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Report a player - 380 and 382 - GTA RP

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Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Jack Richards

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 380 and 382

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 11/28/22

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1530

What best describes this incident ?: NVL AND RDM

Please (in detail) describe the incident: (G1.1) Random Vehicle Death Match (RVDM) - Using your vehicle as a weapon (Running players over, causing explosions, ramming player vehicles) without a valid roleplay reason is considered RVDM.
Basicly i took this guy hostage inside the pawn shop i tried to give him a pleasent experience i saw that he doesnt have much so wanted to release him , police officer shows up sees that its a kidnapp scene calls for backup the police was called probably by his mate . At that time the back up arrive and im leaving the pawn shop with a hostage so i can get away . I get to the car with good roleplay and proceed to leave the scene when his mate decides its high quality roleplay to ram me with the car try to run me over when my vehicle broke and then his mate hit me with a shovel in the head from behind like u can see in the video . So lets see this logic your mate is in a car with a kidnapper the place is swarmed with police , the kidnapper has a glock 17 in his arm and hes pointing it to the head of your mate . So you decide the best action is to chase down the criminel yourself not even care for the police, destroy a very good RP scene by smashing my car full force not caring for your life , mine life or your mates life and just proceed to run me over while your mate is hitting me with a shovel in the head if this is good RP action then i dont know what to say to be honest .

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

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You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes
Before I say anything regarding this situation, did you tick this by accident? I checked OOC chat multiple times and seen nothing referring to myself (380) or my friend (382). If you had done and I missed it then can we discuss this first in liason, see what happens and go from there? 

If you refuse the wish to liase, let me know and I'll write down my side of the sitation and we can have a lovely debate about whose wrong and whose right. 


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes
Yeah... 👀 

I dont think there is not much to say here bro u basicly destroyed my RP but we can go in 10 minutes to the room and talk if u think u can convince me VDM is approved then we gonna see what happens from there . And please dont threaten me beacuse im convinced you are in the wrong tbh and for the this is not a revenge report it should stand no i just copy pasted the file so sorry tbh my mistake . All the best mate cheers

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Hello mate! Would have been nice if we tried to talk this through in discord or something but it's all good if you feel that wouldn't have come to a positive conclusion. Just be mindful you ticked the box claiming you attempted to resolve this.

If you would like to resolve this alternatively just let me know and myself and @Scott Andersonwill be happy to speak to you.

The situation was all very out of the blue and began when I was just checking stock in the pawn shop that we own and buying some food before the storm as we had something planned. You entered the shop and once Jamal left the shop (The other fella who was with me) you pointed a gun and told me to put my hands up - Nothing special about the rp but I didn't mind and followed your commands as much as I could considering your voice changer made it near impossible to understand what you were saying. Jamal who was outside saw what was going on and phoned the police. Once you had realised the police arrived, it turned from a robbery to a hostage taking where you opted to use myself as your way out, again was not complaining about this and I went along with it. You obviously were new to all this and instead of negotiating with the police to gain free passage you just forced me into a vehicle and drove off with little communication with the police. Again, this was all very lackluster in terms of rp and little was said or planned. Throughout the encounter I continued to warn you that it wasn't a great idea taking myself hostage as I knew Jamal was also in possession of a weapon when I saw his car go towards the tower where it was stored. I also was in possession of a shovel throughout. Once I was in the vehicle and you began driving I told you it wasn't a great idea what you were doing whilst looking behind us at Jamals vehicle which was gaining speed. He inevitably rams the vehicle and disables it after you had just taken his good friend and family associate hostage (Not very random) and you exit the vehicle and don't tell me to do anything nor do you aim your weapon at me. Jamal drives his car towards you with the intent of flattening you for being such a silly lad however misses, once you turn to face the vehicle I pull my shovel and donk you in the back of the head where you cannot see me. Unfortunately, it doesn't down you and you turn and begin shooting me to which I had two options: 1: I stop running at you and put my hands up and get shot. 2: I take my chances at the manic man shooting and finish him once and for all. I chose option 2 which kept me alive and in my opinion was the best thing to do to value my life, since if I stopped running at you I would have been shot more than once.

To address the alleged rule breaks: 

RVDM: It was far from random - like stated above I warned you throughout and you also asked myself whether the man outside was ''with me'' to which I responded that he was in so many words. Whether you knew that we were part of the callaghan family and whether you cared or not may have altered the roleplay from yourself but it appeared that you had no idea who we were and what we would do if we were the ones to catch you. Moving on, VDM indeed, random it was not, you knew he was with me and I was warning you throughout, of course he was going to use his car offensively to ensure I lived.

