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Report a player - 848 - GTA RP

Pabz/Bruno Cortez

Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police

Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Pablo Portedo
Reported Players: 848
Date: Feb 7, 2025
Time: 03:00
What best describes this incident: G1.2 (RDM) AND G3.1 (OOC INFORMATION)
Please (in detail) describe the incident: I had logged on late, to sell some drugs and i asked on frequency if anybody was awake out of my group. I got no response so i rang a fellow gang member of mine called Tommy Twinkle. I then received a reply on frequency from Jenson and Tommy twinkle saying they were at bins. So i put my bike away, got into a local as i was going to go find a local bike once i had spoken to Tommy and Jenson. As i pulled up to bins i noticed a duneloader which they commonly use for bins together. I then get approached by a man asking "Yo whos this cousin" or something along those lines. I then reply in a foreign accent stating my name as demitri berbatov. I was out of mara colours and cutlass were not in theirs. I then went to reverse to speak to the man and i received a bullet straight in my head. I received no RP from this encounter at all. I was then dismissed with a "Fuck off Pablo" to which there would be no way the man could know it was me. I had my eyes, head covered as well as a fake beard. I also had random civilian clothes on and this man had never seen me in these clothes before. It could of been a second character of mine just coming to make some money at bins or meet new people. I also believe this to be ooc information as you can see in the clip that the man walks away, and then turns and shoots me after a good few seconds, which is implying to me that someone is watching a stream of his and is saying "thats pablo" or something along those lines. I attended QE with the guy, and was met with nothing but respect, so i cant fault him for that, but he claimed that he recognised my chest tattoos (which only 3 ish pixels are displayed) from a shirtless tweedle pic i posted days ago. P.S. sorry for the short clip but i believe it explains all that is relevant to this report.
Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://gyazo.com/4499272524247c1b3d62cc3913b47bbc for context this is how much of my chest tattoo is displayed. https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/jE1d2sgANK5BquwDr?invite=cr-MSxWd2gsMTIzOTU0NTQ0LA
@KiloC I believe the following to be yourself
Hello mate, there was an ongoing situation between Cutlass and Marabunta at this point in time as shown in both logs and the clip as multiple members from both sides had been downed as a result. Myself and Pablo were the last members alive for either party. As is obvious that he was well aware as to what was happening throughout this, he decided to try and disguise himself so that he could get the upper hand against me by putting away his bike that was in full colours as well as trying to change his clothes to hide his identity. Unfortunately for him, I've had several run-ins with this character thus far throughout our beef and there were multiple identifying factors (Tattoos, face, skin colour, voice, lingering in the area and trying to get my attention by beeping the horn that numerous Marabunta and Cutlass are downed, arriving at the scene during an active situation with his gang) and my character wasn't willing to take the risk considering it would result in the deaths of both himself and the other Cutlass members that were downed in the situation if he had left this member of Marabunta alive. I identified him as a member of Marabunta and considering not long previously to this, his fellow members shot and killed Cutlass members and were actively attempting to kill me, he was shot as a result. There were various factors as to why I made this decision, one being the fact that a Marabunta isn't peacefully arriving at the scene of an ongoing fight with no intention of involving himself as he clearly knew I was armed, that a gunfight had broken out, that Marabunta had been shooting at Cutlass not long prior to his arrival and that police would more than likely be on the way, not to mention the fact that more Marabunta could have turned up at any point afterward pushing the odds further against me.

A 30 second clip has been posted and considering he believes this to be RDM, I think it would give us much more context and perspective regarding the situation if he were to post the entirety of the clip from where the situation began leading up to his arrival from where he would have been informed by his fellow members that a fight had broken out. There was a reason he changed out of identifiable clothing and vehicles as he would have been aware as to what was happening in some capacity and thus he knew the dangers of arriving, especially after interacting with me and being able to identify me himself and deciding to remain in the middle of an ongoing combat situation.

If his plan had succeeded and I was caught off-guard and put in a vulnerable position of placing people in cars, there would have been no qualms or second thoughts about taking advantage of that fact and downing me as what other reason would he be lingering in the middle of an active combat situation which his fellow gang members were a part of. Would he simply have spectated and watched the rival gang take his members and leave? I don't believe this to be the case.

He could have been watching from around the corner, he could have attempted to shoot me at some points and retreated to attempt a different angle of approach, we do not know because we don't have the minutes leading up to his arrival to the active gunfight between Marabunta and Cutlass, him being part of one of the gangs involved.

