Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Pablo Portedo
Reported Players: 848
Date: Feb 7, 2025
Time: 03:00
What best describes this incident: G1.2 (RDM) AND G3.1 (OOC INFORMATION)
Please (in detail) describe the incident: I had logged on late, to sell some drugs and i asked on frequency if anybody was awake out of my group. I got no response so i rang a fellow gang member of mine called Tommy Twinkle. I then received a reply on frequency from Jenson and Tommy twinkle saying they were at bins. So i put my bike away, got into a local as i was going to go find a local bike once i had spoken to Tommy and Jenson. As i pulled up to bins i noticed a duneloader which they commonly use for bins together. I then get approached by a man asking "Yo whos this cousin" or something along those lines. I then reply in a foreign accent stating my name as demitri berbatov. I was out of mara colours and cutlass were not in theirs. I then went to reverse to speak to the man and i received a bullet straight in my head. I received no RP from this encounter at all. I was then dismissed with a "Fuck off Pablo" to which there would be no way the man could know it was me. I had my eyes, head covered as well as a fake beard. I also had random civilian clothes on and this man had never seen me in these clothes before. It could of been a second character of mine just coming to make some money at bins or meet new people. I also believe this to be ooc information as you can see in the clip that the man walks away, and then turns and shoots me after a good few seconds, which is implying to me that someone is watching a stream of his and is saying "thats pablo" or something along those lines. I attended QE with the guy, and was met with nothing but respect, so i cant fault him for that, but he claimed that he recognised my chest tattoos (which only 3 ish pixels are displayed) from a shirtless tweedle pic i posted days ago. P.S. sorry for the short clip but i believe it explains all that is relevant to this report.
Link(s) To Any Evidence: for context this is how much of my chest tattoo is displayed.