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Report a player - All had red cars and gear - GTA RP

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Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Jack Richards

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: All had red cars and gear

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 08/29/23

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2240

What best describes this incident ?: Fail RP / RDM

Please (in detail) describe the incident: I was taking a drive from clothing store towards Coalition turf where i was selling before hand , as i drive a guy from a group of cars seperates and starts following me , i crash and hit a pedestrian car , as i see he flashes the gun i put my hands in the air , he uses his radio to inform other members ( gang ) that he caught someone from before , im bare confused what is happening seeing this group first time in my life and not knowing them but they claim otherwise speaking about im the guy from Tweedle or some shit wich im not for sure like 101%  they operated so violently towards me forcing fast paced RP from that moment on turning it from false alegations of my identity to a robbery like using terms * DROP EVERYTHING ON THE GROUND * when i ask him what is everything he doesnt want to go in deatils Cocaine , knife etc ... On top of that they start to give me a count down to shoot me if i dont comply ( lets get this straight  , beacuse , from G checking my identity to a robbery it went from 0 - 100 no previous RP )
They claim im some negative dude they met in their past but i dont know this bunch of i dont even know how to call them , ive tried to reason with them in a liason saying that it was very poor rp how they didnt want to admit their mistake of falsely accussing me of being someone, they just processeded the other way around it ,  why not robb the geezer while we at it and have a laugh i dont have nothing against it if i get some RP out of it but this was very minimum agressive RP towards my character for no reason ( i was deported my character is lowkey not looking for any trouble for months now and i look to be the passive character in every story so by saying this i can swear to god that i never met this group in my past RP so i could never give them a reason to be bad towards me or any action was taken aggresive towards this group ) as i tried to reason with them in liason i got mocked but im gonna eat my ego and continue to seek justice , they threaten me with NVL but i was never given a chance to properly RP as u can see in the video clip , i wont say much destroyed evening , destroyed my grind for couple of days but even the grind is not important , at least if i got some good RP connection from this i got nothing just pure blunt agression towards my character for no previous reasons just beacuse this group CAN and WILL do ...

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):





This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): No

Jack Richards , best regards .

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You had plenty of time to drop your items. We gave you enough time. The fact that you don't want to lose 400 coke and would rather die for it (NVL?) says enough. Also in QE you were literally yelling and cursing.

Okay so you gave me plenty of time by COUNTING ME DOWN , and what u care what i have to lose ROLEPLAY its called u should ROLEPLAY , NVL Is when i dont do something u tell me with guns in your hands but by forcing me to do so with a count down wich is legit ro.uk.co welcoming joke for the rule u must be very brave to speak after that , plus if i did curse and yell post evidence on that dont just lie about it , maybe i would curse and yell if u met me few years back now hardly to get angry over people like ya bro . And btw stop bumping the staff nobody asked u anything u started to post shit before actual staff review it and asked u anything .

Hey mate i was involved in the situation and do not believe there were any rulebreaks from me or any of the 'gang'. you had plenty of time to drop the items. When we say drop 'everything' we mean everything in your pockets. There was some counting down, but before the countdown was finished the guy was reminded on radio and he stopped counting. The words said on radio were 'relax on the countdown' hence why he stopped it. Also you did not drop your items even after having plenty of time whilst having multiple guns pointed at your head (NVL). In regards to OOC chat i believe you were very rude and were threatening to report in OOC chat which is not allowed to my knowledge. Not here to be a dick but to try and resolve the situation and not throw out false claims.

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Hello KillerCurse, 

I was involved in this RP situation up in Vinewood hills, I do believe me and my fellow associates gave you multiple chances and warnings to drop your items on the floor, which you failed to do even though we had multiple guns pointed at you, we then gave you another warning to drop your items which you didn't listen to and ignored us, then dropped to the floor. this is when the countdown was initiated, again you had multiple chances to follow our orders which you totally ignored, When we stated you to drop everything you had, its common sense that EVERYTHING means EVERYTHING. after this situation we then joined you in liaison Discord call, and here you were still persistent on the report. I would also like to add that the messaged you put in OOC Chat was along the lines of a threat to report not sure if admins can verify that. Cheers for your time !