NVL: As I briefly covered above, from my POV: https://youtu.be/2lgtTKSJSnM when you begin shooting at Jamals car - your back is turned where I find my opportunity to strike on you. You knew I had a shovel from when you searched me but you opted to let me keep it and should have had some sense of danger around me, especially with your back turned. Once I had striked you in the back of the head I would have assumed you'd either go down or be incredibly concussed and injured which would give me the upper hand in the fight knowing there was police on scene and Jamal was still alive and well in his car. You were outnumbered and frankly were a bit stupid to think you'd make it out alive. Nothing was random about the incident and had you been a bit more creative and interactive with myself inside the pawn shop and with the police myself and Jamal may have been more inclined to entertain a different avenue of roleplay, however it was incredibly robotic and nothing was special about the situation. 

I've been on the server for almost 8 months and have 2 main characters, one in the police and one in the callaghan family. I haven't been punished or reported for any rule breaks in over 6 months and have always provided the best roleplay I can with what I have. Like I stated at the beginning, I'm happy to jump in discord to attempt to resolve this without the need for any reports however I'm not exactly optimistic since I know from experience that you probably want that gun back and need this report actioned to do so. Hopefully not. 

Apologies for it being so long I just don't feel like I have broken any rules, but will agree the roleplay could have been better from yourself and me.

We're in the Churchill Room in discord when you're ready to join. 

if u think u can convince me VDM is approved
Just an FYI, VDM is completely allowed within the server. Myself and Jamal (Scott Anderson) will be waiting in churchill if you'd like to have a chat there instead.

RVDM is not allowed on the server what are u even trying to say and what is your bussiness with me and how you dont value your mates life i could shot him in the head when u rammed us

RVDM is not allowed on the server
Never said anything regarding RVDM being allowed. I said VDM is completely allowed.

Just for staff, we entered a liaison channel where the reporter stated he wasn't going to take the report down and only cared to get his gun back. I will refrain from saying anything until staff respond.

The reporter was just trying to argue that Jamal wasn't involved with the whole situation and therefore it was random. 

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This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: No

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): No

Edit : If you expect this to be high quality roleplay and ramm people in a middle of a speeding chase then i dont wanna reply even more . So there is material for RVDM , NVL and not getting me high quality roleplay instead what you should done is be scared for your friends life , let the police do the job and wait for the scene to play out further .

To essentially describe how the liason went, the first thing he said was he wasn't going to take the report down no matter what was discussed. He also didn't try to resolve it beforehand and had no real intention to resolve afterwards, he also stated he only wanted to try and get the report accepted so he can enter a compensation request for his gun (and ammunition most likely). I'll type a longer reply to discuss my side of it later as I'm occupied at the moment. 

Its fair for me to say that i dont want to discuss it beacuse i feel there was no good RP here ,and ofc im gonna apply for the gun the appeal if i win that is my right and is completely normal so i dont see where you get with this snitching . I told you i didnt want to go to discord to waste your time when i decided that im going to make that report so it would be even more worse for me to call you discord argue 2hrs and then just report you thats time wasted . All the best lad cheers

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I'll break down the rules you think I've broken and explain why I haven't. 

(G1.1) Random Vehicle Death Match (RVDM) - Using your vehicle as a weapon (Running players over, causing explosions, ramming player vehicles) without a valid roleplay reason is considered RVDM.
Nothing about me ramming into you or attempting to bonnet you was random. You full well knew there was two people involved, myself (380) outside and 382 inside as your hostage. If you weren't aware we were together that is an issue with your planning and perception of your failed robbery attempt. You walked into the Pawn Shop that my organisations owns. With two of us inside (initially), dressed almost identically. You also had eluded to the fact you aware we were together as you questioned 382 if I (380) would "shoot" you. On top of that fact, how do you think the Police got there? I phoned them. Now lets talk about the car I rammed you in. That car was the same car that was parked outside, you seen it when you walked into the Pawn Shop. You seen it when you walked out of the Pawn Shop. You seen it when I was stood behind it whilst you were inside the Pawn Shop. You also would've seen me (380) get in and out of that same car, likewise with unlocking and locking it. If you aren't aware by this point that the car that rammed you was that same car you would've seen at least 3/4 times I would recommend a trip to specsavers.

