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Report a Player - Alpha Group - Makhmoodshalabaz - RDM

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Jack Slazz

Your In-game name

Jack Slazz

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

Alpha Group - Makhmoodshalabaz

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

I was in a Huron doing a salt run when a black Taru and a MH-9 come. The MH-9 fly's close to my rotors to rotor block me (the whole time I am holding Z as well) and they fly down into my rotors and VDM/disable my Huron. I then get out of the Huron as it has been disabled. My friends/other group members then land to help me out. There has been no initiation by either side at this point just me complaining about my rotors. My friend Shinn starts walking towards me hoping to resolve the conflict. He is then shot by Makhmoodshalabaz and downed. They did end up reviving Shinn as they realised their mistake. However, this is not the first time this has happened. This type of behaviour from Alpha Group has happened many times and they just continue to blatantly disregard the rules. This was one of the only events where they realised their mistake leading to them leaving. However our group are sick and tired of Alpha Group not following the rules and either RDMing, VDMing or just being toxic in general.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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Well we resolved the situation by getting him reveived by medics simon ross and aethon because it was an accident as there was a plane crash and i have my earplugs in and the light from his gun and the sound looked like he shot because i was aimed in with a dms at him so it was my mistake and we resolved it and i also was not the one who rotorblocked you i was in the taru benche 

no evidence of any other situation 

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1. We dont RDM or VDM. Your the ones half the time that RDM us with your initations lmao.

2. RPUK can bug out. Its laggy. When someone rotor blocks another person it can de-sinc.

3. Billy mistakenly shot Shinn. Your finding a reason to report us because you dont like us. We revived shinn and let him go.

4. the 2 planes you dropped on our heads we thought were gun shots, billy was zoomed in with the dms and from his angle it looked like shinn fired his pistol.

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)

After thinking about this situation, we haven't had the greatest past with Relic and from all the times we had screwed them over, this seems like a revenge report.

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I was there.
The situation with the rotor tap is tricky, because on 1 screen the heli can be above the rotors and the rotors still get tapped, i've been on both sides and it seems to be an issue with server sync or something.

We immidietly realized that the shooting was not justified, as you didn't open fire, but the plane crashed and made a boom, which billy misstook for a gunshot and opened fire. we apologized, continued RP and were getting you guys revived. shinn realized what happened aswell and we hashed it out and made sure that you guys were gonna get help and get revived. even tho your guys started spraying at us after 10min when we were administering blood to shinn, yet we still made sure that he was revived... after shinn got revived we all went our own ways.

You claiming that we break rules a lot is a blatant lie. Earlier in the day we've had your guy TP away from advanced, your initiations are "hands up hands up i ahve friends" and you keep breaking RP, yet we never reported you for it and went in liasons with you to explain shit, cuz you people might learn and actualy play along the rule, but you claim we're the ones breaking rules all the time.. ok m8.

This really looks like a revenge report, since you are always getting robbed by us.

This type of behavior from Alpha Group has happened many times and they just continue to blatantly disregard the rules
Okay xD... As I am a member even though was not in the situation, I don't know what this lad is talking about just sounds "Oh well we've tried robbing these lads but everytime we get slaughtered". They fuck us up so many times let's just get them gone from here(What they want to happen to us).. But if I've never been banned nor anyone of us has ever been banned for RDMing people before then you guys must be really high on ".. And lastly big man.. Your videos are all chopped up by thereby rendering it useless.. Also be reminded to upload the part where we knew "Oh well we fd up here let's get them up" and the boys let you go with all your shit. I think you're just tired of getting fucked so many times that you want to get us gone which 100% makes this report look like a revenge report plus why is Shinn himself not reporting us instead?!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                100% look like a revenge report but okay if you're going to be reporting after we ensured the situation went well and making sure Shinn didn't die from that mistake Billy as the boys got him a medic to revive him and here you are stating we break rules.. Okay start saying the rules we break/ have broken in the post.. Cuz you know too well yourself that this is 100% a revenge report.. Anyways boy see ya on the field where you get minced as usual!

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


Can contact Jack and get him to upload more I suppose, although the situation has been posted, 3 minutes before anyone arrived he's just eating ^^, As for the rest of the people spamming about it being a "Revenge Report" I'd ask you to stop as Jack does not play much recently and the first time he got back after 1-2 weeks this happened within a few hours of him playing, and to claim that is a joke.

I didn't want to involve myself with this as it's up to Jack, I appreciate the fact that you've acknowledged for once that you have indeed broke the rules and then acted upon it, however the amount of times it has happened greatly outnumbers this one time of acknowledgment, so maybe stop screaming at Jack and claiming the lad is "Revenge Reporting" when he's not on enough to even know what's happened between us, absolutely pathetic case of a defensive posture to have.

As much as I love Billy and would poach him for our own group, it's happened too many times from people who are 24/7 schooling our new people about rules to know the rules themselves and not make as many mistakes that you've done in the past few days. - Your regards, big boy Shinn.

Excuse me but do you have any evidence of us breaking any rules prior to this? We dont RDM, you RDM us

PipJ you aren't getting it.
This happened because of a plane crash, that billy misstook for a shot being fired, not because billy didn't know the rules or wanted to RDM him. You saying " I appreciate the fact that you've acknowledged for once that you have indeed broke the rules and then acted upon it" makes no sense, because the rules were broken because of a mistake and not because of the lack of understanding of rules, like most relic people do.

Everytime you screamed RDM we invited you to TS liason and explained to you why we were allowed to do it and so on, yet you people still scream RDM for the same type of situations, which i find quite weird. Also how after quite a few liasons you still don't seem to understand that "hands up hands up i have friends" is not a legit initiation. Yesterday when we initiated on your helicopter, one of your mates (who wasnt even in the heli) tried to RDM clark without any counter innitiation and you still claim that we are the ones breaking rules all the time haha, you have to be kidding at this point bro...