Multiple people came to bins throughout this situation and after speaking with them and identifying them, they remained alive and weren't further involved or shot at by myself. Pablo is a member of the gang that had just attempted to kill my character and there were plenty of reasons to believe his intentions were also to cause harm. If he didn't believe he would be in danger in this situation, why else would he try and pretend to be someone else?

As for G3.1, I don't really understand why this rule has been placed in this report.
Hello mate, there was an ongoing situation between Cutlass and Marabunta at this point in time as shown in both logs and the clip as multiple members from both sides had been downed as a result. Myself and Pablo were the last members alive for either party. As is obvious that he was well aware as to what was happening throughout this, he decided to try and disguise himself so that he could get the upper hand against me by putting away his bike that was in full colours as well as trying to change his clothes to hide his identity. Unfortunately for him, I've had several run-ins with this character thus far throughout our beef and there were multiple identifying factors (Tattoos, face, skin colour, voice, lingering in the area and trying to get my attention by beeping the horn that numerous Marabunta and Cutlass are downed, arriving at the scene during an active situation with his gang) and my character wasn't willing to take the risk considering it would result in the deaths of both himself and the other Cutlass members that were downed in the situation if he had left this member of Marabunta alive. I identified him as a member of Marabunta and considering not long previously to this, his fellow members shot and killed Cutlass members and were actively attempting to kill me, he was shot as a result. There were various factors as to why I made this decision, one being the fact that a Marabunta isn't peacefully arriving at the scene of an ongoing fight with no intention of involving himself as he clearly knew I was armed, that a gunfight had broken out, that Marabunta had been shooting at Cutlass not long prior to his arrival and that police would more than likely be on the way, not to mention the fact that more Marabunta could have turned up at any point afterward pushing the odds further against me.

A 30 second clip has been posted and considering he believes this to be RDM, I think it would give us much more context and perspective regarding the situation if he were to post the entirety of the clip from where the situation began leading up to his arrival from where he would have been informed by his fellow members that a fight had broken out. There was a reason he changed out of identifiable clothing and vehicles as he would have been aware as to what was happening in some capacity and thus he knew the dangers of arriving, especially after interacting with me and being able to identify me himself and deciding to remain in the middle of an ongoing combat situation.

If his plan had succeeded and I was caught off-guard and put in a vulnerable position of placing people in cars, there would have been no qualms or second thoughts about taking advantage of that fact and downing me as what other reason would he be lingering in the middle of an active combat situation which his fellow gang members were a part of. Would he simply have spectated and watched the rival gang take his members and leave? I don't believe this to be the case.

He could have been watching from around the corner, he could have attempted to shoot me at some points and retreated to attempt a different angle of approach, we do not know because we don't have the minutes leading up to his arrival to the active gunfight between Marabunta and Cutlass, him being part of one of the gangs involved.

Multiple people came to bins throughout this situation and after speaking with them and identifying them, they remained alive and weren't further involved or shot at by myself. Pablo is a member of the gang that had just attempted to kill my character and there were plenty of reasons to believe his intentions were also to cause harm. If he didn't believe he would be in danger in this situation, why else would he try and pretend to be someone else?

As for G3.1, I don't really understand why this rule has been placed in this report.
Hiya Kilo Pal, i already explained why i was in the clothing and vehicle i was in qe, the clothing i had been wearing since 10pm when i went into disguise and try get a job at the arcade. I also explained that the vehicle was because of the fact that i was going to find a local bike after i had spoken to tommy and jenson. I did not go there with the intent of harm. There is no more to the clip, the beforehand is literally just me driving round the city in a local car towards bins, because as i explained in my first post that tommy and jenson told me they were there. Hate to be that guy kilo but if you read what people say in these reports before spewing a bunch of crap we might actually get somewhere. I heard no gunshots. I received no RP. I would like to see what staff have to say about this. Best regrads, Pabs x
Then post the full clip. You can claim anything without the evidence to back it up. I'd like you to prove that you weren't also shooting at me alongside your gang prior to this.

You neglected to mention that this was an ongoing combat situation between our groups. I added the context that you tried to hide in this report.

As far as I'm aware, RDM reports need to be 3-5 minutes prior to the alleged RDM. What are you trying to hide in the minutes leading up to this clip?
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Number one
Then post the full clip. You can claim anything without the evidence to back it up. I'd like you to prove that you weren't also shooting at me alongside your gang prior to this.

You neglected to mention that this was an ongoing combat situation between our groups. I added the context that you tried to hide in this report.

