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Report a Player - [BLACK] Danny - VDM [Report Rejected]

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Nathan James

Active member
Surrey. Frimley, United Kingdom
Your In-game name

[X] Nathan James

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

[BLACK] Danny

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

Myself, [X] Jack Helm, [X] frank konstotinopolus, [X] Mickey Cohen, [X] George, where chasing an Orcha from weed pro, we chased him for around 15 minutes, and in these 15 minutes he attempted to vdm one of our guys as he was parachuting down (I can get evidence of this). We chased him around Altis, untill he decided he would attempt to land by police, as he was doing this he broke his tail rotor, causing him to spin out we carried on following him as we wanted to wait for him to land, we assumed he was low on fuel. He then started landing, saw us coming to hover above so he could not take off again, waited for us to get above him then conveniently "lost " control of the helicopter and flew directly up to us. After a few minutes of us asking him to come to teamspeak he aborted.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


I don't feel that this is purposely done, I feel this was done in an accident due to you flying a helicopter above another helicopter so you would expect an incident. I don't feel this was done to cause harm.

Thank you

Report Rejected.

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