlass that we wanted to end our beef and instead buy 2k SMG ammo off cutlass so the next day changaloas all spoke before the meet up and went through the plan. the plan was that when cutlass turned up MYSELF and MARCO would speak with Cutlass to which I would then get a call giving me time to walk into our club and send a message to the groupchat saying "NOW" the order as rehearsed before was that when I said NOW we would pull guns and AIM at cutlass with the intent to rob the SMG ammo. the intent was never to shoot first however as CJ has admitted above he did shoot first and it is fair to say that was where it went wrong..

Now to add to this I would like to say that I believe this was a genuine mistake and was not intentional and that if the roleplay worked correctly it would of been an amazing scene for both gangs which cutlass agreed in QE.

This is not me saying it was not RDM because I would be lying it is clear as day. but instead just acknowledge that we was in the wrong and we have learnt from this experience on how we can improve our plans and make sure they work instead of making genuine mistakes like this.

this is my POV https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/iih34sV6c9YahsEZu/d1337OBH1owk?invite=cr-MSxYc0QsMzI5MDE2MDAs
So you knew you were out numbered but for some reason still went through with it, even though you knew a gunfight would occur?

So what was your end goal here in this situation?

If all changaloas spoke before the meet up, how does this happen?
So when I mentioned outnumber I meant the two people who were talking to cutlass members we had quite a few of use on roof and around the area as I stated above it was a set-up so we had to hide ourself or it wouldn't really be an ambush.

So as Azz stated above the plan was for him and Marco to speak with Cutlass to which then he would get a call giving him time to walk into the club and send a message to the group chat saying "NOW" and when he said NOW we would pull our guns and AIM at cutlass with the intent to rob the SMG ammo.

As I stated above I thought we was going to kill them, in my mind what I thought was going to happened was when he said NOW in the group chat it meant to shoot them. I misheard what the plan was and that why I shot because when he said NOW in the group chat I thought one of them was going to initiated the hands up and as I said before which cutlass would not lightly and probs retaliate on the spot which would off cause a shoot-out to begin that's what I had in my mind and because of my positioning it all made sense to me at the time. As I stated before I was on a roof and so for me to get down and hands them would give away our intention/position which wouldn't make sense if we were going to set them up.

Again I apologise about what happened it is my fault I should of double checked what our intention were again before everything began as I said before it was a miscommunication and I'll take full blame so if I have to deal with the consequences its understandable as I broke a rule even thought I wasnt intentional I wasnt aiming to RDM anyone in any way so for that I'm truly sorry.

I've reviewed the footage provided and read through what everyone had to say,

First off I would like to thank @Godz_Dan for owning up to your actions and that has been taken into account through out this report.

I think we all know that this situation could of been planned and communicated better to avoid any misunderstandings, but there are some questionable decisions through out this plan and I'm questioning what are the actual motives behind it. Its clear from the footage provided by @Azz that there was members questioning if they should call it off entirely, now I am not going to make any unjust assumptions but I think the meaning behind it was that they knew a gunfight might unfold.

Now there is nothing wrong with being involved in a gunfight, but there must be high quality roleplay provided before you consider violence, before shots have fired there was no demands said to cutlass which would make @Godz_Dan at fault for breaking G1.2.

To the rest of the Changolas the roleplay provided here could of been alot better from you guys and I think you should consider coming up with better plans in the future that both sides would enjoy from an RP perspective, not everything has to end in a gunfight and if you continue down this road its eventually going to lead to a dead end.

Action Taken

CharID: 64819
Rule Break: G1.2
Duration: 1 Day Ban (FBS)
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