Hannah Montana
Well-known member
Your In-game name
TCK John Dillinger
Name of the player(s) you are reporting
Bobi and Vito Rizzuto and also Roger Dupont
Date of the incident
Time of the incident (GMT)
What best describes this incident ?
Which server did the incident take place on
Server 2
Please (in detail) describe the incident
Arrived at the weed processor to be met by two guys who started shooting at me without initiation the third guy Roger Dupont also attempted to RDM me a little later on without initiation nothing was said just RP bullets.
Asked these guys to come to teamspeak and only Roger Dupont answered in OOC stating " I have done nothing wrong and that i had shot his friends "
Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)
This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!
You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting
This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)