ThpipJ yesterday I came into relic liason to talk about the atempted RDM that i've mentioned before in this comment. The person that tried to RDM, aswell as the leader said that i should go f*ck off because nobody lost any stuff and then the person said in a sarcastic voice "i wont rdm anymore" and started laughing after it... Relic calling out AG for "breaking rules all the time" should re-read the rules, since they clearly dont understand some of the basic ones.

This report is being called a revenge report, because it makes no sense. When billy killed him, we went and got bloodbags and called medics immidietly, so that shinn got revived. we got him up, didn't take anything from him and let him go do his salt, even tho your people tried to shoot us while we were administering blood 10min after in happened... there was 0$ damage done after we left and there was no call to liason or anything of the sort, so we were pretty sure that we hashed it out then and there. But this report is trying to claim that we intentionaly RDMd shinn, like we did sooooo many times before and that the person is reporting for all of those 10000 times that he claims he had been RDMd, even tho it is visible in the 3rd video that he himself was not harmed after shinn got shot, showing that we clearly understand the rules.

PipJ you claim that "Jack does not play much recently and the first time he got back after 1-2 weeks this happened within a few hours of him playing" just proves that this might in fact be a revenge report, that somebody asked him to make, because they didn't want to take the risk of putting up a report like this.

the person reporting us said: "However, this is not the first time this has happened. This type of behaviour from Alpha Group has happened many times and they just continue to blatantly disregard the rules.", which would mean that he has been playing for a while and has been in quite a few situations with us, but that is hard to belive, if he just came back after 2 weeks of resting and has no idea what has been going on.

Are you gonna claim that he rememberes those imaginary situations where we RDMd relic 2 weeks ago, or is he going to say that he doesn't remember, but just heard it from his gang mates ? 🙂

@Clarky boi Indeed we do actually.

@pikicar As I've told you both, and anyone who've spoken to me, Relic is a group of old / new folk, we take in ALOT of new players to help them learn the rules and adapt to the Community so they can enjoy their time on the Server, now within 30+ members, I'd say a good 20+ are either brand new to the Arma franchise, or brand new to the RP experience of Arma, so when you're comparing new folk to your own group who've played for a long period of time I'd assume you yourself will understand how silly that is. I won't keep asking / telling you to report someone if they've broke a rule just to keep the Community clean, and maybe they'd learn alot quicker, we cannot be on 24/7 each day to teach them how to use the Server correctly. As for the rest of what you've said, most of this is complete and utter garbage, you're so hateful and spiteful, that when we hosted the Racing event for the full Community to involve themselves in for abit of fun, your group sat for a full 30 minutes slandering Relic in OOC and I believe 2-3 of you were kicked, some more than once by the Admins who were helping us run the event, we can be toxic within Roleplay, but you've taken it to another level and have grew some actual feelings, as much as I appreciate you giving me some of your heart, I must say, it's abit pathetic, so I won't be responding to the snakey attempt of moving the topic off-course, thanks.

Now I'll leave this topic and allow Jack / Admins to deal with it, but maybe stop trying to slander Relic, if you have an issue with a member, deal with it or report it. Stop slandering ooc'ly and on Forums, you turn it into an extremely toxic environment between the two groups, it's no longer fun, and spoiling the vibe of the Server. 

Love, Shinn. xox

@PipJ Happily send the evidence to me and then we can see eh. For starters the event situation was a bit shitty I understand, but lets keep on topic here, Our gang has members with over 800 hours plus on the server and we make sure our members KNOW THE RULES. My initations on everyone are made sure they are of the highest possible quality. Something like: "Hey fella, Fancy putting your guns down and having a chat?" *Roleplay starts* "So basically what I want you to do Is place your hands ontop of your head because this indeed is an armed robbery. I have multiple armed rebels in the area and if you lads start pulling weapons lethal force will be used. Fail to put your hands up will result in you being knocked out!". If you tell me that wasn't a standard initation for anyone on the server then please. Tell me. Kind regards, Clark.  

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PipJ your comment adds nothing to the current situation. How does saying that you recruit a lot of new members legitimize the report on which you are currently commenting on. It does nothing to explain why the report was posted, since the situation was death with and everything was restored back to its original state before we arrived. You just state that your group is filled with people that don't know the rules that well yet, which is fine. Altho I don't get how you can claim that "As for the rest of what you've said, most of this is complete and utter garbage", since you were the man defending the atempted RDMer in that liason and it didn't look like you were too eager to get him to know that he can't do what he did. 

About the racing event, for me it felt a bit unorganized, since i've heard that the routes changed, reward split in half, etc. . It made it so that one of our friends was disqualified due to "cheating ?" which he never did. Him typing that he forgot to go to 1 of the locations in chat, 10sec after comming to hospital doesn't make it cheating, especialy when somebody else typed the same thing in ooc and wasnt kicked for "cheating" which gave a real sour taste and imo a justified outrage, since he was 18min ahead of the competition and could easily make 2nd place.

Shinn before you ask us to stop "slandering" the group, you should check if what we're saying is true or false, because what we typed in the comments are specific situations that actually happened, while you're just slandering us with your claims that we break the rules all the time. Oh and telling somebody to join liason for RDM in ooc is not slander.

Since no new video had been provided this report is rejected for not enough  evidence. 

Your video need to be at least 2-3 min before situation start.

Thank you for your report, Unfortunately, it has been declined

The staff member will advise shortly why on this occasion they have declined to take action against the reported player.

Please do not let this put you off making further reports in the future, We rely on our player base to help keep our community clean.


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