- Location
- United Kingdom
Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Harrison Willsworth
Reported Players: 57125 Citizen ID session ID 62
Date: Mar 15, 2025
Time: 16:50
What best describes this incident: Fail RP
Please (in detail) describe the incident: Player ID above failed RP as whole. While in the custody cells he proceed to say i have a few cuts on me, i proceeded to say no worries we will get NHS down to tend to your injuries we will just finish the check in process, while doing this he did not give any urgency to the fact he was seriously injured and then later became incapacitated. Due to this while in the cells he was saying i beat him up and saying this was the cause of his injuries. i proceed to request NHS and they came quickly. Upon NHS giving first aid treatment he then failed medical RP by changing up his story and constantly chaninging his symptoms, after 15 mins of incapcitation he then proceeded to kill his character. The fail RP comes as after speaking to NHS in city they said we gave a blood tranfusion and stopped all bleeding so he shouldnt have died, speaking OOC we came to the conclusion he just didnt want to go to prison as he never blacked out or anything, and never gave any RP to simulate a death as NHS stopped all major injuries. NHS on scene was @firemansam
Link(s) To Any Evidence: , search photo https://i.gyazo.com/ad26af1e1d278b8a8cc3de4ea6d1c908.png, NHS clip https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/jT4JOP7x3R-Dm61GN?invite=cr-MSxHRFosMTU3MDM5ODc0