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Report a player - 543,702,604,635 - GTA RP


Well-known member

Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Bob Panini
Reported Players: 543,702,604,635
Date: Nov 23, 2024
Time: 22:25
What best describes this incident: G2.3 and G7.3
Please (in detail) describe the incident: I believe the video speaks for itself regarding the rule breaks "Enjoy your respawn timer" and the other strange thing was when they started talking about how I sound like someone from Fortnite? Whilst executing someone, very strange. They also said I sound like a paedophile? I believe the "RP" showcased in this situation was very odd and not high quality in any form. To my knowledge "executions must be carried out with high quality roleplay" Not sure what's high quality about talking about Fortnite whilst drowning someone.

I also had the displeasure of going to liason with 543, he said he hasn't read the rules and joined the community a week ago. (I think he also needs to be pegi checked)
Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/j94pjqBlxnX-FiLE5?invite=cr-MSwyZU0sMTk5NzUzNzg5LA
Hey @Ryan_1 Do you happen to have a longer video at all because you are reporting for Both (G2.3) Roleplay Everything & (G7.3) Executions which the evidence you've provided is only 7 seconds long which doesn't meet our report requirements "Any clips must include 3-5 minutes of unedited footage before the alleged rule break occurs so staff can gain some idea of context and lead-up."
Hello, I put the wrong clip here's the one I was meant to put. I can't get a longer clip than this one unfortunately.
Player 543 - Jamal Hill has been banned for G2.3 under FBS for 24 hours for clearly breaking character speaking about a "respawn timer"

Thanks for the report.