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Report a player - 370 - GTA RP

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On the metro
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Reece Graham

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 370

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 07/29/23

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1957

What best describes this incident ?: (C2.4) Combat storing

Please (in detail) describe the incident: I was attending a vehicle pursuit on my police character involving a cutlass member. I arrived outside the arcade when multiple panic alarms were going off, as well as gunfire. Officers started to de-assign. I was ready to leave when I saw an individual running, I slowed to see what he was doing. My vehicle was then rammed by ID 370, who was out of colours and didn't interact with me prior to the ramming. His actions forced me to not be able to leave the scene along with other officers, I was then shot and downed by another player.

Following my incapacitation, ID 370 parked the truck he used to ram me and switched to a bike, fleeing the area. I firmly believe that this incident violates rule C2.4, as he engaged in combat with the vehicle moments before parking it.

I can provide a longer video if needed.
I will not be replying to this report until staff request me to do so.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: No

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

Hi @NotLevi,
Would you be willing to talk about this in a liasion and see if we can come to an understanding there before we proceed here ?
As you have tagged me in OOC about roleplay however have placed a report against combat storing.


What is there to understand? You rammed me with no interaction or attempt to RP. Then stored the vehicle in what seems like an attempt to stop police from searching/impounding/scrapping.

Not going to liase because well… I don’t have to, and don’t see the point of you trying to defend combat storing. 

Hi @NotLevi,
The reason I asked to liasie is not to disprove combat storing but rather to talk about the situation however, since you do not wish to take this route I will address the situation here.

So from my side of the RP I am in a truck and see numerous officers making their way down to the arcade, I dont know if this is a raid or what however, I jump on radio to inform the rest of the guys. 

Once arriving at the arcade shots begin to ring off, on comms it is said that feds are being light up, therefore a combat situation has occured, Now that police can be a danger to me and to my friends I decide to assist in the situation and notice my friend running around with a gun, from your clip I can even see you was ready to shoot him, I wasn't about to let my friends be shot whilst Im being told we are engaging police. 

Therefore I rammed you and allowed the person you pointed a gun at to shoot you since we are now fighting police. 

I then proceeded to store the vehicle not in an attempt to combat store the benson or the 100 or so coal that was inside it, but rather to pull out my bike to continue the current gunfight and assist my friends.

(C2.4) Combat storing - Storing your vehicle in a way that prevents roleplay such as but not limited to garaging a vehicle whilst you are being chased or impounding/scrapping your vehicle to gain an advantage.

I fail to see how me storing this benson has provided me with an advantage, I would also just like to add that at this point storing vehicles in this spot has became muscle memory and is just something that occurs when pulling a vehicle into this spot, I had no intention to purposely combat store this vehicle rather than changing my current vehicle to assist and engage in the situation at hand. I never knew that what I did would also be classed as combat storing as it gave me no advantage storing this vehicle nor did it impact any current rp as no one was chasing me for it, nor was anyone trying to gain its contents. I just began assisting in an ogoing situation. 

I don’t think the ramming was a rule break, hence me not also including RVDM in the report. I just think it was poor roleplay. I understand perspective can be different though. 

As for the combat storing. You doing this caused a whole avenue of roleplay to be shut down as I mentioned in my prior reply.

I fail to see how me storing this benson has provided me with an advantage
Police COULD have used the truck/its plate to identify people involved in the shooting. 

Police COULD have searched it and found something relevant to the shooting that was ongoing, granted you said there was only coal coke in there - that is besides the point. 

You stored the vehicle therefore preventing these things from happening, therefore giving you and/or your group an advantage.

You stored the vehicle therefore preventing these things from happening, therefore giving you and/or your group an advantage.
There is no advantage, you was downed, not dumped, you stating no avenues of rp could stem from this however this is latter from the truth, you firsthand witnessed this so not only this you could even go and mention this to your superiors or bring it forward to CID, maybe even issue a warrant for a raid, you’re  choosing to pursue this agenda that I have gained an advantage just doesn’t sit right, it feels as if you are nitpicking some reason to have me suffer some type of consequence for something that to me personally doesn’t feel like an advantage.

Police COULD have used the truck/its plate to identify people involved in the shooting. 
I’m sure numerous vehicles were flagged during the shootout besides just one truck, most likely my own personal bike that I was then later on still engaged within the combat stemmed from this situation.

You also state this as “Poor RP”

You are on a gang turf, shots begin to ring, you yourself brandish a firearm due to the current threat you are at, numerous panics are alerted in the same area ? However you’re still classing this as some form of RDM as if you aren’t assessing the possibilities that may occur ? 

You have also stated that people could have been used identified to who was at the shooting when I was the one that was in a truck so what possibility is this to finding out who else ? I know for a fact at least 3 people if not more we’re arrested all with PNC tags of OCG Cutlass so I’m once again confused how is me storing this vehicle any advantage 

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However you’re still classing this as some form of RDM
Clearly you haven’t read my reply where I state I have no issue with me being incapacitated.

I’ll no longer reply to this report as we are just going to go in circles.

Clearly you haven’t read my reply where I state I have no issue with me being incapacitated.
There is no where in this report where you have stated you have no issue about being incapacitated ? Where are these replies ? 

I’m confused are you trying to shut down the current conversation because I am responding to your points ? Or are you just trying to paint me in a bad light due to my FBS status ? 

I asked you to liase to have a genuine conversation around this report yet to me it just seems like you’re trying to shut down methods of talking about situation and what was correct and incorrect. 

I have stated that I have gained no advantage from storing this vehicle, I am more than happy to hear out why you think I have gained and advantage by storing this vehicle like I have previously stated. 

I’m confused are you trying to shut down the current conversation because I am responding to your points ? Or are you just trying to paint me in a bad light due to my FBS status ? 
I'm trying to shut down the conversation of me being incapacitated because I do not care about that. If I did, you would have been reported for that also. 

I've reported you for combat storing and I don't wish to discuss it further, I'll leave this for a staff member's opinion. 

Hello all,

Lets start off with @EzeThis was very stupid of you, this does constitute C2.4 Combat Storing. However, lucky for you this will be a warning due to the pettiness of this report...

This could've been resolved with a liaison @NotLevi

Action: Warning

Your report has been dealt with, but perhaps not in the way you originally envisaged.

Whether this is beneficial or disadvantageous to you will depend entirely on the situation, and staff will have taken the most-appropriate action in the circumstances.

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