As far as I'm aware, RDM reports need to be 3-5 prior to the alleged RDM. What are you trying to hide in the minutes leading up to this clip?
Kilo mate you literally accused me of hop on in qe, so that is contradicting the fact that i was shooting a long side my gang. Number two, if i was shooting a long side my gang, i wouldnt have pretended to be a local i wouldve just continued to shoot at you. I understand that the clip is short, but the clip has already been cut to exactly where the situation started. And you know for a fact i wasnt there. I am not trying to hide anything, i just simply wasnt there. I really wish i could un-cut the clip but i am unable to do that. You all clearly know that i wasnt there previously as ronnie had sessionheaded as i pulled up and only decided to speak in looc at that time. This indicates to me and should indicate to you really that if i was there the whole time, surely ronnie would of brought it up earlier? Instead he did it when i ACTUALLY arrived. As the clip has already been cut, i cannot regain the whole footage. This is all i need to say to you. I would (again) like to wait and see what staff have to say about this. Best Regards, Pabs x
There isn't really much else to say in this report. You've shown a 30 second clip with no context. I don't believe that you weren't involved in the shootout.
There isn't really much else to say in this report. You've shown a 30 second clip with no context. I don't believe that you weren't involved in the shootout.
Okay mate. At the end of the day, there isnt anything else you can use to defend yourself other than referencing the clip duration. I still believe that this is RDM and the use of OOC information.
There was no OOC information used and I still see no evidence of this. I identified you myself.

There is no evidence of RDM. You've posted a 30 second clip with no context of a larger situation of an active shootout between our gangs.

Have a good one mate!
There was no OOC information used and I still see no evidence of this. I identified you myself.

There is no evidence of RDM. You've posted a 30 second clip with no context of a larger situation of an active shootout between our gangs.

Have a good one mate!
If you read what i have stated on ronnies report, it will explain the ooc segment to you.
You're saying because somebody else used sessionheads, that helped me identify that you were a member of Marabunta? I'm confused. It shows an ID, not a character name when you use sessionheads.

There was no OOC information used.
There was no OOC information used and I still see no evidence of this. I identified you myself.

There is no evidence of RDM. You've posted a 30 second clip with no context of a larger situation of an active shootout between our gangs.

Have a good one mate!
All i am saying is that its suspicious that ronnie sessionheads me as youre talking to me. Surely if you recognised my chest tattoo you would have shot me then and there? Instead, you run away, and then run back to shoot me. Doesnt add up to me.
You're grasping at straws in my opinion in every aspect of this report.

You're clearly hiding that you were further involved in the situation and using every attempt to try and get me banned.

As I said before, there isn't much else to say.
You're grasping at straws in my opinion in every aspect of this report.

You're clearly hiding that you were further involved in the situation and using every attempt to try and get me banned.

As I said before, there isn't much else to say.
Ok, you can think that. We can wait and see what staff have to say about it. I am not "using every attempt to try and get me banned" this is the second report i have ever written, and the first report i have ever written on you or any of your members.
@Pabz/Bruno Cortez Kilo is correct; for RDM reports, we require at least three minutes of footage before the attack. Do you have this footage?
@Pabz/Bruno Cortez Kilo is correct; for RDM reports, we require at least three minutes of footage before the attack. Do you have this footage?
i do not, as the clip i provided is the clip that previously had the whole footage. I understand i should have considered the length of the clip before i cut it. However my point of how kilo identified myself is still standing.
All right; both sides have had sufficient input on this report to investigate.

Thank you for reporting this @Pabz/Bruno Cortez

For cases of RDM, we always require at least three minutes of footage; there are exceptions for blatant rule breaks. However, the exception does not apply here. Keep that in mind, @Pabz/Bruno Cortez, for the future.

In the case of metagaming, the evidence is insufficient. There are reasonable explanations for how you were identified and shot; you are not unidentifiable; your skin colour is showing, along with your tattoos; you've only got a fake beard, so your face is still showing; you spoke (albeit in an accent) - combine that with the fact you turn up three minutes after your mate Tommy Twinkle dies. I'm not surprised you were identified. Regardless of what marker gave you away, you didn't hide them well if I spotted those listed in a glance at the video. The session ID argument isn't sensible or realistic either; I don't see the relevance of the session ID allegation.

Honestly, this is a seemingly wrong place at the wrong time situation—just one of those things. Unfortunately, it is what it is.

I wish you both well and have a good weekend. @Pabz/Bruno Cortez @KiloC

Report Declined