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Report a player - Aztecas - GTA RP

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Well-known member
The Pentagon
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Zycho

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Aztecas

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 10/20/23

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2315

What best describes this incident ?: Baiting/RDM

Please (in detail) describe the incident: I was selling on the hill for over an hour with a few of the ballas when we noticed the locals started acting scared smashing into us almost downing Enzo. We then realised that an Azteca RS3 (Abdul) was at the top of the hill which would explain why the locals were going crazy. I believe a member of Azteca's pointed a weapon towards the locals to make them run over anyone selling on the bottom of the hill which at the time was just Ballas. This is a known strategy used to try down someone without having to engage in any sort of quality roleplay. Once I called this out in ooc I go to continue selling when I am rammed by Abdul, I feel like Abdul was trying to kill Ballas or bait us into a fight/altercation, either way it was a win win for him as tensions have been high between Aztecas the past couple of days. This is followed by insults on Tweedle again trying to bait a reaction out of us. As someone who has known Abdul for a while, I feel like lately the ego has been getting to his head having a negative impact on his quality of roleplay. Even when asked to come to Discord he replied with ‘no’, which was following by the comment of ‘cold moment’ in ooc, which I can only assume would have been said by Aztecas. Again, showing that higher ups in Aztecas have 0 control of their members. At the end of the day everyone is here to have fun and if people keep continuing to behave like this they will soon be playing on their own because no one wants to play with toxic people like that.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

Hello @zychoI hope all is well, 

I've just watched the video and don't believe I saw anyone aim a gun? If you could please point out a timestamp to me or a screenshot I would appreciate it.

I feel its quite clear in your video Abdul slows down as soon as he can when colliding with you as it is not his intention.  

It's very hard for me as a community leader to judge the "baiting" claim when a large part of the context missing, that being your voice audio being cut. 

sorry were you involved in the situation?  

Regarding my voice audio, i have sorted this issue however i don't understand why this is an issue as i only said 1 thing which was "what are you doing" 

(C5.4) Commenting on a report a player thread that is not involving you, or in which you took no active part in the situation featured in the report.

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Hello Zycho mate,

After reviewing the footage i must say, i am very confused.

Nobody in the RS3, including Abdul, had aimed a gun. I'm not entirely sure why the locals did what they did, but sometimes things happen.

Also, the RVDM rule doesn't seem to be broken here, you quite simply drove onto the side of the road that Abdul was coming down without paying attention which led to Abdul crashing into as he couldn't slow down.


showing that higher ups in Aztecas have 0 control of their members
I'm not sure what you're trying to imply here, Leaders/Higher Ups most definitely have control over azteca members. 
I'm finding it hard to understand why you would even mention this, what is your intention with this comment?

Who were the 2 in the RS3 before the 3rd person jumped in? and which azteca was speaking in the car?

Also, report says "Aztecas" but please only respond if you were one of the 2 people in the RS3 so this does not turn into a right mess. It does not involve anyone other than those people. 

Who were the 2 in the RS3 before the 3rd person jumped in? and which azteca was speaking in the car?
Hello Charles, it was myself and Chow Wang in the RS3 originally and i was the one speaking and getting annoyed at Zycho for driving in front of me as i went to pick up the other Azteca. 

Now @Abdul

From this report, i do believe that this is a bit of stretch being reported for baiting or RDM. All of these issues reported here could be dealt with in game. I know for a fact if Abdul had said that to me in character i would have shot him there and then. Its IC beef. So no further action will be taken from this report in regards to those claims. 


I was on the fence here of banning you Abdul for C1.2. Because, what i have noticed across your previous ban for OOC behaviour, your previous report i have just banned you for 2 days for and this report here. Is that it seems you have given up on roleplay. It seems you want to be as toxic as you can across the board to 2 separate gangs. Now, maybe thats your character and maybe you were involved in 2 situations across 2 different gangs (ballas/cutlass) and you were very annoyed at both sides and thats why you have these outbursts. But, my worry is that if you came across a average joe player new to the server would you also show them this very bad, toxic attitude which may put anyone off playing here if thats their interaction with a so called "White listed gang member".

There is being big and bad, and there is just being downright toxic. So, i will say to you. Instead of me banning you permanently for C1.2 which i dont want to do because you have been here years and i know you can be better than this. I will be adding a note to you, staff will be watching you. This OOC typing, attitude and general toxicity on the server needs to change. Should it not, we will have no choice but to be harsher on you and then appealing will also be harder as im giving you this chance now. 

Its a game, everyone should try to have fun even if your on the losing side.  

Thank you for your report, Unfortunately, it has been declined

The staff member will advise shortly why on this occasion they have declined to take action against the reported player.

Please do not let this put you off making further reports in the future, We rely on our player base to help keep our community clean.


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