Now lets go through the reasoning behind it, you had just held up a good friend and family member inside our own shop. You then kidnapped that same person right in front of me, you really think I'm going to let you get away that easily? Of course not. I rammed you to help the Police apprehend you, given there was one literally right behind me. It worked, your vehicle was disabled and you got out with gun in hand, I then attempted to lightly tap you with my bonnet so you'd fall over and keep doing that until Police were able to run over and arrest you. However, you managed to hit my front-left tyre and spin me out so I was unable to execute what I had originally envisenged and had to pull away. You then proceed to light me up with your glock which gives me enough reasoning to fully bonnet you but again, to no avail as I missed. Nothing about that whole situation was random, and therefore not RVDM. Maybe not what you had planned (Which you admitted there was no plan) and hoped, but not RVDM. 

So there is material for RVDM , NVL and not getting me high quality roleplay instead what you should done is be scared for your friends life , let the police do the job and wait for the scene to play out further .
To further add on to the point above, me ramming your vehicle is in an attempt (Arguably a good one) of saving my friends life. I didn't hear you threaten his life to me once saying you'd shoot him etc etc. Letting the Police doing their job is fine, nothing stops me from helping them. You thinking that I cannot help because you have my mate hostage is a load of piss to be quite frank, there is no rule or otherwise which states I must value his life. Only that I must value my own. You also keep going on about "high quality roleplay" yet I didn't see any of that from you whatsoever. You completely shut down any hostage roleplay with the Police at the shop. Which IF you had done, could've ended the situation way differently and you maybe would've managed to keep your gun that you seem to love so much. You also shut down any further roleplay by dying on scene to the injuries you had sustained, which as far as I'm aware was 1. Shovel hits to your skull and 2. GSW's to the side/arm, which is in no way in my opinion life threatening and you could've had further RP with the Police (In the cells), Prison RP (Assuming you were sent to prison, who knows what could've happened) and then finally, getting revenge on the people who screwed you and got you arrested. But no, you instead made your character die on scene diminishing all those different lines of roleplay from ever occurring. Doesn't seem very "high quality" to me. 

Same points as RVDM. Nothing about it was random. Could it have been done with more finesse, oh absolutely! However certain restrictions within RP, such as Police being present, made that virtually impossible. I could've made you endure grueling torture for hours, all of platinum standard RP of course, but I couldn't as Police were keen to arrest you. And I don't blame them.

Not sure how this applies to me, most likely to 382 but as previously explained I am under no requirement to value someone elses life and at the time was also carrying a gun which would've nullified the disadvanatage in the equation for NVL in regards to myself.


Now to move on to yourself @KillerCurse, that whole situation could've gone so much better. You could've planned the robbery, scoped out the "target" per se, gained intelligence etc but didn't -- IF you had done, it could've gone more in your favor or even stopped you from attempting the robbery altogether, who knows! You also could've as previously mentioned RP'ed with Police, negotiated for the release of the hostage for x demands, most commonly, free passage & no spike strips...had a fun chase, maybe even escaped! Who knows what could've happened. But you shut all that down before it had a chance to get started because you, as described in our liason, had a hostage and everyone must comply with your demands otherwise they wouldn't be valuing the hostages life and that hostage takers "never" negotiate for hostages, they only demand - which just isn't true.

I think you forget RP is a two way street and that randomly robbing people without any forward thinking or planning, just using the assumption (And arguably ruleplaying) that anyone trying to stop you is not allowed to as you have a hostage does not and will never work. 

And a few questions you should ask yourself on your next random robbery attempt:
Are they alone?
Are they apart of a gang, if so, which gang and what threat that might present either now or in future?
Are they likely going to have anything, is it worth the risk for the reward?

Are you alone, is the possible threat you face something you can task alone or do you need support?
Are you adeptly equipped?
Do you have a back up plan if things go sideways? Such as, Police unexpectedly turning up.

The questions mentioned above are all things that should always be considered before doing something like you did today, which if you had done some planning you most likely would've covered all of that and more! However, should you choose to do something as a "spur of the moment" thing, you must anticipate that things can and will go wrong, and that it might not go your way. 

Given how the liason went and the fact you think that myself and 382 broke the rules without hesitation I'm going to refuse from commenting any further unless something is needed from me by a member of staff. I also have an extreme distaste that is being a forum warrior and the constant back and forth bickering. I do not have any recording from my POV as it seemed a run of the mill thing at the time. I again, would like to stress that to me it seems like this report was only put up so @KillerCursecould have his items that he lost returned given the fact he identified he didn't want to liase with us and when he did he stated from the get go he wouldn't be taking it down. Which is just petty and, to rephrase @KillerCurse, "you're a mad man that doesn't wish to resolve the issue and only cares about your gun".

