- Location
- A shitehole
Report a player
Your In-game Name: George McPherson
Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 78 - Jimmy
Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP
Date of the incident: 05/16/23
Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2050
What best describes this incident ?: G2.3 G4.4 C1.14
Please (in detail) describe the incident: On the 15/05/2023, myself and a couple friends took Jimmy hostage and used him for ransom to get 50k from the police in exchange for his life, throughout this situation Jimmy was constantly taunting us and bigging up his ''20 man organisation'' that would come sort us out and general name calling being very uncompliant regardless of the 3 knives pointed in his direction, the scenario played out and we ultimately were given free passage in exchange for him and after an enjoyable police chase we were all caught.
Then comes the next day, whilst out looking for another individual, we spot Jimmy in his taxi driving past the taxi rank and decide we were going to grab him and ask him questions about this organisation he was a part of. We follow him for a couple minutes whilst I grab a gun and some armour, I then pull alongside his taxi and ask him to pullover as he has ran some red lights, he keeps driving before I point a gun at him and tell him to stop driving before he gets a bullet in his head. He responds with ''Oh I remember you guys'' before driving off towards the pier, I then shoot and injure him which is where his complaining begins. I put him in my car and drive off to grab fuel where he sits in the car constantly saying how shit my rp was and how I cannot shoot someone unprovoked, I tried to just ignore it and say I didn't understand what he was saying which is where I checked I was recording. Then begins my elaborate plan to take him to a yacht and question him about his gang. My friends grabbed a heli whilst I grabbed some tools for intimidation etc. We began flying to the yacht where he stays almost silent throughout the journey and when we land he keeps going on about how shit this rp was etc etc. Again, trying to ignore it I continue with the scenario and begin questioning him while he continues to reference how he will respawn and come back to find us and referencing his in game death timer all while not roleplaying the fact he had been shot. Ultimately the scenario was ruined by Jimmy and I ended up shooting him 5 times in the face before leaving as some people on jetskis rocked up.
My friends are fairly new to the whole RP scene and having been here over a year now I just want to show them how to go about it and to influence better roleplay onto them. Jimmy made this near impossible and like stated before ruined the entire thing. Constantly threatening to report me and just speaking out of character for the entire scenario. The evidence for this has been added to a staff ticket listed below.
If Jimmy would like to reply to this and jump into a call to talk about the scenario I'm happy to do so and I'm sure my friends would be happy to as well!
Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):
This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes
You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes
This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes
Your In-game Name: George McPherson
Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 78 - Jimmy
Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP
Date of the incident: 05/16/23
Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2050
What best describes this incident ?: G2.3 G4.4 C1.14
Please (in detail) describe the incident: On the 15/05/2023, myself and a couple friends took Jimmy hostage and used him for ransom to get 50k from the police in exchange for his life, throughout this situation Jimmy was constantly taunting us and bigging up his ''20 man organisation'' that would come sort us out and general name calling being very uncompliant regardless of the 3 knives pointed in his direction, the scenario played out and we ultimately were given free passage in exchange for him and after an enjoyable police chase we were all caught.
Then comes the next day, whilst out looking for another individual, we spot Jimmy in his taxi driving past the taxi rank and decide we were going to grab him and ask him questions about this organisation he was a part of. We follow him for a couple minutes whilst I grab a gun and some armour, I then pull alongside his taxi and ask him to pullover as he has ran some red lights, he keeps driving before I point a gun at him and tell him to stop driving before he gets a bullet in his head. He responds with ''Oh I remember you guys'' before driving off towards the pier, I then shoot and injure him which is where his complaining begins. I put him in my car and drive off to grab fuel where he sits in the car constantly saying how shit my rp was and how I cannot shoot someone unprovoked, I tried to just ignore it and say I didn't understand what he was saying which is where I checked I was recording. Then begins my elaborate plan to take him to a yacht and question him about his gang. My friends grabbed a heli whilst I grabbed some tools for intimidation etc. We began flying to the yacht where he stays almost silent throughout the journey and when we land he keeps going on about how shit this rp was etc etc. Again, trying to ignore it I continue with the scenario and begin questioning him while he continues to reference how he will respawn and come back to find us and referencing his in game death timer all while not roleplaying the fact he had been shot. Ultimately the scenario was ruined by Jimmy and I ended up shooting him 5 times in the face before leaving as some people on jetskis rocked up.
My friends are fairly new to the whole RP scene and having been here over a year now I just want to show them how to go about it and to influence better roleplay onto them. Jimmy made this near impossible and like stated before ruined the entire thing. Constantly threatening to report me and just speaking out of character for the entire scenario. The evidence for this has been added to a staff ticket listed below.
If Jimmy would like to reply to this and jump into a call to talk about the scenario I'm happy to do so and I'm sure my friends would be happy to as well!
Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):
This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes
You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes
This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes