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Report a Player - [ARI] Torretto, [ARI] Abdi Falooqi - Poor/Low Quality RP (Report Rejected)

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Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting

[ARI] Torretto, [ARI] Abdi Falooqi

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

Me and my friend [RWC] rays were helping a guy we met at kavala who told us he had gotten robbed at athira garage. We went to Athira to try and find the guys who robbed him. We found one of them and had to shoot him since he wouldn't stop running. After we had shot him I saw a guy who later turned out to be named [ARI] Torretto. I restrained him to cool down the situation, I told him that I took off his radio, I patted him down and removed his gps. The guy we were helping told us that we have the wrong guy restrained so we decided to let Toretto leave. I had taken his weapons so he wouldnt pose a threat to us after we let him go. He wasn't too pleased with my decision and he demanded I give him back his weapons. Then he started saying that we will get shot if we dont give him back his weapons. After us ignoring his threats and telling him to leave the area his friend([ARI] Abdi Falooqi) shot me from a long enough distance where he couldnt have heard us talking on the direct chat. We weren't threatening Toretto in any way. We had just confiscated his weapons for our own safety. I tried to add the guy who shot me on steam after I had logged out so we could talk this out. He didn't accept my friend request.

EDIT: I contacted the guy who shot me. I took a recording of the conversation with my phone and I can send it here if someone is interested enough to go through it. The way I see the situation is the same as if I ran to some geared guys when I dont have a weapon on me and I'd just start yelling that they're going to get shot if they dont give me their weapons. Ofc there's a big difference that he was demanding us to give him back his weapons but I really didnt feel safe giving a gun to him since he could have started shooting at us if he got them back. His life wasn't being threatened in anyway. Just the fact that he stayed there after we told him to bugger off is fail rp imo. After he didnt have his weapons his life didnt matter to him at all. I think it would have been perfectly fine if his friend had shot me when I was restraining him. But him shooting me after I had let his friend leave? Not okay. I'm also not saying that this was RDM . He did give us plenty of warnings, but at the time we ignored his threats because we had taken his radio, gps, and weapons, we weren't threatening him, and he was running freely so I didnt think that anyone observing the situation from a distance could have tought he was in any danger or that we should be shot.

To summarize our conversation.

He told me he shot us because we robbed his friend(understandable) but I tried to explain to him that we weren't threatening him in any way, so he could have just come to talk to us after we let his friend leave. He also said that he was 5 meters away from us so he could hear everything. I asked him if he could hear everything why did he feel the need to shoot us when we weren't threatening his friend. His anwser was that he was outnumbered. I tried to explain that he could have come and talk to us instead and we could have given them the weapons back. This went back and forth for a while untill he decided to block me on steam.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting

[ARI] Torretto, [ARI] Abdi Falooqi

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

Me and my friend [RWC] rays were helping a guy we met at kavala who told us he had gotten robbed at athira garage. We went to Athira to try and find the guys who robbed him. We found one of them and had to shoot him since he wouldn't stop running. After we had shot him I saw a guy who later turned out to be named [ARI] Torretto. I restrained him to cool down the situation, I told him that I took off his radio, I patted him down and removed his gps. The guy we were helping told us that we have the wrong guy restrained so we decided to let Toretto leave. I had taken his weapons so he wouldnt pose a threat to us after we let him go. He wasn't too pleased with my decision and he demanded I give him back his weapons. Then he started saying that we will get shot if we dont give him back his weapons. After us ignoring his threats and telling him to leave the area his friend([ARI] Abdi Falooqi) shot me from a long enough distance where he couldnt have heard us talking on the direct chat. We weren't threatening Toretto in any way. We had just confiscated his weapons for our own safety. I tried to add the guy who shot me on steam after I had logged out so we could talk this out. He didn't accept my friend request.

EDIT: I contacted the guy who shot me. I took a recording of the conversation with my phone and I can send it here if someone is interested enough to go through it. The way I see the situation is the same as if I ran to some geared guys when I dont have a weapon on me and I'd just start yelling that they're going to get shot if they dont give me their weapons. Ofc there's a big difference that he was demanding us to give him back his weapons but I really didnt feel safe giving a gun to him since he could have started shooting at us if he got them back. His life wasn't being threatened in anyway. Just the fact that he stayed there after we told him to bugger off is fail rp imo. After he didnt have his weapons his life didnt matter to him at all. I think it would have been perfectly fine if his friend had shot me when I was restraining him. But him shooting me after I had let his friend leave? Not okay. I'm also not saying that this was RDM . He did give us plenty of warnings, but at the time we ignored his threats because we had taken his radio, gps, and weapons, we weren't threatening him, and he was running freely so I didnt think that anyone observing the situation from a distance could have tought he was in any danger or that we should be shot.

To summarize our conversation.

He told me he shot us because we robbed his friend(understandable) but I tried to explain to him that we weren't threatening him in any way, so he could have just come to talk to us after we let his friend leave. He also said that he was 5 meters away from us so he could hear everything. I asked him if he could hear everything why did he feel the need to shoot us when we weren't threatening his friend. His anwser was that he was outnumbered. I tried to explain that he could have come and talk to us instead and we could have given them the weapons back. This went back and forth for a while untill he decided to block me on steam.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)

Hello, I'm Abdi Falooqi and I just want to say that this report is flawed in many ways. Okay so first off you started robbing my friend but you still say you werent threatening him and at this point I was not within listening distance but then you decide to take his comms but the problem here is that Toretto couldnt hear that you were taking his comms because you were whispering, you have to make sure people can hear you not the other way around I Abdi Falooqi cant control other peoples actions this is not my problem. but now I can hear you and I hear that you ask for his name etc, so I decide to call for more backup because I saw that you were many people then the hostage(my friend) begins to warn you MULTIPLE times but as you said yourself you just kept ignoring him, so technically you are actually guilty of "poor rp". And let me quote you as well "He did give us plenty of warnings, but at the time we ignored his threats" and secondly you say you werent threatening him but you were like 3 people aiming your big firearms against a restrained individual, so yeah you can call that whatever you want. It doesnt matter if you THINK you werent threatening him,hey buddy you WERE threatening and you DID not listen to what he warned you about and that is why you got killed. And third I was within listening distance for the majority of time and all I could hear was that you didn't listen to him and also you stole his weapon so what't the point of that  if you dont want to be threatening hmm. And you keep saying that I was far away but how do you know my exact position, I was in a bush beside a stone wall hearing your every word. If you had a problem why did you didnt you just contact me right then and there? No you had to find me on steam the very next day and just complain and thats why I blocked you. But as I said I cannot control other peoples actions([ARI] Toretto in this case) I cant actually believe that you took your time to write this flawed report, if you're salty just because of this small incident, I feel bad for you, And you have to waste your own time and now my time just because of something you managed to create in your head.


After reviewing the evidence and reading what has been written I will be rejecting this report today. Here's the reason why:

  • Just after you restrained the player, he did threaten you by saying you'd be shot. 
  • Although you removed his GPS, after you had unrestrained him the player clearly gave you several threats in which you ignored.
What I will say is, in future, make sure the player you are taking hostage hears you when you say that you are taking away his radio. You should also take all threats seriously. He did threaten you several times and you didn't act on it at all. 

Report Rejected - Moving to Rejected. 

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