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


@KillerCursehello do you have any prior footage of this?
as you should be aware of, we require atleast 3-5 minutes of footage prior to the supposed rulebreak to remove any chances of missed RP that could affect the outcome of the report
As you can see this specific rulebreak is not really blatant, his mate was parked outside, they presumely came in the same vehicle as i see nothing else apart from a police vehicle, and yours, showing they most likely were together

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anyway, going through the report so far, i'll see if i have some stuff to bring up for both sides

the kidnapper has a glock 17 in his arm and hes pointing it to the head of your mate
did you show any form of RP inside the vehicle that this was still the case? 

chase down the criminel yourself not even care for the police,
most people tend to not care for the police, nothing wrong in it, vigilantes are allowed(atleast within the limits of server rules)

smashing my car full force not caring for your life , mine life or your mates life
probably one of the milder crashes i've ever seen on this server, a few bruises here and there and that'll probably be it, going for both within the banshee

Yeah... 👀
please send me a DM somewhere to explain this

he wasn't going to take the report down and only cared to get his gun back.
Any proof of said accusation? otherwise it'll rightfully be thrown in the bin and forgotten about

RVDM is not allowed on the server what are u even trying to say
correct, VDM on the other hand, is.

i dont see where you get with this snitching

one final question for you @KillerCursebefore i await responses, why did you not RP your injuries? you did get a shovel over the head afterall.
and no, you're not "dead tbh" you're downed, it's 2 different things 😉

Any proof of said accusation? otherwise it'll rightfully be thrown in the bin and forgotten about
Hello, cheers for the response nikolai. 

I personally didn't record the liaison as I didn't expect it to go how it did which is a shame however @NotLeviwas present and has messaged me saying he has a recording so hopefully he can send that to you when he is available.

Every report of any situation that i give you is not being reviwed how it should be if this is high quality roleplay then no problem i guess i chose a wrong server beacuse as i can see older members of the community get to tell you anything they want and new ones are just considered rude and offensive if they have to say something so im gonna be honest i have like 4 NVL clipped and i dont see even 1 that isnt a rule brake we can say all we want but in real life when there is a hostage situation nobody AND I REPEAT NOBODY can intervine inside the situation cuz he would be probably get targeted by police too for doing something like taking a life infront of the same police and to be fair i dont see in real life people offten getting rammed with vehicles like its a James Bond movie

This is just stretching it to a degree where i dont want it to get stretched , i get it they are old members of the community and that im gonna get a sentence to this report with a big NO

further more here is the video moments before the disaster.


If you were watching the video i was pointing the gun all the time at the hostage , we didnt even start to RP in the car i just told him if we get out of this one alive im gonna give you loads of money and i told him hes a nice guy a bro . So basicly i was being nice to him in the car that doesnt change the outcome of the RP beacuse his friend was not in the vehicle and he saw moments before that i had a gun pointed to his friends face , i showed agression towards his friend to comply to my instructions even said to him one time when he entered drivers place that he need to get out or im gonna blow his head out so a sign of frustration definetly towards the victim in conclusion my character was not stable . And for the gun part in the liason i said that i knew that i wanted to report all along didnt want to spend gentlmens time in a discord call beacuse i have better things to do they have better things to do so they started to say about the gun how the report is only about that i told them even if it is here are signs of non high quaility roleplay and nvl and i have every right if i feel that i lost something unfair to complain so i dont see a problem there and i dont see why people lie so much around here .

this has been open for a solid while now(and i admittingly forgot about it) so i'm just gonna skip straight to the chase

no one is getting a ban/warning

the ramming was all good and not "RVDM" as he was a mate of his, if he didn't ram you, the cops probably would've when they caught up to you.

NVL is not really there either, the person in the car(your hostage to be clear) valued his life, his friend may not have valued the hostages life, but it doesn't state anywhere rule wise you have to value anyone but your life in any situation you may find yourself in.

a gun doesnt make you invincible, i can still run you over, you can still die, just the way of life on RPUK, learn to adapt and improvise.

And @KillerCursereporting is not here for you to get items you lost back, it's to rid the server of rulebreakers, use it as such in the future.


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