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Report a player - Changaloas (New members) - GTA RP


Los Santos Police
South West England

Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Roman Johnson
Reported Players: Changaloas (New members)
Date: Sep 18, 2024
Time: 22:00
What best describes this incident: (G5.7) Character Growth
Please (in detail) describe the incident: So the reason for this report is that I feel the players who have joined them have breached the rule (G5.7) Character Growth by allowing new members who have just joined the city into their gang. I have been speaking with a few people about this, and they have named a few that they felt have made 2nd characters just to join them and war with gangs I guess I could be wrong here but 2 me once the war with mara ended little over 2 weeks ago I am seeing new members who I didn't see when the war was going. But I have no way of knowing who's on the tablet or not, the new member's demeanor seems like they have done all this before.
Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://gyazo.com/6d080eb540a2ee456b9537f7c4b171c9
Don't know why I have been mentioned in the attached piece of evidence pal. I do not use a 2nd character, I am no longer in a gang on my second character either. Just wanted to clear that up.

Thanks, Jay "Azteca Embassador" Richardson from the Los Varios Aztecas.
Yh can do I will be around any time after 7.
Hi @Martle
We just spoke in QE for around 15-20 minutes but he wishes for staff to decide.

My basic of the frank character he was created around 3 months ago on the avenue of legal RP which I was eventually denied so my main avenue of RP switched to being against groupe'6 as a kind of get back for denying my application, I flew in a couple times starting trouble at pillbox but eventually ran stale of being constantly bean bagged :)
anyway a couple nights ago I flew back in approaching this RP I went and bought a firearm of a changaloa and went back to pillbox to try and kidnap a high ranking groupe'6 officer anyway none was around so frank went back and started chilling with a few new people to him in RP I ran into marabunta and mirror park motors and was chatting to them for quite a while, After this a ex changloa picked me up had no idea it was me on a second character (Voice changer and Scottish accent) he was going seeing his friends at changloa turf we all chatted for a while where we went to the barber shop my character had a receding hairline and bald on top so we wanted to pick out a new hair cut for Frank anyway besides the point a little later down the line changloas asked if i wished to hangaround for them which i agreed to even though this wasn't the branch or RP I was aiming for so they added me to the tablet under the hangabout role.

The following day i flew in to grind some bin's and get to know the changaloa members on Frank. The changas was already out looking for Coalition as they had a deal going with The Lost to grab any Coalition and they would be paid nicely for it we ran into one on a bin truck and hands him to rob him marabunta was also there which wasn't our main target but as we was all blacked out and he had a gun we took the weapon for our safety which is when another one of the members on the truck started to stab in the crossfire the Marabunta was killed shortly after we make a phone call to the lost saying we had a coalition in our possession but they had no interest in that member. Later that night is when the marabunta member previously mentioned seen frank after he flew in and started to ram the car Frank was in (telling him to get out the car and constantly ramming) this was at the sanitation which he then followed me to Benny's before i called out on radio asking for back up at benny's changaloas turned up and told him to get away he was persistent on getting to me so the changaloa cars attempted to hands him which he would not follow orders sat in his car without saying a word more cars turning up made us nervous, he eventually tried to drive off with multiple guns pointed at him so was killed which we allowed his friend to take him pillbox as again the marabunta was not our main target


The main thing is the fact that Frank is not a fresh character and has built relationships inside the city prior I'm also only hanging round for Changaloas as they have recently rebuilt there tablet from the main leader originally leaving so yes I'm in the tablet but only hanging around. They decided to put me on the tablet so I could get involved in RP more as not to breach the teaming rule (Temporary groups/alliances, limited to 6 characters, may form between members of different groups for high-quality roleplay reasons. Considered as a separate entity during the scenario, they adhere to the conditions outlined in (G11.2).

Thanks to any staff reading this
-Jay (Frank O'Neil)
Hello Martle, I hope you're doing well.

Firstly, I'd like to mention there's plenty of second characters in plenty of areas in the city and with my main character I believe the story has run quite stale after OFB/OCG.
Frankly, I'm tired of running around as some ugly cunt. Anyone who knows "Tyrone Richardson" within the city knows me literally from my tweedle handle "TheUglyAzteca/OCG" and I decided I'm bored of it.

To talk on what you've quoted: "few that they felt have made 2nd characters just to join them and war with gangs" as I've talked to them and joined on my second character there is no ongoing war. I made sure of this when making the decision to talk to them on my second character and anyone who knows me personally in city and out of city all know I do not go looking for wars. One thing I've always complained about within gangs is how they're essentially finding reasons to war. I've joined changaloa on a second character because I'm bored of Tyrone Richardson and want a new face and name without the history of Tyrone and Changaloa is where I've decided to grow my character. With the city having so many gangsters running around, My character decided it's better to have security in numbers and approached changaloas. A bunch of funny lads who know how to have a laugh.

With all this in mind; I decided to hangabout. I took a few days and after getting to know me, they wanted me to prove my worth. therefore, inviting me to join F6 as a hangabout so I can get more involved in situations without breaching the teaming rule. This simply allows us instant access to the radio frequency during the Changaloas rebuild.

Marabunta aren't on changaloas radar at all so I don't understand how we're being reported for "mass recruiting for wars". We were out trying to roleplay beyond the marabunta gang and one of you decided to break the NLR rule when an entire gang was demanding them to get out of their car.
As for your QE session with Jay, I was informed you were very adamant on the point that I was wearing "Baldie clothing", I fail to see why my clothes are such an issue? I feel like I'm allowed to wear whatever I want when I'm driving around the city. I've had plenty of time before this situation with marabunta to change my clothes but the facts are that I do not want to.

Sincerely, Gregory From Changaloas.
As for your QE session with Jay, I was informed you were very adamant on the point that I was wearing "Baldie clothing", I fail to see why my clothes are such an issue? I feel like I'm allowed to wear whatever I want when I'm driving around the city. I've had plenty of time before this situation with marabunta to change my clothes but the facts are that I do not want to.

I completely understand this. As I said to jay, I think it was due to timing people getting recruited, and I see what I thought was a baldy with a gun, lol. Like I said in the report, I could be wrong here, so for peace of mind I thought I would put a report up just to make sure. If what jay told me is true, then there shouldn't be anything to worry about for any new member/Characters that have joined.
This issue here with if a character has "grown" enough to be a part of a gang or not is something that a couple of screenshots from a discord message you are also hiding the whereabouts of it.

The fact is, there is no way you reporting could possibly know the exact details of another persons character growth. Yes, we as staff do look into certain people that do create new characters and get into gangs very quickly and that all does get monitored and looked into if we see a issue. So, what i would say is that this report here will just be a bunch of stories from both sides which i will not be intertaining becasuse it will never give us the facts.

So, if anyone reading this sees it happen where someone does create a new character and get straight into a gang id advise opening a ticket to raise the issue and let staff deal with it. Hearing stories that nobody can every prove on the forums will solve nothing here.

Report denied.