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Report a player - 714 - GTA RP


Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Mike Revrolski
Reported Players: 714
Date: Jul 18, 2024
Time: 22:50
What best describes this incident: (G1.2) Random Death Match (RDM
Please (in detail) describe the incident: Earlier in the evening i first came across 714 whilst doing some drunk rp at the kraken it was pretty normal rp, id had drinks tried to drive got arrested, once let go i went back to the kraken and carried on with the drunk rp, it was simple jokey drunk rp of me going upto a bike a taking the fuel cap off everyone there then started to punch me and what not which im bother about.

Then when i went to leave i got into a black local sultan that 714 claimed to be his as i was entering it, he manged to get in before i drove off and demanded his car back. i said fine you can have it when we get to the pharmacy, when we arrived there where another 2 players were there in a local car so i got out of the sultan got my bandaged and then got into the other 2 players local car and as i went to drive off i was shot by one of the two players that were already at the pharmacy, they both then feld the scene and i was left on my own thinking 714 had left when i got my bandages.

Actually his game had crashed and when he returned to find me dead him simply put me in a boot and left. I tried to ask him to DC at this point via OOC but did not have his ID so i was ignored, i also did not get this clipped . (as far as im aware that was the last time i seen this player prior to the hospital)

A Couple hours later i was in a scene with two new players outside of pillbox, i was having banter with one as he was welsh and noticed my accent. however his mate was not finding it too funny (in the truck), the rp was good we were both having a laugh talking shit to one another but nothin serious, on the corner of my screen i notice 714 on the opposite side of the hospital fence trying to hide in the bushes (right at the start of clip), as hes said nothing i pay no attention to him within in rp, he then jumps the fence gets closer but still says nothing, whilst mid scene with 2 different players he pulls a gun and shoots me then leaves again without saying a single word?

As ive got his ID ive then asked him to come to DC again which this time he did.

He then says himself i stole his car earlier and crashed into him earlier and that i was talking smack prior to the DC outside pillbox, again he wasnt a part scene outside pillbox at all... through out the short call im shouted over and am unable to get any real conversation out of them as i simply just wanted to talk about what had happened, he then mentions stuff that happened before and then claims the 2 outside pillbox were his mates even tho in the clip after i get shot they both say they dont know him?, im not sure if thats true but not really relevant. i was then told to 'initiate my ma' by one of 714s friends which he then chirped in on adding an 'exactly' i didnt want to continue the call with them after that as i feel they taken this beyond rp.

I dont feel I need to explain as to why I feel this is unaccpetable.
Link(s) To Any Evidence: clip 1 RDM - https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/iingdrVj6o_orNDRu/d13371uwzFfi?invite=cr-MSx5MlUsMTc3NTk3NDQ4LA Clip 2 DC call - https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/iinuwcOho9yE7cHxK/d13372cgx0XV?invite=cr-MSxlWUosMTc3NTk3NDQ4LA
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Okay so you’ve stole my car, you’ve crashed into me, numerous times, asked for you to give it back, you’ve simply drove off which you’ve admitted in the discord call. As you can see from this we have already built a reason for what happened to you at pillbox. I don’t understand why you feel this is RDM. The only rp I’ve seen you deliver to the city is basically driving around stolen cars, crashing into players, talking shit to people outside pillbox. I’m honestly puzzled at this report.
Okay so you’ve stole my car, you’ve crashed into me, numerous times, asked for you to give it back, you’ve simply drove off which you’ve admitted in the discord call. As you can see from this we have already built a reason for what happened to you at pillbox. I don’t understand why you feel this is RDM. The only rp I’ve seen you deliver to the city is basically driving around stolen cars, crashing into players, talking shit to people outside pillbox. I’m honestly puzzled at this report.
Thinking back I didn't actually ever hit you with a car? I crashed into other cars and such but never hit you or another person?

again yes there was prior rp with the car being taken to the pharmacy but i think you are failing to see the actual reasons why I've made the report, even tho there was prior rp what you done is still rdm, and they way you handled the discord call wasn't appropriate at all.

As far as my rp goes I've been a part of this server for almost 3/4 years and have had my main character since then. The character you met was doing exactly what it was created for being an annoying alcoholic mess, there is more that one way to roleplay.

But to hopefully clarify to you as to why I've made the report,

reason 1 - not because you killed me, its because of was the way you done it, not a single word said.

Reason 2 - the way the discord call was handled and what was said towards me at the end of the call.
I’m not going to argue with you my guy, we had previous roleplay were you purposely tried to piss me off, which you’ve admitted too. Why have a character like this that goes out with the purpose to wind people up ? I don’t see how this is good rp

As per report guidelines, can you please provide 3-5 minutes worth of footage prior to the alleged rulebreaks. At the time your shot, it’s 55 seconds worth of footage. This is not enough i’m afraid.

As per report guidelines, can you please provide 3-5 minutes worth of footage prior to the alleged rulebreaks. At the time your shot, it’s 55 seconds worth of footage. This is not enough i’m afraid.
Hi logan, sorry If thats clear/long enough.

There literally isn't anything earlier with him at pillbox as my clip legnth is set to 2 mins to save space, that point 714 appears at the fence to when he gets in the gray sultan is how long he was there. Roughly 60 seconds.

I didn't have any reason to clip anything earlier as the 2 players I was talking to were completely separate to him. You can clearly see I'm in a scene with 2 players that would've been going on for a little bit to develop the level of banta I was at with them... Then he appeared.. which is around where my clip ended up starting.

I guess it'll jus be a do better next time then...
However I still find the way this player spoke to me out of rp completely unnecessary.

Thanks for taking the time to go thu the report:)
I apologise if I was heated, I was just in a previous QE with people who we felt meta gamed with how they rocked up to the dodgy where we were located.

No problem. I understand why you have your clips limited to 2 minutes however please note it just means if you are the victim of RDM, reporting this will prove hard.

Due to lack of evidence, this will be Declined.