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Report a player - Alexander French/Frenchie - GTA RP

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Bay City
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Cameron Garcia

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Alexander French/Frenchie

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 05/01/23

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 00:46

What best describes this incident ?: RVDM

Please (in detail) describe the incident: I was driving up to the casino after hearing my gang members where having some trouble with police and heard that one of my gang members Tyler had been incapacitated by police right next to the Lost compound, after hearing this I drive up to him and hop out of the vehicle unarmed and attempt to put him in inside of my vehicle so that he can be taken to receive medical treatment for his injuries in Pillbox Hospital but before I can even do that I am suddenly rammed from behind by an officer in an unmarked Alfa Romeo without a single word spoken to me, after being rammed onto the floor and nearly being downed by the officer he then says "No you don't son", now while I am not even half way up off the floor after being rammed, he then shoots my vehicle's tires out and screams at me "Mate, get him out the car, get him out the fucking car now or I'm taking your tires." baring in mind he'd already shot my tires before saying this, after he had shot my vehicles tires I had jumped into my vehicle in fear of being rammed again by the officer and tried to get away from the scene as fast as possible in fear of my characters life but was then he rammed another pedestrian over with no care for him and said "get the fuck out my way" and then began to chase, shoot and ram me, while doing so he was telling me to "get him out the car" etc which you can see from the video linked in the report.

I will note that I have not attempted to resolve this roleplay scenario with the person being reported as 2 days prior the same person provided us the same subpar roleplay and I feel like It's becoming a bit of a joke.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: No

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

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So this officer here, whilst he might be authorised by a police bit of paper to be 'allowed' to use his own car. Might be 'allowed' to use his car for a 'Tactical stop' in the correct scenario. He might be 'allowed' to shoot tyres which i think is utterly stupid against this person here. But we will be forgetting those bits of paper for a minute and going back to the actual rules we enforce here from a server standpoint.

I find myself saying this a lot. Police are suppose to hold themselves to a higher regard than the general population. Now, i understand that is a high pressure situation. It may be a gunfight from the sounds of it and this person is taking a body away. Now, this person here posed no actual threat from what we saw which is also what you would have seen too. The way i have seen this here is that you are doing whatever you want and forgetting your role, your assets that the police have to chase this man and get that downed person back, warrants to get later for involvement. Your forgetting any obligation for any safety of the public by running that balla over shouting "GET OUT MY WAY YOU DICK". Followed by a barrage of ramming, again then forcing that car into another 2 what appear to be random people talking on a bike and in a hearse VDMing those. 

Its a shambles of an attempt of policing and i would expect someone in your position to be leading the people below you a lot better than that. I have not even touched on you shooting at someone that you dont even know poses a threat. Maybe there was prior involvement, maybe not.

You have made no attempt here to make this fun for the other person involved or even any of the random people going about there time on the server. Please do better.

You will ban banned following FBS for 1 day for G1.1 RVDM. 

Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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