By saying liason or ? this is a threat to you ? if u G check me for my identity and end the story on robbing me i dont see a point how that grow so fast from a point u looking for your opps not finding them and then casually wanting to robb a random geezer and shoot him in the head, and think that  is valid RP but ok ( you must be going every day looking for paigons in real life mistaking indentities and just shooting in the face random civils beacuse they getting robbed for being mistaken of someone ) ( even when that shit happens u should make a story line people usually get robbed beacuse they have expensive luxury stuff on them so you could, lets set an example , say oi i know u aint the geezer but while we at this street wasting time with u ,   i like that watch how about i make it mine ,  then u take my money , then u spit me in the face do wtf u want take me in the woods beat me with a wrench i dunno , but  this is poor executed RP by a group and thats my point of view on it . Gave me 0 roleplay experience i had more experience im in a semi serious server like 100k or die type of shit) , even if that was valid roleplay your boy should not be counting me down , roleplay scene as this where there is 20 of you and there is only me can resolve only in one way me getting the L and thats understandable , but you created 0 story line between us and demanded my stuff just beacuse u CAN and in that process u didnt give me ANY roleplay , how am i being rude about it at least do it properly so i can enjoy too and not just force RP by telling me *DROP ALL ON THE GROUND * ( i ask specificly what is everything ) you give me a couple of seconds  to actually  understand a situation that is not understandable ,  somebody pulled up on me for no bloody reason just to check if im the guy they looking for ( and im not the fella you looking for ) ( with no prior rp , or evidence that im the guy ,  poof imideatly the scene switches and u go in amateur style robbers cmon lad u cant say i was the problem but anyways nothing to say more ...

I do wish staff will get on this investigation and i hope this will come to a conclusion i wont be typing anymore like i said i dont wanna be rude and bump the staff members i will let them do their jobs if i was very rude or i was using verbal slurs please come forwads with evidence and report me please if that was the case beacuse for a fact i know that wasnt the case anywas wish u the best of luck in life buddy .

Im deeply  sorry to staff members that i bumped them in this ticket , but as you can see this group of people tried to discredit me even before the staff finded out who they are beacuse as u can see i didnt provide IDs , i feel terribly sorry for bumping but my fresh new reputation of a good lad is at risk with people like this trying to slender me anyways i wish to all the best day they can have 🙂

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I actually did RP the animation with my voice and i did the animation before u ever started shooting so  if i could not do it im sorry to be fair , but with all due respect i dont know why you are still bumping the case we didnt even get a staff member to respond and all you and your friends do is push this far ahead , we didnt even get 1 response and you try use my evidence where you evidently rule brake on my report to discuss about rule brakes before the admin even responded please calm down and lets wait for a response then they will ask precisesly both parties what to do next i dont know why u keep on with this 

All the best

Btw this is a clip of me being robbed for 1200 unrefined cocaine go watch this clip and learn at least how to do it properly , maybe then u would not be reported and this would not happen plus lying about me cussing and all of that 0 respect man but i just want to show you im not here in this part of forum beacuse of lost shit i dont care i wont even file a report for compensation this is just so people like you can understand what is respect for good RP : https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/1o6EvVs3vLO49P/d1337ZxXcmN2?invite=cr-MSxBS2MsMTUyOTI4NTQxLA

This is the end of my writings i wont respond i had obligation moral to show what this is about who has average iq will get where my toughts and actions are coming from sorry for any disrespect if there was shown any this is not a personal matter more matter of principalities

sorry to staff members that are gonna read this mess of a report ...

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


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Ultimately, with no ID's, it's going to be impossible to decide who has done and said what here. But I want you all to read what I've gathered from this report, because on both sides it doesn't look good.

First of all, @qaws, @Barry Clevedon, @TomHus- Seeing as you have all admitted to being involved I will pass this message to yourselfs and hopefully you can pass this on to the relevant parties, if it isn't yourself. I'd like to quote the RDM rule: "Attacking another player without engaging in any form of quality roleplay is considered RDM. (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order. “Put your hands up or I will shoot” and countdowns are not considered quality roleplay, please at least attempt to create an interesting roleplay story before considering violence.)

Multiple times, there are multiple people in the footage beginning countdowns. Considering the players had given a countdown and shortly after shot the player, this is RDM. The staff team don't want to see any more of this from this group involved.

Moving on, @KillerCurse. Whilst the above applies to your attackers, this does not make you superior to the rules we have in place. You were still largely outnumbered by a group of criminals with firearms, and you did not value your life or comply with the demands made. This was in breach of G2.4 - Value of Life.

Furthermore, you are seen in your own footage, exploiting the ragdoll mechanic in game to avoid being shot, lying there for a period of time until they drove off and then getting up and running away.

Action Taken

CharID 82557

C2.2 & G2.4

Permanent Ban

Your report has been dealt with, but perhaps not in the way you originally envisaged.

Whether this is beneficial or disadvantageous to you will depend entirely on the situation, and staff will have taken the most-appropriate action in the circumstances.

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