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Report a Player - anjav. - RDM

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The land of big Memes
Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

I was standing in the middle of the road minding my business, and this dude come to me screams dont drive of and i drove of and got first shoot at by him then his freind on the balcony then this outher dude, i only know that i got killed by anjav, the outher logged of i think. I called him to ts many times but he sayd he did nothing wrong.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


i initiated on you "Get of out of the car or you will be shot" you did not reply and procieded to drive away . i then began firing at your car as you disobeyed my initiation, I don't know what else you would expect to happen. Whe, you exited your car you had your weapon unholstered. thus, making it unsafe for us to cantinue verbal RP whith you (the reason we shot at you). Had you complied we could have had 'better quality roleplay' as you called it. Sorry for not being able to join TS, as i told you i can't use it.

By the way, none of us logged off after the incedent for a good 20 minutes unlike what you stated in your report.

Sorry about it,


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i initiated on you "Get of out of the car or you will be shot" you did not reply and procieded to drive away . i then began firing at your car as you disobeyed my initiation, I don't know what else you would expect to happen. Whe, you exited your car you had your weapon unholstered. thus, making it unsafe for us to cantinue verbal RP whith you (the reason we shot at you). Had you complied we could have had 'better quality roleplay' as you called it. Sorry for not being able to join TS, as i told you i can't use it.

By the way, none of us logged off after the incedent for a good 20 minutes unlike what you stated in your report.

Sorry about it,

Let me start of that "Get of out of the car or you will be shot" is a hands up or die initiation in my opinion not high quality roleplay.

Also thats a lie you did not say that. This was the conversation we had.

You: stop blocking the road, what's your problem ?

Me: It's not my problem mate.

You: Ok can you get out of the vehicle now?

Me: Nah.

After that i started driving away and you just started shooting so I turned the corner just to be meet by one of your freinds standing on the balcony who also started shooting, I took another right turn and then I jumped out of the car and pulled my gun and one of your other freinds started shooting at me, i turned around then you pushed up and killed me, all can be seen in the video above. Stop lying and start admitting that you are in the wrong.

plz @ the people who were involved aswell.

(Edit) Forgot to say that you refused to come to teamspeak, I then asked you if you think you did anything wrong which you responded with "No". You wasn't very interested in resolving the situation.

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Iam sorry to say that that is totaly diffrend from what you first said and if you would like i can bring them as well if you want to 


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And dear milo 

It is verry hard to 'quality roleplay ' when you drive away and you die not even hear me becous of that when i only told you 'get out of the vehicle you started driving away so it is realy hard to even start a scenario so if you call it bad roleplay it has to be from 2 sides and not only from me then you went behind the building and pulled your gun out and when i told you you should have listend i ment not drive away at the first second if you would have gotten out of the vehicle we could have good roleplay but you dicided not the and that is wy we responded by shooting i think that it is already a treat of you life if a gun gets pointed at you so i font think that was realy 'life befour gear' as i would say again iam sorry for the bad quality roleplay but can you please anser me when did i have the time to do that ? So on my opinion it has to be from 2 sides 

Sorry for the long story 🙂


And dear milo 

It is verry hard to 'quality roleplay ' when you drive away and you die not even hear me becous of that when i only told you 'get out of the vehicle you started driving away so it is realy hard to even start a scenario so if you call it bad roleplay it has to be from 2 sides and not only from me then you went behind the building and pulled your gun out and when i told you you should have listend i ment not drive away at the first second if you would have gotten out of the vehicle we could have good roleplay but you dicided not the and that is wy we responded by shooting i think that it is already a treat of you life if a gun gets pointed at you so i font think that was realy 'life befour gear' as i would say again iam sorry for the bad quality roleplay but can you please anser me when did i have the time to do that ? So on my opinion it has to be from 2 sides 

Sorry for the long story 🙂

Did you even read what i wrote ?

Also I know that I didnt give you time to initiate, thats why I drove away so you couldn't initiate so that I wouldnt get shoot.

And saying "get out of the car", with a gun pointed at me is not a valid initiation, if you cant get a proper initiation down you cant shoot.

Im realy sorry but im having a hard time understanding you text "life before gear" ?  Also the roleplay where it has too come from the 2 sides ?, I dont know can you please explain further.

also please whatch the video, https://plays.tv/video/5c2b6fede76cbee4a1/fatty-rip

Oké i know  you might have a hard time getting further in the server iam sorry for that i know how it is i was there as well but i mean whith it has to comme from 2 sides is if i don't have the time to initiate i can 't do like a Nice senario we could mayby even talk it has happend before that we let some one free becous he had a Nice story and we felt bad i know you can 't see that from 1 mile away but that is part of roleplay you did not know we where not even intended to Rob you we where waiting for diamond peaple to Rob so And every one knows you do stress a little bit if you initiate and what i mean from 2 sides is i mean i initiate you talk to me then there is a scenario and we can go further on that like what could have happend was you steped out of your car i would ask what are you doing on the middel of the road we make a story we say oké can you leave the area and we got further too robbing but we can never know becous there was no time for us to speak and i know i was  a little bit too fast whith pointing my gun and you stressend and i did and then this can happen so that is what i mean whith 2 sides 

Thanks for understanding i watched the video as you asked and this is my 100% honest opinion i would be Nice if we could just leave it behind us but that is your choise 

Greetings anjaV

Oké i know  you might have a hard time getting further in the server iam sorry for that i know how it is i was there as well but i mean whith it has to comme from 2 sides is if i don't have the time to initiate i can 't do like a Nice senario we could mayby even talk it has happend before that we let some one free becous he had a Nice story and we felt bad i know you can 't see that from 1 mile away but that is part of roleplay you did not know we where not even intended to Rob you we where waiting for diamond peaple to Rob so And every one knows you do stress a little bit if you initiate and what i mean from 2 sides is i mean i initiate you talk to me then there is a scenario and we can go further on that like what could have happend was you steped out of your car i would ask what are you doing on the middel of the road we make a story we say oké can you leave the area and we got further too robbing but we can never know becous there was no time for us to speak and i know i was  a little bit too fast whith pointing my gun and you stressend and i did and then this can happen so that is what i mean whith 2 sides 

Thanks for understanding i watched the video as you asked and this is my 100% honest opinion i would be Nice if we could just leave it behind us but that is your choise 

Greetings anjaV
Yea... No this didnt help ima let staff deal with this one.

No more comments from me unless directly asked from staff.

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


Alright, thank you for your patience Milo. 

After reviewing the evidence and reading through the responses multiple times, and the obvious, that this will not be dealt with through a discussion. Therefor I will be bringing a conclusion.

As you state @Towelie1, you say that "Get of out of the car or you will be shot" is the initiation that you gave. However then you see in the video that it clearly isn't what you said as you just order Milo to get out of the car with the gun pointed at him. As you say that you think pointing a gun is already a threat to someones life. It is, but not an initiation at all. As this was an attempt, it was very poor quality. If you don't have time to initiate, then you follow him in a car if you want to continue and try again, but saying because you didn't have time to, is not a valid reason to start shooting. 

As the report will not be resolved between the two if you, I will have to place a ban on anjav for poor quality roleplay and RDM.

Report Approved

Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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